Hi guys/gals.
I just discovered this site recently and wish I would have known about it years ago. I have a small problem of wanting to buy poker chip sets that I need like a bullet in the head. But I can't stop.
I currently own 496 ASM horseheads that I bought from sidepot years ago.(Vintage Vegas I believe they were called) I love em, but they're all the same denomination and are pretty much useless other than for me to riffle and look at. I'd love to own a set of Rounders replicas on the roman mold. They have been my dream set of chips for years. I bought 700 Crystal Oysters from GOCC recently on their clearance sale and just purchased a set of Bellagio ceramic replicas on eBay that I believe were listed here at one time. I enjoy learning about the different chip manufacturers and the different types of chips available and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more with all the knowledgeable folks here.
Looking forward to chatting with you all about my new obsession.
I just discovered this site recently and wish I would have known about it years ago. I have a small problem of wanting to buy poker chip sets that I need like a bullet in the head. But I can't stop.
I currently own 496 ASM horseheads that I bought from sidepot years ago.(Vintage Vegas I believe they were called) I love em, but they're all the same denomination and are pretty much useless other than for me to riffle and look at. I'd love to own a set of Rounders replicas on the roman mold. They have been my dream set of chips for years. I bought 700 Crystal Oysters from GOCC recently on their clearance sale and just purchased a set of Bellagio ceramic replicas on eBay that I believe were listed here at one time. I enjoy learning about the different chip manufacturers and the different types of chips available and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more with all the knowledgeable folks here.
Looking forward to chatting with you all about my new obsession.