P(3)HWM - red QQ 3x (live) (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Dec 16, 2017
Reaction score
Frisco, TX
Had red queens three times in last nights game, couple interesting spots? Don’t think I played them great. Also Texas poker is harder than it used to be. Lots of pros. Zero alcohol consumed by the table for a Saturday night of a holiday weekend.

Two villains in three hands. Zero useful reads as far as timing, body language.
Reg is a 50s Asian guy and somewhat tight
Pro is Euro, LAG, splashy, has an outstanding fake American accent which I’m sure prints.

Hand 1: BB OOP
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: …?

Hand 2: HJ OOP
$2/$5 $800 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds around …?

Hand 3: CO IP
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around …?
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I think I'm squeezing OOP and calling in position. Tough scenarios.
Depends on your read of how sticky these guys are. $300 if they're on the sticky side, $200 to $225ish if they get skittish if they see a four bet
Hand 1: BB OOP
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :Qd: :Qh: …?
Pro could be squeezing a lot of stuff here. Pretty mandatory 4bet, given effective stack sizes, $500 should be enough.

Hand 2: HJ OOP
$2/$5 $800 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :Qd: :Qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds around …?
This is such a small 3 bet. Given the description of the player, I would generally think this isn't a really big hand but could be stuff like JJ or AK. I'd again 4 bet to probably $200 and probably sigh fold to a jam if we think he's right enough that he wouldn't jam AK.

Hand 3: CO IP
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :Qd: :Qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around …?
Pro is going to always be playing 3 bet or fold here. The size is extremely large as normally an OOP 3 bet is 4-5x. This time, I'd actually just call since we have position.
Preflop I think there are a couple different ways to play but went with the consensus…4 bet the two OOP hands, called the 3 bet IP. I think not 4 betting IP was the toughest one, given that he was aggressive. 6x raise was the deciding factor

Flops we get are A, K, and J high, in bloated pots..the decisions that can make or break a session. In each pot I had elevated heart rate/breathing and I think the pro picked up on it. My heart rate usually elevates with my whole range when playing big pots so not really a useful tell, but my guess is that people will, by default, assume strength.

Onto the flops.

Hand 1: BB OOP
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: raise to $600.
Folds to button who tanks, then asks for a count of stack behind, I oblige, and then he calls.

Flop ($1277, $1600 effective) :jc: :4h: :2s:
BB action?

Hand 2: HJ OOP
$2/$5 $900 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds back to HJ, raise to $225.
CO calls.

Flop ($462, $675 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d:
HJ action?

Hand 3: CO IP
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around to CO, call.

Flop ($375, $1620 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h:
SB bets $150
CO action?
Check hand 1 and 2, flat 3
Hand 1: BB OOP
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: raise to $600.
Folds to button who tanks, then asks for a count of stack behind, I oblige, and then he calls.

Flop ($1277, $1600 effective) :jc: :4h: :2s:
BB action?
A bet of 20%-30% from Hero. Not many boards where we are going to not be getting it all in at 1.25 spr. If he has flatted AA or KK, or spiked JJJ, then oh well.

Hand 2: HJ OOP
$2/$5 $900 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds back to HJ, raise to $225.
CO calls.

Flop ($462, $675 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d:
HJ action?
Bet 20-30%, but unlike above, shut down when called or jammed on.

Hand 3: CO IP
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around to CO, call.

Flop ($375, $1620 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h:
SB bets $150
CO action?
We might be able to just fold to this size. But it's close. At 33% or less, we probably peel over. I'm still inclined to fold for this size on this texture since we don't have the Qs.
Opted to lead entire range on both 4 bet pots OOP. Went for 1/4 pot on both. Got called on both. Called the cbet from the good aggressive pro otherwise way overfolding I think.

Onto some turns.

Hand 1: BB OOP 4 bet pot vs BU
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: raise to $600.
Folds to button who tanks, then asks for a count of stack behind, I oblige, and then he calls.

Flop ($1277, $1600 effective) :jc: :4h: :2s:
Bet $315 from BB.
Button pro tanks again then calls.

Turn ($1907, $1285 effective)
:jc: :4h: :2s: :6d:
Action from BB?

Hand 2: HJ OOP 4 bet pot vs CO
$2/$5 $900 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds back to HJ, raise to $225.
CO calls.

Flop ($462, $675 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d:
Bet $120 from HJ.
CO thinks for a moment then calls.

Turn ($702, $555 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d: :8h:
HJ action?

Hand 3: CO IP 3 bet pot vs SB
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around to CO, call.

Flop ($375, $1620 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h:
SB bets $150
Call in CO.

Turn ($675, $1470 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h: :6s:
SB bets $400
CO action?
Hand 1: BB OOP 4 bet pot vs BU
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: raise to $600.
Folds to button who tanks, then asks for a count of stack behind, I oblige, and then he calls.

