Poker FRAUD ALERT (1 Viewer)


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Mar 14, 2020
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There’s a kid in Minnesota who owes a shit load of money to MULTIPLE people. His name is Jack. look on the 2+2 Forum. Plays in vegas as well.

Recently he was at a card room in Minnesota when 4 dudes showed up and he jumped up and ran to the poker board to call 911. lol. recently he was banned for pan handling.

Anyone in Vegas looking for this fool ?


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There’s a kid in Minnesota who owes a shit load of money to MULTIPLE people. His name is Jack. look on the 2+2 Forum. Plays in vegas as well.

Recently he was at a card room in Minnesota when 4 dudes showed up and he jumped up and ran to the poker board to call 911. lol. recently he was banned for pan handling.

Anyone in Vegas looking for this fool ?
Does he have any chips?
See that guy Krasinski ^ . His father was my Doctor till he retired. He was awesome. The best Doctor evah. Remember always get a doctor younger than you so he will be around when you really need him.
I’ve never heard of a staking arrangement where the player shares a bigger portion of the losses than the wins. Think for a couple seconds before you hand money to someone
Afraid I don't recognize him, wish I was at the track that day.
Just ask any of the 2-100 / 2-40 players about this kid when you go next. or the dealers. it’s well known at the park. He’s been scamming at running aces since last week. Heard he’s on the streets now since all Mn casinos are closed. lol
Just ask any of the 2-100 / 2-40 players about this kid when you go next. or the dealers. it’s well known at the park. He’s been scamming at running aces since last week. Heard he’s on the streets now since all Mn casinos are closed. lol

Unfortuanetly they shut down C-park yesterday :(. I don't play 2-100 generally, game is way too sloooooow.
Two or three summers ago there was a dude who was doing this shit at the tribals around here. He had this Instagram account where he said all the right things and posted all the right pictures, it was like he was a perfect gambler/movie roll come to life. He never lost, he ALWAYS showed the “napkins” when he bluffed, and all he needed was a little more money and he could take it right to the top. I think “jacks” or something was even in his insta name somehow. I wonder if by any chance it’s same dude in a different state....

Edit: here’s a reddit thread. Don’t think it’s the same guy but just in case.

-His insta was jackscracked
-He would post about his roulette strategy
-Bing bong was what he said/posted all the time
-it was last summer apparently, felt like longer than that

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