Flop a Straight Flush, what do I do? (3 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2013
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Playing a $40 bar tourney, down to two tables, blinds at 300/600 or 400/800. 8 players at my table, avg stack is 60k, I have around 80k. I'm in the BB with :2c::4c:, I see a free flop, 5 players limped.

Flop comes :ac::3c::5c:. SB checks. What do we do? Check or bet?

I win the hand...

I'm posting this to see if I extracted as much value as possible, or if I could have taken a different line.
Playing a $40 bar tourney, down to two tables, blinds at 300/600 or 400/800. 8 players at my table, avg stack is 60k, I have around 80k. I'm in the BB with :2c::4c:, I see a free flop, 5 players limped.

Flop comes :ac::3c::5c:. SB checks. What do we do? Check or bet?

I win the hand...
Playing a $40 bar tourney, down to two tables, blinds at 300/600 or 400/800. 8 players at my table, avg stack is 60k, I have around 80k. I'm in the BB with :2c::4c:, I see a free flop, 5 players limped.

Flop comes :ac::3c::5c:. SB checks. What do we do? Check or bet?

I win the hand...
Playing a $40 bar tourney, down to two tables, blinds at 300/600 or 400/800. 8 players at my table, avg stack is 60k, I have around 80k. I'm in the BB with :2c::4c:, I see a free flop, 5 players limped.

Flop comes :ac::3c::5c:. SB checks. What do we do? Check or bet?

I win the hand...

I'm posting this to see if I extracted as much value as possible, or if I could have taken a different line.
check, hope the Kc has another club or another hits the board, otherwise hard to make any $.
Check. With 5 players, someone is bound to raise.
I'm betting here. Something small, but I'm getting some money in now.
You don't want to thin the field at all, or scare even a single player out ... Check / call, & pray someone hit the Ace or flush, or makes some sort of hand on the turn that keeps them in...
I'm betting. I think you can get value from :ad:X ,:ah:X, :as:X, small straight draws, :kc:X, :qc:X
In the blinds I lean towards a check and lead turn if checked around in a normal game.

But if it a bunch of really bad players that hate to fold, I lead out for a 1/4 to 1/3 size pot bet.
In the blinds I lean towards a check and lead turn if checked around in a normal game.

But if it a bunch of really bad players that hate to fold, I lead out for a 1/4 to 1/3 size pot bet.

In early position I'm checking. If I was on the button and it checked around to me and I think its a bad table I probably throw a small bet out hoping to look like I'm trying to take it down and move onto the next hand.
Part of the real value in this hand is you have just flopped something that is never ever ever ever ever going to lose. So let someone else take the lead. You bet out here and it's entirely possible you take it down now. Not ideal.
It's a flop with three clubs. I don't think anyone really loves the board (aside from me).

The whole of the information available to you being that 5 players limped and the small blind checked the flopped, how can you possibly have a read at this point in the hand that no one other than you likes this board?
I would categorize most of the table as pretty nitty, mostly ABC players. Certainly no maniacs that are prone to hyper aggression, or getting out of line. I believe my table image is leaning towards tight aggressive. However, we just moved to two tables, so there are a lot of players that I don't have reads on yet, and vs versa.
Tank for 2 minutes, explain to the table you have an insanely difficult decision and this spot is very "sick". Then muck your hand.

Honestly I think check the flop, lead turn if the flop checks through.
I would categorize most of the table as pretty nitty, mostly ABC players. Certainly no maniacs that are prone to hyper aggression, or getting out of line. I believe my table image is leaning towards tight aggressive. However, we just moved to two tables, so there are a lot of players that I don't have reads on yet, and vs versa.

Which makes it even more confusing how you could have the read after the SB checks to you in the BB that the other four or five players in the hand aren't happy with the flop. But I digress...

So you have the stone nuts on a three-flush board and you want to get value for your hand from nitty, ABC players. It is absolutely a bet.

It's very simple. Literally just go through the decision tree:

If you bet in the range of 2-3 BBs, what do you expect them to call with? They'll call always with all sets, always with a straight, often with weak or middling flushes, often with Kc, often with an ace and a big club, sometimes with a big flush or the nuts. What will they raise with? Often with a big flush or the nuts, rarely with weak or middling flushes, rarely with sets and rarely with a made straight.

If you check, what hands do you expect them to bet? A nitty, ABC player will often check his entire range here. You will sometimes get a guy to bet a weak or middling flush to protect. But what if you check raise? He's folding 95% of the time. He will often even check the nut (non straight) flush here with the same thinking displayed elsewhere in this thread so he doesn't "scare" anyone. And what if you raise? Obviously he will get it in. But that's no different than if you simply bet and let him raise or size your bets so that you get all the money in by the river if he elects to flat three streets. So you realize no advantage by check raising when your opponent holds the nut flush.

In summary, if they hold a set, a straight, the Kc, or an ace with a big club, they'll call your bet, but they will check if checked to. If they hold a weak/middling flush, they'll bet fold if you check raise. If they hold a big flush, and you check raise, they will get it in with the nut (non straight) flush, and very occasionally bet fold with a big flush and they will very often raise if you bet or call of their stack by the river if you bet the flop.

By betting, you get value from non-flush hands that will not bet the flop. When you're against a big hand, you give up nothing because the outcome is going to be the same the vast majority of the time: the money will be in the middle by the end of the hand no matter whether you check or bet the flop.
I go small bet here and hope to see where your action is coming from. If you check and everyone checks you gain nothing with no chance for more than the blinds. You bet and everyone folds you end up with the same amount but if you bet small you may extract a few more chips.


Edit. What he said ^^^^
JB, I should clarify, that nobody liked the flop as much as me. It's A very wet board, especially in a limped pot. Even flopping a set, you can't feel super confident in this spot. I personally would bet a set on this board (just me), to see where I'm at, protect against any draws. In early position, with the nutz, I think I'm checking the flop...


I do check.

UTG looks like he's half tempted to bet, but he checks too.

The rest of the table checks around :ac::3c::5c: board, and the turn is the :8d: (for @bentax1978 that gives us the hyper, supreme coconuts)

To provide additional information, I get a feeling (table read) that at least a couple of the players like the turn card. and my read on table dynamics is I don't believe this will get checked around. What's our play?
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You have to bet. Need to try to build some kind of pot while you have time still.

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