The Meetup Advice Thread (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
East Valley, Arizona
Starting a thread so people can contribute ideas to meetup boaters (new and long-timers alike).

Some tips to start us off (general stuff)....

1) Have a conversation with your significant other and put all of your proverbial cards on the table - how many people will be coming (max), how many have you not met before, how late will you be playing, which bathroom can people use, can people stay over and if so whom, and if so which rooms, how to handle people that drink too much (obviously not driving but where will they sleep it off), and budget....and I'm probably forgetting 10 things here.

2) Food and Beverage - I usually plan on Saturday being the marquis food day (so BBQ here in the Northeast). Get your order in very early (~2 months early) if hosting more than 20 people. I usually make up the food cost from an extra $20 charge when people buy in for the tourney on Saturday. Thursday and Friday is everyone pays their own way (either cash or just give me chips and I put pizzas or grinders on my credit card).

Players drink beer, and players drink water. A ton of water. It's a long event and hydration is necessary. I usually get the smaller waters (they're the size of hand grenades) instead of the fill 16.9 ounce water bottles that you normally see - if you get the bigger ones people end up leaving 2/3 drank water bottles all over the place. Another alternative is a bunch of red Solo cups and bottled waters.

I usually get 3 waters per person per day. Can't have too much really.

For beer, decide up front of its BYOB or you provide. If you provide, consider a couple different kinds (like IPA and pale ale for instance). Some people get kegs - I used to but you're left with a lot of beer that you can't drink before it goes bad at the end of the event. I invested in a kegerator for a while but you're really locking people into one type of beer. I get bottles and cans of assorted stuff now and it seems to be the best solution.

3) Paperware and Drink Storage - either get yourself a large cooler or two and a ton of ice, or a fridge. I used to do the cooler thing but it SUCKS when you're getting up early to get ice and you played until 4am and cleaned up for an hour after that and people are showing up at noon sharp. Fridge is best but if that doesn't work, task someone with getting ice daily of they're local or just stock up for 2-3 days in your freezer and pull out as needed. Keep some water at room temp and some cold - people prefer both.

Paperware - you cannot possibly get enough paper plates, plastic silverware, solo cups, and paper towels. Sweet Jesus and Ed get as many paper towels as you can. We be a messy lot, us band of degens.

4) Logistics - there will be a lot of discussion around this topic, but suffice to say that you're not going to sleep much for 3-4 nights. Normally the ebb and flow is a warmup night Wednesday or Thursday that you'll want to shut down around 2-3a, Friday night goes till whenever (4am or later), and Saturday is no sleep.

Get a lot of sleep the first part of the week or you will be hating life. Toughest part of a meet up is needing to be awake and active for long stretches of time and getting 3-4 hrs of sleep per night.

5) Bank - I prefer to keep the bank if it's my event. There have been plenty of discussions before about how to keep the bank secure and how to sell and buy chips to avoid shortages and all that sort of thing so I'll skip that here.

You're going to need lots of change. Figure the smallest payout Denom is $1. I usually get 40 $1s, 8 $5s, and 2 $10s for each day (so this times 3 with standard Thurs - Sat meatup) and use this as my first buyin to seed the bank.

$50s are popular with banks but look like $20s and after being tired and putting back some beers you may inadvertently pay them out and the players may not notice. Consider putting the $50s somewhere in your bank where they can't be mingled with the $20s.

6) Schedule - don't go overboard here but have the big events planned. In mine, we have the World SOHE Championship planned for Friday night and the Main Event NLHE tourney planned for Saturday. I also usually plan a limit cash game for Thursday night or Friday during the day - people will want to lock up seats for this and it uses a different chipset than your normal PL/NL set so it's worth scheduling.

Plenty of discussion already regarding circus vs NLHE/PLO tables so I'll defer to that thread with one caveat - it doesn't matter what you plan here - the table makeup is going to pick whatever is best for them so just go with it.

7) Poker stuff - you need dealer buttons, cards, cut cards, seating chips, kill button for limit game (if playing with a kill), one hi/lo button per table, and preferably some all in buttons if using a dealer. And chips. But you all already knew that.

I have a ton of other things but I'm taking a dump and the wife just came into the house and asked to go to dinner so more later (Getting Help, Getting Pictures, Travel Logistics, etc....a lot to go over here).
Amenities - I usually offer these:

- Cold Brewed Coffee (have to make this starting the morning before the event). @Chicken Rob can contribute the necessities here. This stuff is mana from heaven when you are
A) hungover, B) exhausted, and C) hungover and exhausted. Get a big 2 gallon plastic container with a nozzle from Wal-Mart and throw it in the fridge in the morning. Players will love it.

- Water, Food, Beer - already covered and I'll sure others will weigh in.

- Baileys - goes great with normal or cold brewed coffee. Amaretto and Kaluha prolly good too.

