Garish Dayglo set (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Sep 18, 2017
Reaction score
Glasgow Scotland
I’ve been trying to get my hands on a dayglo tourney set but can’t see anything that matches what I’m picturing in my twisted wee brain. So I’ve come up with this. Simple garish and tasteless (but that’s enough about me) :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Any feedback welcome although I’m pretty much settled on the design...



500 chip set

160 x T100 Dayglo Pink
40 x T500 Dayglo Peacock Blue
140 x T1000 Dayglo Yellow
100 x T5000 Dayglo Green
40 x T25000 Dayglo Peach
20 x T100000 Brilliant White

Last minute addition of some bounty chips. Using all of the chip colours for the edge spots.


And after a looooooooonnnnggg wait here they are:



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I like the silliness of this, Tony. I think a bright white would look great too. DG yellow just doesn't do it for me as a base color. I say that as someone who owns a few hundred, and will be adding more. :banghead:

I am not a huge fan of color matched denoms. I would just make them a consistent black across the board.
I like the silliness of this, Tony. I think a bright white would look great too. DG yellow just doesn't do it for me as a base color. I say that as someone who owns a few hundred, and will be adding more. :banghead:

I am not a huge fan of color matched denoms. I would just make them a consistent black across the board.
Can we see that, can we also see black background just out of curiosity.

I was trying to think of anything to change or improve on lettering but I really like it as is. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it, and then it hit me:

Dig it! But I'd prefer arc yellow to DG yellow.
It’s a bit of a guess as I’ve not seen these colours in person. As long as there’s no possibility of the colours looking similar. That’s why I’ve kept the pink and tiger at opposite ends of the values.
I like the silliness of this, Tony. I think a bright white would look great too. DG yellow just doesn't do it for me as a base color. I say that as someone who owns a few hundred, and will be adding more. :banghead:

I am not a huge fan of color matched denoms. I would just make them a consistent black across the board.
I need to see the two yellows to compare them. My concern is that the arc yellow / pink / tiger might be too similar. Coloured denoms is my main reason for doing this so we’re going to have to agree to disagree :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Can we see that, can we also see black background just out of curiosity.

I was trying to think of anything to change or improve on lettering but I really like it as is. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it, and then it hit me:

View attachment 463108
My other set has a black background so I’m going to go with a white one here.
Really love the inlay design, buddy! You can't go wrong with just letters and denoms... What font is it, out of interest?
Definitely garish. If you're set on solids, I can't think of a better lineup, especially without a CPC sample set in front of me.
Love it!

I prefer the Yellow over the Arc Yellow.

Even if you'll never actually use it, I think you should add a 100k chip just for fun. Bright white, or dare I say.......Black?!
Love it!

I prefer the Yellow over the Arc Yellow.

Even if you'll never actually use it, I think you should add a 100k chip just for fun. Bright white, or dare I say.......Black?!
Will never need a 100k chip.... on second thoughts I might just do that :LOL: :laugh:
Not everyone one over pays or has to wait 2 years

No but it IS a distinct possibility.

Remember: I planned to make my custom set on solids and I switched to Sunfly's because of price gouging.

Turned out to be somewhat of a blessing in disguise because some people have commended my set as how nice they look.
I hang out with a couple of my daughters friends from preschool. Showed them this and they LOVE it!

(but for reals, I love this shit. Reminds me of the some of the BRIGHT sets Angie99 has done with CPC chips. Any advice @Angie99?)
- I would stick with Dayglo yellow for the $1k chip
- Change the letter “S” to CPC’s dayglo tiger color or as close to it as possible
- Move the denomination to the middle and move the “Glasgow” wording to the bottom of the inlay
Updated it to show Arc Yellow as well.
I like the arc yellow lineup much better, although I'd probably swap the pink (T500) and peacock (T100) along with the green (T25k) and tiger (T5000) chip positions.... and add a bright white T100k.
No but it IS a distinct possibility.

Remember: I planned to make my custom set on solids and I switched to Sunfly's because of price gouging.

Turned out to be somewhat of a blessing in disguise because some people have commended my set as how nice they look.

It is a possibility but if he wants truly garish chip colors, then Paulsons are the way to go.

A lot of us have been fooled by the colors on our screen from the CPC chip tool. That’s why samples are a must.
Not everyone one over pays or has to wait 2 years
No but it IS a distinct possibility.

Remember: I planned to make my custom set on solids and I switched to Sunfly's because of price gouging.
No, he’s pretty well liked, so he won’t have to wait or overpay.

@BonScot if you want to go THC direction, I can start you with yellows and blaze at right under normal costs.

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