is there any musician more irritating and overrated than billy joel? (1 Viewer)

is there any musician more irritating and overrated than billy joel?

  • no, he makes me want to kill innocent women and children

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • musicians make music and billy joel creates audible ebola, so i dismiss the question as meaningless

    Votes: 16 69.6%

  • Total voters
As for 80's music, you can find a comprehensive listing of the top 100 here LINK

#19 on the list: Billy Joel

He's not over rated. Jbutler under-rates him. Perhaps the survey should read:

is there any musician more irritating and overrated than billy joel?
  1. no, he makes me want to kill innocent women and children
  2. musicians make music and billy joel creates audible ebola, so i dismiss the question as meaningless
  3. I secretly love him, but I am ashamed because there is no grit to his music - and I wallow in grit, so i dismiss the question as meaningless
  4. Yes. They should play his music at theme parks so I wouldn't have the urge to kill so many whining, miserable children.
I would bet 3 and 4 get far more hits than 1 and 2 combined.
Perhaps the survey should read...I secretly love him, but I am ashamed because there is no grit to his music - and I wallow in grit, so i dismiss the question as meaningless.

puhlease. i noted my love for hootie and the blowfish in the music thread and they are about as gritless as you can get.
puhlease. i noted my love for hootie and the blowfish in the music thread and they are about as gritless as you can get.

Love the Hoot

Turn your speakers up and listen to this short rendition (start at 57:03) Not quite sure how to post video at certain time even though I pasted the URL at specific time of video.
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Love the Hoot

Turn your speakers up and listen to this short rendition (start at 57:03) Not quite sure how to post video at certain time even though I pasted the URL at specific time of video.

that's awesome. i remember having this bootleg before the internet existed and really digging the early demos. i'll have to give it a longer listen when i have a moment.
Love the Hoot

Turn your speakers up and listen to this short rendition (start at 57:03) Not quite sure how to post video at certain time even though I pasted the URL at specific time of video.

Actuality, that is kinda gritty.
Actuality, that is kinda gritty.

they did name their compilation album after their preferred waffle house hashbrown preparation method (scattered, smothered and covered). waffle house hashbrowns are about as redneck as grits, so i guess that's another point in their favor.

also, come to think of it, their refusal to use an oxford comma in the album title is also kind of gritty. hootie: gritty AF.
Ok I know this will probably make some people angry, but I think Rush may be the most overrated band of all time. Are they great musicians? Sure. Is their music pleasing to me in any way? Not at all. I find them pretentious, and I really don't like the sound of their lead singer's voice.
Ok I know this will probably make some people angry, but I think Rush may be the most overrated band of all time. Are they great musicians? Sure. Is their music pleasing to me in any way? Not at all. I find them pretentious, and I really don't like the sound of their lead singer's voice.

String him up Canucks!

I really liked the early years ending in the mid 80s. They have some creepy old stuff that rocks.
Ok I know this will probably make some people angry, but I think Rush may be the most overrated band of all time. Are they great musicians? Sure. Is their music pleasing to me in any way? Not at all. I find them pretentious, and I really don't like the sound of their lead singer's voice.

If I had to declare a musical act "most overrated" - with the obvious exceptions of any flash and gone acts (Bieber) - I would agree that it would be Rush. Sure, I will admit that their music is innovative (<> good), contemplative and introspective (<> good), and undeniably Canadian (<> good). If I were to sit around in musical theory classes, or if I was hanging out with philosophy majors, then Rush might be where it's at, but I don't listen to music to analyse it.

I dont want to be driving 50 MPH in moderate-heavy traffic thinking "anti-idealism/objectivism/individualism (Freewill, The Pass, TOM SAWYER, Show Don't Tell, Vital Signs, etc...), fatalism (Roll The Bones), existentialism (Roll The Bones, Limelight). I want to be thinking about whether that jack-ass passing the truck on the right is going to blindly jump into the lane I'm about to enter. It can be soothing and I let him in, it can be aggressive and I block him out. It cannot ever be unrelenting droning that "Rolling Stone" declared good because it was so deep. Who sit's around doing that? Very few, that's who. The rest just say "Yeah, Rush is cool" because they don't want to look like dopes - which makes them stand out as the dopes.

Rating a band great because others rate it as great? I think we have the definition of "overrated".

PS Don't tell Mrs Poker Zombie I typed this. Her Canadian ass gets all pissy when I badmouth Rush.
Hard crowd here. Slamming a band know for being among the best players of all time with many great songs and at the same time being fanboys for Hottie and the Friggin' Blowfish? Les Paul is turning over in his grave. :)
best players of all time with many great songs

^ <>good.

As an example, I give you the Travelling Wilburys. Each member was either a solo giant, or a part of an astronomically monumental group. Together, they were... meh, maybe even good, but not as great as they were apart. In fact, if they had hidden their identities (ala Here Come the Mummies), they would have been buried in the sands of time.
Man, you guys are brutal. "Chronicles" was a frequent choice when doing the 8 hour drive between Ottawa and Windsor to visit the in-laws. Do you guys at least like the Tragically Hip?
R.E.M. was a college staple.

