Game of Thrones (HBO Series - NO BOOK SPOILERS) (4 Viewers)

Snow and Khaleesi are two of the least interesting characters, they put me to sleep

And the show was only good through seaseon 3, it's been on a rapid eecline in quality writing since

If I hear Bran say "I'm the 3-eyed raven" one more f'ing time!!!!
I have never disagreed with something as strongly as I do with that statement
I want to see a few things and I'm good:
  1. The Hound kill his undead brother
  2. Jon's face when he realizes he's been banging his aunt (though he probably won't care)
  3. Any dragon killing anything, including most of the main cast
  4. Night King killing Jon and no one giving enough of a shit to revive him
  5. Bran "MacGuffin" Stark being exposed as having no real purpose in the story.
  6. Boobies, lots of boobies (and no wangs)
Simple asks really :)
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She wasn't always boring. In the early seasons I liked her.

And the show was only good through seaseon 3

I also agree with this. I still watch it because my wife loves the show. She watches enough stupid shit with me. I feel like I owe here. I really wanted to be done with the show that last couple of seasons. Especially when they burned the kid alive.
Guess I am in the minority. Felt like the last season was the best with no slow pacing, glad they went to 7 episodes. To each their own
Guess I am in the minority. Felt like the last season was the best with no slow pacing, glad they went to 7 episodes. To each their own

I'm not saying there weren't moments that were great after Season 3, but overall it was a mess. The Battle at Hardhome stands out as amazing for me, we truly see the terror of the army of undead attacking the Wildlings as they desperately try to get on the boats.

But unlike many others, I couldn't stand the Battle of the Bastards. The shaky camera angles, the sheer stupidity of Snow just running out into the open exposing himself (I guess it's supposed to be "heroic"?)and for chrissakes zig-zag man!

They completely butchered the Dorne plotline.

And then Khaleesi swooping in on her Dragon to save Snow and his party of brave adventures who went to capture an undead "alive" to show at Kings Landing. The undead army has them surrounded, but the Night King never thinks to just use his magical ice javelins on the trapped guys, and only pulls them out when the Dragons show up? Super cheese.

Not to mention the dragons should've just carpet bombed the crap out of the undead before swooping in to rescue the guys, but it's more "tense" to have Khaleesi at risk.
My biggest beef with the season was the video game style fast travel that had seemingly every character jet-setting about Westeros all season.

And then Khaleesi swooping in on her Dragon to save Snow and his party of brave adventures who went to capture an undead "alive" to show at Kings Landing. The undead army has them surrounded, but the Night King never thinks to just use his magical ice javelins on the trapped guys, and only pulls them out when the Dragons show up? Super cheese.
The great thing is we can interpret pop culture as we see fit, but I think you are missing something in these dismissals of the recent seasons. Why would the night king use any weapons on the trapped guys? They were done for on the little island surrounded by the wights. Secondly, is it inconceivable to think that the night king knew about the dragons, and was setting a trap? Could be a seer, could have the powers from when he touched Bran, could have been scrolling Westeros Raven-Twitter. The night king used the dragon to knock down the wall PDQ - pretty sure the night king knew what a dragon could do for him.

Not to mention the dragons should've just carpet bombed the crap out of the undead before swooping in to rescue the guys, but it's more "tense" to have Khaleesi at risk.

Having characters do dumb things isn't necessarily a sign of bad writing. People do dumb things all the time. Not to mention they are freaking dragons, only one of which was being ridden so like, they do as they please - you know?
Waiting for decent quality versions of the ads to hit youtube. Then I'll check 'em out. I always liked doing that every year haha
Watching it again before this upcoming season for probably the 5th time? Still just as amazing!
I just finished re-watching all seven seasons. Ready for season 8.
Almost finished season 7 after rewatching every series.

I’m excited for season 8, but I’m really upset overall by the terrible writing in the last couple of seasons.

So many plotlines are just downright dumb now and the amount of continent teleporting does my head in.

It just feels all a bit rushed and silly nowadays. Whole scenes and plotlines feel like they exist for no purpose other than to drag the program along to its eventual outcome.

The magical ironborn fleet has to be the worst bit though. Throughout the entire series it’s been repeatedly explained that the ironborn suck and don’t have the wealth or manpower to be of any consequence in Westeros. All of a sudden about 20 blokes build the biggest fleet ever, in the space of a month or two at best, and that’s being generous. They even manage to sail it around an entire continent and back in record speed.

Fuck you Benioff and Weiss.

Sorry for the rant. I get passionate about my fantasy novels.
Almost finished season 7 after rewatching every series.

I’m excited for season 8, but I’m really upset overall by the terrible writing in the last couple of seasons.

So many plotlines are just downright dumb now and the amount of continent teleporting does my head in.

It just feels all a bit rushed and silly nowadays. Whole scenes and plotlines feel like they exist for no purpose other than to drag the program along to its eventual outcome.

The magical ironborn fleet has to be the worst bit though. Throughout the entire series it’s been repeatedly explained that the ironborn suck and don’t have the wealth or manpower to be of any consequence in Westeros. All of a sudden about 20 blokes build the biggest fleet ever, in the space of a month or two at best, and that’s being generous. They even manage to sail it around an entire continent and back in record speed.

Fuck you Benioff and Weiss.

Sorry for the rant. I get passionate about my fantasy novels.
Give this man a medal!

Said the same things so many times especially last season. Between them no longer having the books to go off of and then the rushed plot lines that were held together with re-used scotch tape it’s been tainted. Still awesome but tainted.
Give this man a medal!

Said the same things so many times especially last season. Between them no longer having the books to go off of and then the rushed plot lines that were held together with re-used scotch tape it’s been tainted. Still awesome but tainted.
Yeah, I still love it and it’s entertaining, but my god they are getting lazy with their writing.

If I see one more instance of jon snow going full idiot mode only to be miraculously rescued at the last second I’m going to scream.

They aren’t even consistent either. The fellowship of the ring only survived sitting on the ice lake (whilst gendrie ran at superhuman speed) because the white walkers can’t swim.

Apparently they are expert ice divers though, with the ability to fabricate massive chains. No big deal.
Agreed, it's been on the decline since Season 3, getting progressively worse and worse.

And the Ice King has those laser-guided javelins he can throw to kill Dragons, but opted not to use any of them on the guys they had surrounded on the ice???

The books also began to decline after the third in the series as well unfortunately. Just watching to see how it ends up. Tired of them trying too hard to force catch-phrases from Tyrion into each episode. Snow and Khaleesi are the two least interesting characters for me, so really hate the focus on them. At least there are supporting cast that help keep me somewhat interested.

With any luck the Night King will win, but I'm going to put money on Sir Pounce being the last one standing
Was over in Thrones land a couple of weeks ago. Here’s the kings road, a rope bridge that someone told me was in the show (although I can’t remember it) and the giants causeway which if it isn’t in the show should be...

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