- Music / TV - my event is around March Madness so we have a couple of TVs to watch games with. Music is usually Bluetooth speakers and people take turns connecting their phones and playing stuff they thing others will like. I like Guinness' direction here - keep the music upbeat and energetic and it doesn't really matter what you play. This kills country and slower songs obv.

- Breakfast - have a good spot but realize that as host it's super hard for you to get out to breakfast because of the cleanup/prep stuff you need to be doing.

- Late night snacks - I do CLB's chocolate chip cookies. Spacemonkey does these delicious bagel bites that have made me stay and play later than I planned to more than once. Nothing like a late night snack to keep the game going and get people hyped again as the game starts to flag around midnight.
Starting a thread so people can contribute ideas to meetup boaters (new and long-timers alike).

Some tips to start us off (general stuff)....

1) Have a conversation with your significant other and put all of your proverbial cards on the table - how many people will be coming (max), how many have you not met before, how late will you be playing, which bathroom can people use, can people stay over and if so whom, and if so which rooms, how to handle people that drink too much (obviously not driving but where will they sleep it off), and budget....and I'm probably forgetting 10 things here.

2) Food and Beverage - I usually plan on Saturday being the marquis food day (so BBQ here in the Northeast). Get your order in very early (~2 months early) if hosting more than 20 people. I usually make up the food cost from an extra $20 charge when people buy in for the tourney on Saturday. Thursday and Friday is everyone pays their own way (either cash or just give me chips and I put pizzas or grinders on my credit card).

Players drink beer, and players drink water. A ton of water. It's a long event and hydration is necessary. I usually get the smaller waters (they're the size of hand grenades) instead of the fill 16.9 ounce water bottles that you normally see - if you get the bigger ones people end up leaving 2/3 drank water bottles all over the place. Another alternative is a bunch of red Solo cups and bottled waters.

I usually get 3 waters per person per day. Can't have too much really.

For beer, decide up front of its BYOB or you provide. If you provide, consider a couple different kinds (like IPA and pale ale for instance). Some people get kegs - I used to but you're left with a lot of beer that you can't drink before it goes bad at the end of the event. I invested in a kegerator for a while but you're really locking people into one type of beer. I get bottles and cans of assorted stuff now and it seems to be the best solution.

3) Paperware and Drink Storage - either get yourself a large cooler or two and a ton of ice, or a fridge. I used to do the cooler thing but it SUCKS when you're getting up early to get ice and you played until 4am and cleaned up for an hour after that and people are showing up at noon sharp. Fridge is best but if that doesn't work, task someone with getting ice daily of they're local or just stock up for 2-3 days in your freezer and pull out as needed. Keep some water at room temp and some cold - people prefer both.

Paperware - you cannot possibly get enough paper plates, plastic silverware, solo cups, and paper towels. Sweet Jesus and Ed get as many paper towels as you can. We be a messy lot, us band of degens.

4) Logistics - there will be a lot of discussion around this topic, but suffice to say that you're not going to sleep much for 3-4 nights. Normally the ebb and flow is a warmup night Wednesday or Thursday that you'll want to shut down around 2-3a, Friday night goes till whenever (4am or later), and Saturday is no sleep.

Get a lot of sleep the first part of the week or you will be hating life. Toughest part of a meet up is needing to be awake and active for long stretches of time and getting 3-4 hrs of sleep per night.

5) Bank - I prefer to keep the bank if it's my event. There have been plenty of discussions before about how to keep the bank secure and how to sell and buy chips to avoid shortages and all that sort of thing so I'll skip that here.

You're going to need lots of change. Figure the smallest payout Denom is $1. I usually get 40 $1s, 8 $5s, and 2 $10s for each day (so this times 3 with standard Thurs - Sat meatup) and use this as my first buyin to seed the bank.

$50s are popular with banks but look like $20s and after being tired and putting back some beers you may inadvertently pay them out and the players may not notice. Consider putting the $50s somewhere in your bank where they can't be mingled with the $20s.

6) Schedule - don't go overboard here but have the big events planned. In mine, we have the World SOHE Championship planned for Friday night and the Main Event NLHE tourney planned for Saturday. I also usually plan a limit cash game for Thursday night or Friday during the day - people will want to lock up seats for this and it uses a different chipset than your normal PL/NL set so it's worth scheduling.

Plenty of discussion already regarding circus vs NLHE/PLO tables so I'll defer to that thread with one caveat - it doesn't matter what you plan here - the table makeup is going to pick whatever is best for them so just go with it.

7) Poker stuff - you need dealer buttons, cards, cut cards, seating chips, kill button for limit game (if playing with a kill), one hi/lo button per table, and preferably some all in buttons if using a dealer. And chips. But you all already knew that.

I have a ton of other things but I'm taking a dump and the wife just came into the house and asked to go to dinner so more later (Getting Help, Getting Pictures, Travel Logistics, etc....a lot to go over here).
Some really good stuff here.

Don't underestimate ice. I feel like I spend half of every meetup getting ice.

