Is this a scammer? (1 Viewer)


High Hand
Aug 16, 2022
Reaction score
San Diego, California
So I just found this ad on eBay and it looks fishy. The second photo says he doesn't want you to buy through eBay, he wants you to email him and buy direct which is a red flag because you won't have eBay's fraud protection. Who in their right mind would send a total stranger over $5k with no guarantees of any kind? However, he has 100% positive feedback and not a single negative. If he's a scammer, how does he have 9895 positive feedbacks? Something just doesn't make sense about that ad.

Edit: Now trying to figure out a way to delete this post because the ad was just deleted by eBay. Is there really no way to delete a post????
They post the same half dozen items with the "bids removed" with a buy-it-now message in one of the images. It's those Paulson sets, the very rare Dunes five-spot chip (that's the one that catches my eye every time). Almost certainly compromised accounts as there are thousands of other items that aren't chips they post with the same scam.

They only have to get a couple suckers every time they try this to keep making it worth their effort.

(I report these every time I see them BTW and they often disappear fairly quickly, like happened here it seems).
If it sounds too good to be true……..if it smells too good to be true……if it seems like a deal anyone on PCF would do yet the auction sits with no bids……….
So I just found this ad on eBay and it looks fishy. The second photo says he doesn't want you to buy through eBay, he wants you to email him and buy direct which is a red flag because you won't have eBay's fraud protection. Who in their right mind would send a total stranger over $5k with no guarantees of any kind? However, he has 100% positive feedback and not a single negative. If he's a scammer, how does he have 9895 positive feedbacks? Something just doesn't make sense about that ad.

Edit: Now trying to figure out a way to delete this post because the ad was just deleted by eBay. Is there really no way to delete a post????
You trusted your Spidey senses. Well done.

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