Tourney Online Tourney Help (1 Viewer)


Jun 15, 2018
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Looking to set up my first online tourney on PokerBros. There are some decent customizable features, but the blind structures are pre-set. I’m looking at using the structure in the screen shot below with no antes, but need some guidance on starting stack size and length of blind levels.

-6-9 players
-1 rebuy allowed
-3 hour tourney length

Also, what is a reasonable amount of “Action Time” - aka, decision time when it’s your turn to act?

Any guidance here is much appreciated.

Here is the blind structure. Again, we are not planning on using antes.


@Beakertwang @Moxie Mike @BGinGA @Highli99
Again lol this time I WONT comment per moxie's request

Huh? I don't follow.

I don't know the action time thing works... PokerStars uses a time bank that you can tap into and when it's gone. If it's a finite amount of time they can use every time they have the action, I would set it to 30 secs.

With that structure, a 9 handed game with 10k starting stacks and 10 min blinds will result in a 2.5-3 hr game.

I would suggest you keep the antes in there.
Huh? I don't follow.

I don't know the action time thing works... PokerStars uses a time bank that you can tap into and when it's gone. If it's a finite amount of time they can use every time they have the action, I would set it to 30 secs.

With that structure, a 9 handed game with 10k starting stacks and 10 min blinds will result in a 2.5-3 hr game.

I would suggest you keep the antes in there.

I appreciate the reply. You are correct, the action time is basically the decision time when it’s a player’s turn to act. It can be set between 15-35 seconds.

Like most, we’ve done only live home games up until recently. When it comes to online play, I know things can move quicker, but wasn’t sure what is reasonable for decision time or length of blind levels.

Thank you, @Moxie Mike! What’s the reasoning for keeping antes? To keep on pace? Drive action in later levels?

Would still love to hear other tourney experts weigh in also. Love to hear varying opinions.
About the antes, yes and yes.

In a live game (especially a home game) it's a cumbersome extra step. But online that doesn't factor in.
Antes favor aggressive players and punish nits.

I haven't played a real online tournament since 2011, so I cannot really comment on how it affects the tournament length. Not needing chips takes out some of the key factors that I look at as well. Basically, I'd be deeper into guessing territory that I would like to be, so I will refrain from commenting (except the ante comment - that is science.)
Antes favor aggressive players and punish nits.

I haven't played a real online tournament since 2011, so I cannot really comment on how it affects the tournament length. Not needing chips takes out some of the key factors that I look at as well. Basically, I'd be deeper into guessing territory that I would like to be, so I will refrain from commenting (except the ante comment - that is science.)

No worries - thank you for your thoughts.

Just trying to navigate the move from live cash games to online tourneys. The more I can learn, the better.

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