Flop ($1277, $1600 effective) :jc: :4h: :2s:
Bet $315 from BB.
Button pro tanks again then calls.

Turn ($1907, $1285 effective)
:jc: :4h: :2s: :6d:
Action from BB?
With only 60% left, we could just jam. We could also do something like B25 and jam river if we think that gets more calls from under pairs. Hard to mess this one up as long as we are betting.

Hand 2: HJ OOP 4 bet pot vs CO
$2/$5 $900 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds back to HJ, raise to $225.
CO calls.

Flop ($462, $675 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d:
Bet $120 from HJ.
CO thinks for a moment then calls.

Turn ($702, $555 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d: :8h:
HJ action?
Check. If villain checks back we basically always have the best hand and can play accordingly. Hard to imagine betting again does anything good for us except get called by better and fold all worse that isn't some KhXh.

Hand 3: CO IP 3 bet pot vs SB
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around to CO, call.

Flop ($375, $1620 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h:
SB bets $150
Call in CO.

Turn ($675, $1470 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h: :6s:
SB bets $400
CO action?
Some of villains bluffs get there. We have no spade with which to catch it turn into a bluff ourselves. Time to fold to the B60.
Lots of pros. Zero alcohol consumed by the table for a Saturday night of a holiday weekend.

Was this the situation just from the lens of your own table or the venue as a whole? I'd be looking for a softer table if possible if it was just your current opponents being stone sober and winning players. Failing that, if even Saturday nights aren't getting the rec players to show up, then the venue doesn't sound very ideal from a game selection standpoint.
Was this the situation just from the lens of your own table or the venue as a whole? I'd be looking for a softer table if possible if it was just your current opponents being stone sober and winning players. Failing that, if even Saturday nights aren't getting the rec players to show up, then the venue doesn't sound very ideal from a game selection standpoint.
Most of the $2/$5 looked similar. I’m sure the $1/$2 were softer but I was in a $2/$5 mood. Headed back tonight and will keep a closer eye. Venue has the most $2/$5 and is the most secure which is my biggest concern.

Not even sure how to switch tables of the same game. I didn’t see anyone switch.
Not even sure how to switch tables of the same game. I didn’t see anyone switch.

Ask the floor if you could get a seat change if possible when one becomes available. Or ask to have your name put on the bottom of the waiting list to get an open seat at a different table that way.
Wrapping up.

Hand 1: BB OOP 4 bet pot vs BU
$2/$5/$10 $2200 effective
EP opens to $35. CO Reg calls. BU Pro raises to $180.
BB :qd: :qh: raise to $600.
Folds to button who tanks, then asks for a count of stack behind, I oblige, and then he calls.

Flop ($1277, $1600 effective) :jc: :4h: :2s:
Bet $315 from BB.
Button pro tanks again then calls.

Turn ($1907, $1285 effective)
:jc: :4h: :2s: :6d:
Jammed from BB for 2/3 pot
Button folds :ac: :kc: face up

Hand 2: HJ OOP 4 bet pot vs CO
$2/$5 $900 effective
1 limp,
Raise HJ :qd: :qh: to $30
CO Reg raises to $75
Folds back to HJ, raise to $225.
CO calls.

Flop ($462, $675 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d:
Bet $120 from HJ.
CO thinks for a moment then calls.

Turn ($702, $555 effective)
:ah: :7c: :3d: :8h:
Jammed from HJ for 3/4 pot
CO tanked for quite a while then called with :as: :qc:
River is not the case Q. Villain gets the full double.
(Maybe this bluff isn’t so bad? Still on the fence. It’s unusual to turn QQ into a bluff but might be worst hand and blocks AQ and maybe can get all the worse Ax to fold? Or maybe he has flatted a lot of AKo in this config and it’s just a give up.)

Hand 3: CO IP 3 bet pot vs SB
$2/$5 $1800 effective
2 limps
Raise CO :qd: :qh: to $30
BU fold, SB LAG Pro raises to $180
Folds around to CO, call.

Flop ($375, $1620 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h:
SB bets $150
Call in CO.

Turn ($675, $1470 effective)
:ks: :7s: :6h: :6s:
SB bets $400
I double check my cards, no spade, check once more, still no spade, I fold.
SB shows :ad: :9c: the good old no pair no draw, and assures me that the last barrel was definitely going in on the river. I lie and say I had JJ no spade.
I still think you can go small/small jam on first one as it hard for him to have better than 6 outs as played. But jam gets paid sometimes by pairs. So, it's whatever I think.

2nd I think against this villain type, you just have to shut down. The only thing you are potentially bluffing him off of is KK. It's unlikely he's 3 betting worse than AQ. And the under pairs to the A aren't going to bet turn when you check. And since he can't really have a FD given the board and you exact hand, you jamming looks a lot like a FD. So you are way more likely to get called here.

3rd hand. Meh. What can you do? "Pro" doesn't seem to care much about theory though which is good to know.

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