Our new health/fitness venture (2 Viewers)


4 of a Kind
Jul 2, 2020
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Los Angeles
While this isn't really a chipping update, we finally launched the venture I've been working on for almost 3 years, and I thought it would be fun to share some details.

Towards the end of 2019, when it looked to my partners and I like our current venture (a low-cost high-tech challenger in the at-home teeth aligner space) would be acquired, we started thinking about our next opportunity. We wanted something that fit a specific business/economic model -- an initial purchase of under $100 that could then be upsold to a ~$2000-3000 primary purchase, supported by 100% consumer financing. We had discovered this 1-2 punch was highly effective -- we used hyper-targeted digital marketing to acquire the customer on the first purchase, and then used call-center-assisted advisory sales to close the primary purchase.

We looked at multiple categories, and settled on the multi billion dollar health / wellness / fitness space.

This gave birth to Alter, the world’s first at-home fitness system that’s powered by your genetic predispositions and biometrics, which is now open in beta. I’ve had the privilege of quietly building Alter with a small, incredibly talented team over the last 30 months, and we’re pretty darned proud to unveil what we’ve been working on.

We believe the coaching, health innovations, and technology available only to professional athletes and the 1% should be accessible to all. Alter combines your DNA and biometrics with an AI-powered coaching system to deliver you the most hyper-personalized fitness plan and system in the world. Our mission is to empower everyone with transformative tools and technologies that enhance their well-being—at a price point they can afford.

Alter’s reasons for being are simple:

-Fitness is blind. Your devices don't know you, and can't predict what your body needs. Personalization is the future of health, fitness, and wellness.

-People are frustrated because they're told to work hard at all costs. A fitness culture says you need to work hard to get results, that the harder you work the better off you will be.

-Fancy Lingo. A lot of big words in the trendy new data-driven fitness and health world that people don’t really understand, haven’t see the benefits of yet, and recognize as marketing language meant to persuade them.

Here's a short video that summarizes the platform. We're still in beta, but are open for business. By the way, if you're interested in trying it out, PM me, and I'll send you an F&F code for 80% off the DNA test.

P.S. - This is the napkin I sketched the initial idea down on in late 2019.

IMG_2028 2.png
Is it possible to see a generic report from the dna test to see what the results would look like? ( sorry if it's already available and I didnt see it)

Good luck with the business, seems like a great idea!
Is it possible to see a generic report from the dna test to see what the results would look like? ( sorry if it's already available and I didnt see it)

Good luck with the business, seems like a great idea!
It's a request that has come up a couple of times. We're going to have one up soon. But, you can see some of the output here.
I’m all for folks getting exersize in our modern world and if this helps more people do that, great. Having taught martial arts nearly 30 years I will say that form correction using just video or verbal guidance may not work very well, it will depend not only on the difficulty of the movement, but on how aware the subjects are of their own body (most do poorly). Seems like a no-brainer to be implementing some sort of nutritional guidance as well?

The problem I’d personally have joining a program like this is having to give out sensitive personal information, my DNA and biometrics, to a random company. This information has value and would be of interest to 3rd parties, like insurance companies. So I hope there will be some level of anonymity and data protection / deletion taking place.
3 years is a lot of personal time/investment. With products like this, is the strategy making this a foundational/pillar product to grow from, or grab enough market share to get bought by a Mirror/Tonal?

I’m super, super, super curious about this specifically. What % of consumers does the company anticipate will have waived membership fees due to engagement?

Best of luck in the endeavor
I bought a Tonal during the pandemic…I looked at everything and chose it. It was $4k. If I had to give a DNA sample I would have chose something else…unless maybe if it was policy and clearly advertised that the DNA info was not shared or sold.
While this isn't really a chipping update, we finally launched the venture I've been working on for almost 3 years, and I thought it would be fun to share some details.

Towards the end of 2019, when it looked to my partners and I like our current venture (a low-cost high-tech challenger in the at-home teeth aligner space) would be acquired, we started thinking about our next opportunity. We wanted something that fit a specific business/economic model -- an initial purchase of under $100 that could then be upsold to a ~$2000-3000 primary purchase, supported by 100% consumer financing. We had discovered this 1-2 punch was highly effective -- we used hyper-targeted digital marketing to acquire the customer on the first purchase, and then used call-center-assisted advisory sales to close the primary purchase.

We looked at multiple categories, and settled on the multi billion dollar health / wellness / fitness space.

