Found Mason Hub Molds (MD-44) (1 Viewer)

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Two Pair
Dec 26, 2022
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Hey there,

I am still looking for Mason Hub mold chips in the newer, heavier version of the mold. Newer means like from the 50s here as far as i know.

I would love to get two racks of these, preferably in either blue or white/offwhite/grey/cream but would look at other colors too if you happen to have those to offer.

Here's a picture of the kind of chips i am looking for:

They seem to usually weigh above 10 grams, some even more than 11 and my record holder weighs a bit over 12 grams.

Looking forward to any responses.

Best regards
I’m a big fan of these however haven’t had a lot of luck finding them. I have a buddy back in VA that has a pretty large set of these and they played very well.

Not sure were he sourced them, but a playable set is a worthwhile endeavor!!

There’s got to be a ton of them out there I would imagine.
I’m a big fan of these however haven’t had a lot of luck finding them. I have a buddy back in VA that has a pretty large set of these and they played very well.

Not sure were he sourced them, but a playable set is a worthwhile endeavor!!

There’s got to be a ton of them out there I would imagine.
Feel very free to post a picture of the set... Hub mold pron is always welcome!

Here you can see the two different mold versions... Upper one has more rectanglish hubs, below one has them a bit more narrow towards the center.

Other means of distinguishing is their weight... While the ones above usually weigh between 7 and 8 grams the ones below all easily surpass the 10 gr threshold. Personal best is 12.4 gr so far.
If this is the castle, there might be my princess in there ...

I have almost a full rack of mustard yellow
HUB mold chips that were made in 1953 .
Will dig them out and provide pics …

Dang, yellow is actually a colour where i am already good. Got two racks of yellow (probably even mustard) 5s already and am looking to complement the set for $1 chips.

But i would still love to see them of course, more hub mold pics are always nice!
I have 4 barrels of these ( 80 chips )
SU / New condition
VFW 1363 in Kansas
Made in 1953


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Love them, but they are really more or less the same colour as my 5s.

Was gonna use this picture for a future bump, but here's the setup i am planning.


Reds are planned to be the fracs... Unless i find like a rack of blue/white and a rack of matching red, then i would probaby do the reds as $1s.
I have 50 black $25 dollar and 48 red $100 hub mold chips if interested.
I would definitively want to see these, if you happen to have a picture at hand. Unfortunately black is already covered by the original hundos but having more reds is always tempting if they match colour- and mold wise.
Thanks to the absolutely outstanding and awesome help of @Timmah i am now all set for this.

I will rework my milling setup a bit for better quality until the chips arrive, order my labels from gear and then post a few pictures of the process and the completed set in the showcase then.

Thank you again @Timmah - this is really a dream coming true!
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