The Saphire Lounge: Tribute to an architect (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Jun 14, 2022
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
Hey all. Few years ago my family lost an absolute titan of a man: he was one of the most welcoming, empathetic and intelligent men I've known, and I can count on one hand the people I liked better. Cancer isn't a fair fight, too many of you know that, but the metaphorical table he built keeps growing. That was him, always an open seat, a plate to give, a big pat on the back and second helpings before the family football games. He was an architect, and his voice still echoes in a good amount of NJ: Rutgers buildings, churches, community centers. Like I said, big table and big hugs.

His last name was Saphire. His firm grew, but on some Fridays, they would relax and celebrate after a long week's work. Dim the lights a bit, order some I-talian catering and play Bruce Springsteen, inviting their families and kids to the "lounge" as their table grew in number; they called it "The Saphire Lounge". Feelings of relaxation, good times and good food, just enough wine, kicking your feet up after earning it all week. Show a little faith, there's magic in the night!

Now, he's survived by 4 wonderful children, the last of which is being married in a few years. I know I've got time and there's no rush, but I'm 100% sure of this gift, a cash set called The Saphire Lounge. He wasn't a big gambler or anything but he certainly loved games, and cards was a great way to join a family together after the meal. Whatta poker face on this man, he knew what I was thinking at all times.

Okay! Hard part out of the way, typing that out while holding it together lol. Four children, all amazing cousins of mine; 4 denominations in this cash set. Is it crazy to have each denoms colors represent one of them? I'll lay out the info I have so far. It will include nickels, quarters, 1s and 5s. No, they might not need the 5cent pieces everytime they play, but he would've wanted it that way, let everyone play, get the grandkids involved. Much more likely to have a full table buying in for $10. I would consider adding $20s or $25s, but doubt they'll ever see the table. Might be fun to have if they're cheap anyways.

This idea might be too crazy, but I'm going to go for it until I can't; "fail while daring greatly", said Teddy.

Favorite colors of the cousins:
#1: Dark blue
#2: Light blue, black, and lavender
#3: "Deep blue with green or gray undertones. I also like analagous colors: blue/purple, purple/red"
#4: Green and gold
#5: Aunt, maybe? Dark red, burgundy wine

(Can you tell which one is a professor?)


$25.00:?? We'll see

Type of Chip
This one is going to be a cheap ceramic set. I'm still a student and I want to do this for them, but I don't think this will be used more than 2-3 times a year when the family gets together, I can't afford to go all out on a fancy set that will be in the closet for so long, and I love the customization options of the ceramics anyways. They're a wonderful, creative family that will enjoy this. Maybe the new Greek molds.

This is where I'll be reaching out for help. I don't know how to do it justice, it's intimidating. Obviously the last name Saphire lends itself to all kinds of themes, but an old-timey feel is more appealing to me. When I google Saphire Lounge all I get is nightclubs and Chase Bank ads! The prominent Saphire and maybe a hint of an architect's sketching? I'll be willing to pay for any design help if any of this interests you, but I'm going to be picky as hell, just like he was with his designs.

Okay, I'll use this thread to plan and develop, thanks for any interest. I'm not in a rush but wanted to write this all down somewhere, and it makes me very happy thinking about making them happy. I'll post some ideas for chips that match the cousin's preferences but I'm new here, please feel free to do the same or give comments about it.
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This is a great project. Not crazy at all. Or maybe crazy in the right way. I would love to help if you need it. I will def follow this one.

For inlay, maybe use a sketch of the elevation of one of his buildings? From a blueprint rendering would be cool.
This is a great project. Not crazy at all. Or maybe crazy in the right way. I would love to help if you need it. I will def follow this one.

For inlay, maybe use a sketch of the elevation of one of his buildings? From a blueprint rendering would be cool.
You're appreciated! Will definitely be taking my time.

I like the idea, will be workshopping. The sketch eisel was prominent, so I think in terms of those shaded lines and edges.
Sounds like a great great project! I love this inlay just for inspo in maybe a different direction:

Feel like I'm announcing a draft pick, lol; @Colquhoun will be working on this project! Wooo!

I'll still be posting ideas/musings here, we've got years before the deadline.

Wow, @FestiveKnight , I love that! Great find, noted for sure. So clean.
Can't remember where I picked it up but it's in my Rat Rod set and it's one of my favorites. It's so elegant
Man, this sounds like a great project, Frank. Thanks for sharing the story and inspiration. I can’t contribute any ideas at the moment, but I’m sending you a few bucks, hope you don’t mind. I’d like to contribute to the effort. Fuck cancer.
Do you have any pictures from the Saphire Lounge? Blur out any identifying faces or details, just trying to get the vibes.
Sorry, not going to do this. I completely understand the question but it was a different time, and any family pictures stay acoustic. It was an architect's lounge with dimmer lights, pizzas and ziti and knots, good bourbon and better conversations. Some cards and wine.

Man, this sounds like a great project, Frank. Thanks for sharing the story and inspiration. I can’t contribute any ideas at the moment, but I’m sending you a few bucks, hope you don’t mind. I’d like to contribute to the effort. Fuck cancer.
Dude, this was too sweet! I appreciate the money and the sentiment. Completely agreed; glad he saw his grandkids but when my cousin makes that aisle walk we're all gonna be a mess. Fuck.

Definitely can't wait to see how this develops. Fantastic idea.
Thanks man! Itll be slow going, we've got some time, but excited to see where it ends up.
YES! Bride-to-be's favorite colors are green and gold! Perfect fit, if she had said blue I'd be drawing dead.

Will probably be picking up a limit set for myself of these, psyched for it. Still far away but we'll see.

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