This gave birth to Alter, the world’s first at-home fitness system that’s powered by your genetic predispositions and biometrics, which is now open in beta. I’ve had the privilege of quietly building Alter with a small, incredibly talented team over the last 30 months, and we’re pretty darned proud to unveil what we’ve been working on.

We believe the coaching, health innovations, and technology available only to professional athletes and the 1% should be accessible to all. Alter combines your DNA and biometrics with an AI-powered coaching system to deliver you the most hyper-personalized fitness plan and system in the world. Our mission is to empower everyone with transformative tools and technologies that enhance their well-being—at a price point they can afford.

Alter’s reasons for being are simple:

-Fitness is blind. Your devices don't know you, and can't predict what your body needs. Personalization is the future of health, fitness, and wellness.

-People are frustrated because they're told to work hard at all costs. A fitness culture says you need to work hard to get results, that the harder you work the better off you will be.

-Fancy Lingo. A lot of big words in the trendy new data-driven fitness and health world that people don’t really understand, haven’t see the benefits of yet, and recognize as marketing language meant to persuade them.

Here's a short video that summarizes the platform. We're still in beta, but are open for business. By the way, if you're interested in trying it out, PM me, and I'll send you an F&F code for 80% off the DNA test.

P.S. - This is the napkin I sketched the initial idea down on in late 2019.

View attachment 1190371
As someone who has patents on things I've originally drawn on a napkin(or once a coaster), that's the nicest looking 'I've got it on a napkin' I've ever seen.

Nice job on getting another one over the line.
I’m all for folks getting exersize in our modern world and if this helps more people do that, great. Having taught martial arts nearly 30 years I will say that form correction using just video or verbal guidance may not work very well, it will depend not only on the difficulty of the movement, but on how aware the subjects are of their own body (most do poorly). Seems like a no-brainer to be implementing some sort of nutritional guidance as well?

The problem I’d personally have joining a program like this is having to give out sensitive personal information, my DNA and biometrics, to a random company. This information has value and would be of interest to 3rd parties, like insurance companies. So I hope there will be some level of anonymity and data protection / deletion taking place.
I bought a Tonal during the pandemic…I looked at everything and chose it. It was $4k. If I had to give a DNA sample I would have chose something else…unless maybe if it was policy and clearly advertised that the DNA info was not shared or sold.

Generally TOS and PP don’t change anything for a consumer. You either are someone that doesn’t care, or you are someone that is bothered by sharing DNA and such (and in that case aren’t the target audience).
@Windwalker question for you.

It says on the website "The more you sweat, the more you save. When you complete your weekly AlterSense™ work-ins and workouts, Alter covers your membership fee."

So am I understanding this correctly that there are zero monthly membership fees of you actually use it to plan?

What about business travelers who are in hotels 12 days/mo?
Seems like the latest snake oil in the fitness industry.

Rope them in for an initial $100 and then pressure them for an overpriced $3k device and an endless subscription.

Can you please point to published research that indicates exercise routines should be tailored to one's DNA? Seems like some major marketing fluff.

It looks like this is basically an expensive monitor with body movement exercise videos. It doesn't seem like there's a nutrition program/coaching. Let's face it. Most people have one goal: lose weight. In terms of weight loss, nutrition is way more important than exercise. If you don't have a diet component you're selling an incomplete program. Regardless of how hard people exercise, they will never be able to out run or out work a poor diet.

Fat PCFers - want to be less fat? Eat less, move more. Join a gym (for less than the monthly subscription costs of this thing), hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to teach you about proper form for lifting weights, and hire a nutritionist to guide you about food. Cost will be a fraction of an over priced monitor with access to exercise videos.

I'm guessing you have some data in terms of the likelihood of people getting hooked on continuous membership fees and how long they're will to pay without actually using the service.

Also the likelihood of people being enticed with the offer of the free membership but not actually being able to fulfill the requirements to qualify for the free membership.
Seems like the latest snake oil in the fitness industry.

Rope them in for an initial $100 and then pressure them for an overpriced $3k device and an endless subscription.

Can you please point to published research that indicates exercise routines should be tailored to one's DNA? Seems like some major marketing fluff.

It looks like this is basically an expensive monitor with body movement exercise videos. It doesn't seem like there's a nutrition program/coaching. Let's face it. Most people have one goal: lose weight. In terms of weight loss, nutrition is way more important than exercise. If you don't have a diet component you're selling an incomplete program. Regardless of how hard people exercise, they will never be able to out run or out work a poor diet.

