Simple or Sophisticated? (1 Viewer)


Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
New York, United States
So I can't decide which direction to go with this set I am doing on the FDL mold.

Here's the top three choices I have thus far. I have the first set which is a super simple stripped down traditional colors/etc set with no spots.


The second set is 3 spots, same across the board with a little more exciting colors.


And the final set which has taken forever for me to come up with and is fun with all the colors and spots and cohesive in a weird way to me.


Any thoughts by anyone about these? Which is your favorite and why? Are there any single chips that you would substitute out or change colors with, why?

I have a sample set and have gone over and over these things so this is what I see as the most viable options.


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looks pretty good to me. I like the bottom row because more spots mean more fun and that means more action
3t316 first though then 3DSA to end the set. Just reverse them . But thats just me... its up to you

nice direction though. good luck

PS. I really like the frac!
I personally like the middle set best. Its simple but not too simple. Its kind of a classic cool look. The only thing I would change in that set is the chocolate spot on the 5 to some form of orange; but that would just be because I like bright colors as a personal preference. Of course that would mean you would probably consider changing up the hundo, and idk what color I would change it to.


Maybe change the 5's chocolate spot to DG peach or orange, change the 25 spot to retro green and make the base of the hundo black and keep the light blue spot. ... :confused: idk, just a thought.
Thanks for the notes. I actually like the idea of the yellow/orange 5 and would probably do a black hundo with something, still working that out.

I am torn though spots are kind of addicting!

I like these changes, had to switch a few other colors around but not too bad.

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a couple randomish thoughts:

- you must get bright white for it to be distinguishable from the canary base
- the spots on the bottom row $1 will pop more irl than in the mock-up, but not that much more and it looks a bit subdued to me
- likewise for the spots on the bottom row $5, but try with a dg peach middle spot maybe
Normally I lean towards solids. I just love their "clean" look. In this case for some reason I don't. I think the third set is awesome!!!
I think solids are under-rated, especially for cash sets if you are thinking about a tourney set in the future. If I ever make a CPC cash set, it would be solids - but then I would have to have a cash game... and I am not a big fan of cash games... but I am a fan of MOAR CHIPS!
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Depends on your budget for this set. But I agree, solids are definitely underrated and you can't beat the price
Thanks for all the input folks. At this point I am leaning towards a full 312 spot set. It's a nice mix of fun colors and traditional look that I think works out well.


I kind of like the white/red fraction but miss the chocolate a little bit. I thought about putting chocolate on the yellow 5 or that the frac and the 5 would be too similar in low light but looking at the samples I have I think they will be fairly different. I could alternate that chip with this one though:

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 11.54.30 AM.jpg

Or do this alternate color scheme:


Or this one!


- - - - - - - - - Updated - - - - - - - - -

Yup, changed it again. I think this is getting really close to what I will run with.


Or I go the Mardi Gras set! that 100 is kinda gross

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Personally I don't like the $100 in with the different colors. Stay the same across the board with the edge spots. I do like the simple edge spots across all of the chips.
I like the 312, a splash of colour but without looking like someone vomited a bag of skittles onto the table.

The coastline is Kodiak AK where I spent several years being a commercial fisherman. I have been working with J5 on some other inlay designs which are coming along nicely but I am sold on the 312 spots as the chosen ones.

Here is the rough plan. That's my super-awesome dog as the line drawing with a family name and obviously the value on there. The designs in the background are an homage to NM where I grew up and the Pac NW and Alaska where I spent the next 10 years of my life. No matter where I live these places still feel the most like "home" to me and helped make me who I am so it's kind of dorky but I think they turned out great after some back and forth with J5 who did an amazing job.

Now the long wait........

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The coastline is Kodiak AK where I spent several years being a commercial fisherman. I have been working with J5 on some other inlay designs which are coming along nicely but I am sold on the 312 spots as the chosen ones.

Here is the rough plan. That's my super-awesome dog as the line drawing with a family name and obviously the value on there. The designs in the background are an homage to NM where I grew up and the Pac NW and Alaska where I spent the next 10 years of my life. No matter where I live these places still feel the most like "home" to me and helped make me who I am so it's kind of dorky but I think they turned out great after some back and forth with J5 who did an amazing job.

Now the long wait........

View attachment 4196
View attachment 4197

Nice Job, good elegant design and awesome personal touch's....
somehow i missed the final mock-up until now, but they look great! i love the orange $5 in particular.

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