Full House
Interesting hand in our cash game on Thursday. Thought I'd share.
Relevant players and profiles:
UTG+2 - TAG - 400 BB
CO - TAG who becomes quite the LAG later in the night (at the time of this hand, it's pretty late) and tends to get shades of maniac during these times - 600 BB
BTN (Hero) - TAG/LAG hybrid, who has been card dead for quite some time - 500 BB
folds to UTG+2 RAISES to 3 BB
folds to CO who RAISES to 10 BB
BTN (Hero) looks down at
Action on hero.
Relevant players and profiles:
UTG+2 - TAG - 400 BB
CO - TAG who becomes quite the LAG later in the night (at the time of this hand, it's pretty late) and tends to get shades of maniac during these times - 600 BB
BTN (Hero) - TAG/LAG hybrid, who has been card dead for quite some time - 500 BB
folds to UTG+2 RAISES to 3 BB
folds to CO who RAISES to 10 BB
BTN (Hero) looks down at
Action on hero.