I do not see myself making any more large purchases of used chips anytime soon so I am selling my ultra sonic machine that I bought 2 months ago.
It worked great for cleaning my Paulson chips. Super fast and efficient!
See ski_ex5's post here for cleaning chips using this exact machine: http://www.pokerchipforum.com/showthread.php/1691-Ultrasonic-Chip-Cleaning
(The cleaning solution pictured never came with the machine. It's sold separately and is for gun parts anyway)
It sells for $175 on Amazon.
$120 shipped to USA (lower 48 only)
It worked great for cleaning my Paulson chips. Super fast and efficient!
See ski_ex5's post here for cleaning chips using this exact machine: http://www.pokerchipforum.com/showthread.php/1691-Ultrasonic-Chip-Cleaning
(The cleaning solution pictured never came with the machine. It's sold separately and is for gun parts anyway)
It sells for $175 on Amazon.
$120 shipped to USA (lower 48 only)