Need PC Help (1 Viewer)


Full House
May 19, 2018
Reaction score
New York City
Just built a new pc and having some super weird issue, not sure if anyone can help.

This new PC is connected directly through ethernet (which is directly behind me so not far at all). When I test my internet speed online, I'm averaging somewhere between 650-900mbps download but only 0.3 mbps upload. This means it takes an insanely long time even to upload pdf's to an email...

Additionally, random things will download super easily (like Fortnite for example), but my computer refuses to download my latest graphics card drivers and says network failed, and even when it does download (took like 20 attempts) it says this app can't run on my computer. (I tried uninstalling the current drivers to reinstall it, this didn't work either). Lastly, even though it says my download speed is decent, my computer will struggle to buffer a youtube video now... when I've never had this problem before.

My old pc, and my gf's iMac, which both run on wifi, averaged around the same download and run everything extremely fast, games, videos, etc. And also averaged around a 27 mbps upload, so I don't think it's an issue with my internet, but I don't know what the hell the issue is.

Thanks for any help :)
Just built a new pc and having some super weird issue, not sure if anyone can help.

This new PC is connected directly through ethernet (which is directly behind me so not far at all). When I test my internet speed online, I'm averaging somewhere between 650-900mbps download but only 0.3 mbps upload. This means it takes an insanely long time even to upload pdf's to an email...

Additionally, random things will download super easily (like Fortnite for example), but my computer refuses to download my latest graphics card drivers and says network failed, and even when it does download (took like 20 attempts) it says this app can't run on my computer. (I tried uninstalling the current drivers to reinstall it, this didn't work either). Lastly, even though it says my download speed is decent, my computer will struggle to buffer a youtube video now... when I've never had this problem before.

My old pc, and my gf's iMac, which both run on wifi, averaged around the same download and run everything extremely fast, games, videos, etc. And also averaged around a 27 mbps upload, so I don't think it's an issue with my internet, but I don't know what the hell the issue is.

Thanks for any help :)
What happens if you connect the new PC to wifi?
Running any firewall or anti-virus stuff that would throttle/block/inspect specific IPs?
We checked that too, only thing I'm running is the stock windows protection that comes with it. I started everything from scratch on this computer (aka I transferred the SSD but reset everything upon first launch)
We checked that too, only thing I'm running is the stock windows protection that comes with it. I started everything from scratch on this computer (aka I transferred the SSD but reset everything upon first launch)
Well then there is only 1 thing left to do...
Are you direct connected to the back of the router or are you connecting to a switch or wall jack?
Look at the advanced properties of your network interface in Device Manager. See if you have settings that mentions "Checksum Offload" or "Large Send Offload" that are enabled, and if so, try disabling them.

Just a stab in the dark based on some Google searches. Is this an Intel NIC and/or are you on a fiber-based internet provider (Verizon or Frontier FiOS or similar)?

Also, if any of the other computers that are working fine on wifi have ethernet ports (or a network adapter dongle) see if the same occurs for them on wired.
Sorry! Crazy work deadlines today, will respond back in a bit
Look at the advanced properties of your network interface in Device Manager. See if you have settings that mentions "Checksum Offload" or "Large Send Offload" that are enabled, and if so, try disabling them.

Just a stab in the dark based on some Google searches. Is this an Intel NIC and/or are you on a fiber-based internet provider (Verizon or Frontier FiOS or similar)?

Also, if any of the other computers that are working fine on wifi have ethernet ports (or a network adapter dongle) see if the same occurs for them on wired.
Let me check the device manager and see if that has any changes!

I'm not sure if they have ethernet ports & the ethernet probably wouldn't reach them, but let me see if I can try this as well, if it tanks after plugging them in maybe that just means the ethernet cable sucks haha.

Have you tried a different cable into a different port?
I've tried all the ports but I only have one cable at the moment that I bought yesterday from staples (maybe staples has shitty cables?)
Possibly something to do with your RAM. Just double check if your sticks are installed correctly and that it’s showing up in the bios.
Possibly something to do with your RAM. Just double check if your sticks are installed correctly and that it’s showing up in the bios.
Yep RAM is correctly installed. Confirmed at microcenter yesterday and all 32 gb show up.

Games like Fortnite would have port forwarding as part of their installs so stuff for the game would not be affected by any security built into the router. Are the necessary ports being blocked by the router for your standard internet?
How do I check if the ports are being blocked?
How do I check if the ports are being blocked?
You check in the router. Usually, you would open a web browser and type in a specific address depending on the router manufacturer. For me it is "" but that can change based on who made your router.
Check the device manage to see if you have any drivers missing. Chipset drivers, etc Also, see if your mobo needs a bios update.
see if your mobo needs a bios update
This, first; Then Windows updates, then check the chipset downloads from your mobo website.

Youtube issues could be a few other things than just your bandwidth.

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