Fat PCFers - want to be less fat? Eat less, move more. Join a gym (for less than the monthly subscription costs of this thing), hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to teach you about proper form for lifting weights, and hire a nutritionist to guide you about food. Cost will be a fraction of an over priced monitor with access to exercise videos.

I'm guessing you have some data in terms of the likelihood of people getting hooked on continuous membership fees and how long they're will to pay without actually using the service.

Also the likelihood of people being enticed with the offer of the free membership but not actually being able to fulfill the requirements to qualify for the free membership.
Wait. I gotta do stuff to be less fat?
angry new york GIF by VH1
Sounds promising. Tempting.
But before going that road, what about our personal data ?
Do we have 100% fact that they will not be shared or sold or is it (the data share) part of your business model ?
Eat less calories (eat real food) than you burn…pick up heavy things…put them down…repeat.

Walk a lot.

Or don’t…


I’d definitely like to see the research about DNA. My 23 and me says I should be an elite power lifter…I like that.

It was spot on about some other stuff…like the fact that I have zero back hair.
No reason to poop on every post. Why is it so hard for people to read before posting?

Nutrition is mentioned in the program.

Additionally, plenty of gyms have predatory practices. They usually rate towards the bottom of the barrel regarding business ratings, open lawsuits, etc. Thw entire industry is literally predicated on non-use membership and pressure sales tactics, so not sure why poop on this and say just go to gym.

Two people have already posted with questions on the free membership aspect - one personally/anecdotally and one from the business perspective.

Lastly, dna/genomes/sequencing for sure impact every part of our lives. It may just be marketing fluff to entice consumers who buy into that, but there is a fundamental science it’s built on. Is it enough to gauge/direct your workouts? No, probably not, especially how it’s being done here. But might it be the newest thing or offering that someone uses to “trick” themselves into better shape? Sure!

If it’s not useful for you, something you see as a viable market/product, nor something you find value add for others, that’s okay! I would put myself in the same boat, but strange to post knee jerk reactions.

I’m mostly just curious as to the other questions asked and business aspect of it all. It’s amazing what people make money on these days - existing technologies and product roadmaps allow for such easy penetration to every market.
There are absolutely DNA markers for all sorts of nutrient metabolism, body composition, and most effective exercise types. More are discovered all the time. It’s no different than finding out you have a DNA marker predisposition for prostate cancer, mental illness, hemophilia, or addictive tendencies.
3 years is a lot of personal time/investment. With products like this, is the strategy making this a foundational/pillar product to grow from, or grab enough market share to get bought by a Mirror/Tonal?

I’m super, super, super curious about this specifically. What % of consumers does the company anticipate will have waived membership fees due to engagement?

Best of luck in the endeavor

V1 has exercise recommendations and plans, nutrition recommendations to follow in V2. We think it's an incredibly important component.
We hope the engagement stays high, as we want the system used. The waiving of the membership fee is a first for the industry, so we will have to see how it goes!

very impressive idea. Im in desperate need of a plan for myself. When do you think the full launch will be? Im interested for sure
It's launched now. We plan to ship the first devices in a few weeks.

So am I understanding this correctly that there are zero monthly membership fees of you actually use it to plan?

What about business travelers who are in hotels 12 days/mo?

The program can be reviewed / done through the app, not just the screen, for people on-the-go.
There are absolutely DNA markers for all sorts of nutrient metabolism, body composition, and most effective exercise types. More are discovered all the time. It’s no different than finding out you have a DNA marker predisposition for prostate cancer, mental illness, hemophilia, or addictive tendencies.
The Y chromosome is a strong marker for prostate cancer :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: 100% will eventually get it.
Getting healthy and fit is extremely hard. Many folks are out there looking for a system. I could see this having appeal for those with a scientific mindset and openness for technology.

Good look with this project!
There are absolutely DNA markers for all sorts of nutrient metabolism, body composition, and most effective exercise types. More are discovered all the time. It’s no different than finding out you have a DNA marker predisposition for prostate cancer, mental illness, hemophilia, or addictive tendencies.
Or Moosecockitis…I wish.

There’s a fictional podcast about all of this. Can’t remember what it’s called, but the main character ended up eating hair and other weird shit based on DNA and stuff.

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