One thing I always try to do is visualize how an event is going to run. Where are the bottlenecks, where are the potential issues. Try to anticipate problems before they happen. Transitions (going from tournament to cash or vice versa...or changing games/tables/etc) are a big choke point that can cause issues.

Delegation is your friend. If you have people you trust who are willing to help TAKE THEM UP ON IT! You will be glad you did.

Have a printed set of house rules. Some of these hands can get big by the standards of most players here. If a hand that involves big sums of money becomes contentious you don't want to be singing it when it comes to your rules. Establish how you will handle such a situation before it comes up.

Start thinking ahead for awards, trophies, door prizes, commemorative chips, and catering. Those are the biggest expenses I can think of. The catering (BBQ, Pizza, whatever) costs can normally be passed along to the consumer. However, all the trophies, door prizes and commem chips are likely going to be out of pock expenses.

Most meetup hosts ask for donations or some $ to cover the costs of snacks and beverages. However, you can expect to still pay out of pocket for extras. Don't underestimate this expense, and the food you'll need. 20-30+ people consume a lot over 3 days of poker.

Give yourself at least 3 months for the commem chips (for ceramic) and longer if using CPC chips. There is artwork to consider, and production time. The trophies can be ordered a month out with little worry (so long as nothing goes wrong).

Door prizes can be secured by asking for local donations, or simply purchasing "stuff" when it comes available cheaply. Be aware, that asking vendors for free-bees could be sketchy. Given we already have 10 meetups, if we all asked Josh at Apache for giveaways, it'd get very old for him, quickly. Try to secure swag elsewhere if possible.

In a nutshell, be aware of what you're getting yourself into. However, don't forget to have lots of fun planning, organizing, crafting tourney structures, etc..
If you don't have enough comfortable chairs for the number of attendees... Being stuck in a metal chair for 8 hours while another guy is sitting in a lounger with leather cushions is tilting IMO
Starting a thread so people can contribute ideas to meetup boaters (new and long-timers alike).

$50s are popular with banks but look like $20s and after being tired and putting back some beers you may inadvertently pay them out and the players may not notice. Consider putting the $50s somewhere in your bank where they can't be mingled with the $20s.

$50 is bad juju, leave them at the bank. Old time gamblers superstition.
Great thread. Thanks for the info.

I've never been to a meet-up but definitely want to get to some in the future.

The only thing I'd add is to at least offer one limit game. If it doesn't go, no biggie. Even if it's just hold-em, it'd be nice to have a limit option each day.
I learned that meet up hosting is pretty easy. All you need is...

Tony Chan to build and hand deliver top quality tables.
Kyle to run a chair group buy
Forest and David O to organize your main event.
Kurt to cook your BBQ.
Tipsy's for booze
Invite only cool PCFers and vetted locals

Seriously....going through berg's list...
Ran out of water Saturday Morning - didn't care enough to quit playing cards and go get some. I was ready with everything else.
The shirt order was screwed up, no XXL+ shirts bummer.
Trophy bases and plaques were not finished in time. I'll ship them to the winners.

Here is the only good advice I think I can add to the very experienced hosts here. When I started planning, I figured a needed a schedule of events and some serious organization. It turns out that we never played the satellites and the only organized event was the Main. We never did anything else but play cash, had a great time. I remember a chat I had with Dr. Strange. I asked about a schedule. He said just open the doors and play cards....kind of rings true.

So next year....lots more water, better shirts, finished trophies. Very little organization in terms of what games get played. I'll be at the circus table, y'all can play whatever games you want at the others. I did get a better idea about the crowd size the cabin handles. I think I cap it at 24 max. No need to get 50+....those hosts are crazy!!
Water: red solo cups and a couple sharpies to mark cups. Faucet/gallon jugs eliminate this as a job.

Ziplocs for chips to manage tourney and cash game.

Assign an ice monkey to pickup each morning. A few blocks in the cooler bottom are much better than all cubes.

Keep a plunger in the bathroom. Print out instructions on how to use it. @Mr Tree can vouch for this.

Get emergency contact info for guests, and any big health flags someone should know (e.g., allergies, diabetes). When you need it, you really need it.

Breathe and relax. People are looking to get a job or two to help out for the weekend. Most everyone hosts a home game, and wants to share the load so the event owner can have fun too! Don't stay up late organizing or cleaning up or bagging chips, just ask for volunteers and you'll get plenty of help.
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Hi Bergs et al

thanks for this thread

For us Aussies who are in the process of organising the first international Meetup this is an invaluable resource.

it is a really interesting process doing something for the first time. Also a little daunting.

But mostly filling me with Aussie Pride.

I assure you we will make it something to remember. And have no doubt that it is the only the first of many.

We (yes, we made a committee) are working out a few details and will post soon
Another obvious resource is the existing meetup planning threads. Probably most of the useful info will be in post #1. These will contain the setup, what's included, the schedule, structure, expectations, etc... Be sure to check out several of the meetup threads to get a good overall picture.

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