It was ok, and I enjoyed it. Some really good stuff that would stick with me for a lifetime. Some of it little more than constant droning that would serve as nothing more than filler material.

You decide if I'm talking about R.E.M. or my college classes. ;)
Murmur, Reckoning, Fables of the Reconstruction, and Lifes Rich Pagaent are all great. As far as tracks go, "These Days" and "So. Central Rain" are personal faves. Some of their later albums (Reveal and Around the Sun in particular) were a disappointment.

Still, some of the lyrics (when you could understand them) were a bit pretentious...most of "New Adventures in Hi Fi" comes to mind. I would expect that to fall in the same category as Rush, based on previous comments.
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PS Don't tell Mrs Poker Zombie I typed this. Her Canadian ass gets all pissy when I badmouth Rush.

She obviously hasn't exposed you to enough Rush to appreciate them. I think a Rush intervention is in order. That said, it could be a lot worse...she could be subjecting you to marathon sessions of Loverboy or Celine Dion (speaking of overrated performers...).
I love older R.E.M. Life's Rich Pagaent is one of my favorite albums of all time.

Murmur, Reckoning, Fables of the Reconstruction, and Lifes Rich Pagaent are all great. As far as tracks go, "These Days" and "So. Central Rain" are personal faves. Some of their later albums (Reveal and Around the Sun in particular) were a disappointment.

Still, some of the lyrics (when you could understand them) were a bit pretentious...most of "New Adventures in Hi Fi" comes to mind. I would expect that to fall in the same category as Rush, based on previous comments.

REM was at least in my top 3 personal favorite bands for years. these days they're not quite that high, but they have a very special place. i actually like a few of their "later" albums. my personal ranking would be:

out of time
new adventures
around the sun

i guess it's not really obvious looking at that list, but there's a reasonably large gap between up and accelerate and a huge gap between accelerate and collapse. i actually really like up and new adventures and still put accelerate on every so often.

as for rush i can definitely understand people not being into them. i wasn't for years, but my wife turned me around to like their better stuff.
^ <>good.

As an example, I give you the Travelling Wilburys. Each member was either a solo giant, or a part of an astronomically monumental group. Together, they were... meh, maybe even good, but not as great as they were apart. In fact, if they had hidden their identities (ala Here Come the Mummies), they would have been buried in the sands of time.
Love Here Come The 3 live acts I have ever seen.
Hate REM.....
Gimme Clapton ( playing other people's music not his own) SRV
And this:

From Denis Leary ( I know I know bill hicks)

I'm gonna open my own bar. It's gonna be the most retro bar in the history of New York. They're gonna serve coffee, donuts, cigarettes, beer, and whiskey, and THAT'S IT! That's it! That's right. I'm gonna call it McLeary's. We're gonna play the Rolling Stones twenty-four hours a day. And you know what, if I see just a millimeter of underwear, YOU'RE OUT! I'm gonna have a big metal detector to get all those cock ring guys, too. Right at the front door, BEEP BEEP BEEP. "You got a cock ring?" "Uh, no..." "You lyin' piece of shit, get out! Turn up the Stones." All Stones, all the time. No house, no techno, no rave. No Puff Daddy, no H.R. Puffinstuff, no Puff the Magic Dragon. No Chemical Brothers, no Chemical Sisters, no hip trip skip fucking hop, no. Stones. Twenty-four hours a day. That's right. All we do is we drink, we cry, we fart, and we fight, that's it. "Oh, I was down at McLeary's the other night, it was fucking great! I shit my pants, and they gave me new pants! I beat up my mom, she beat me up, it was great! Then we puked, it was excellent! The Stones were there, man,
Gimme Clapton ( playing other people's music not his own)

people who enjoy eric clapton's white blues imitation are the same kind of people who like denis leary imitating bill hicks.

oh, wait...

but seriously, the only worthwhile music clapton ever put out was through cream, blind faith, and derek and the dominos. after that, it was complete garbage wall to wall.
Well jutler, your dead wrong.
If Clapton is Good enough to earn BB king and buddy guy's respect that's good for me.
Claptons live stuff through the 70 80 and 90 is awesome. I'm not a fan of his writing but his playing is.... Clapton is God

And don't tell me you hate the stones too ?
Well jutler, your dead wrong.
If Clapton is Good enough to earn BB king and buddy guy's respect that's good for me.
Claptons live stuff through the 70 80 and 90 is awesome. I'm not a fan of his writing but his playing is.... Clapton is God

And don't tell me you hate the stones too ?

bb king and buddy guy are amazing musicians, but frankly robert johnson could rise from the dead and tell me to listen to clapton and i'd laugh in his face. clapton is a pure wanker. apart from his group work, it's all garbage. if old navy relaxed fit jeans could play guitar, they would sound like eric clapton.

i adore the stones.
I liked REM's sound but could not handle Stipe's whiny voice. Interesting since Geddy Lee doesn't bother me in the same way.

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