Damn yellowjackets! (1 Viewer)


Full House
Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
South Lyon, Michigan
Mowing the yard this evening amd a saw several holes dug by a skunk eating grubs in my back yard. Also saw a bit deeper hole (I’m a dumbass). Didn’t see any activity around the hole do I didn’t think much of it. Then I got lit up all over my legs and hands. Did not feel right so wife drove me to urgent care, probably stung ten times maybe more. Blood pressure was stupid low, they gave me direct iv of Benadryl and steroids. I was seeing double, slurring words and felt like I was gonna pass out (think me on poker night with too much bourbon lol). Home now but still uncomfortable, vitals were back to normal before we left. I’m not a yellow jacket fan at all. Dr. said I crossed a line that he needed to bring me back from quick. Hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow. Fuckers gave me diarrhea too so insult meets injury lol.
You are lucky to be alive I think. Getting you to urgent care saved you. Ground hornets are not to be taken lightly - nasty venom, swarming attacks and high levels of aggression and persistence.

Take tomorrow easy, you aren't going to shake off the full effects of this attack quickly.

I encourage you to consider keeping an EpiPen around the house. Some people find their future reaction to insect venoms are more intense than their last reaction. Given you flirted with death this time around, I wouldn't want to tempt the fates.

Whew! -=- DrStrange
I'm so glad that you got prompt medical treatment and are ok. Good advice to carry an EpiPen.

I was stung once (a single sting), which is how I discovered that I'm allergic to their venom. I avoid them as much as possible, and I don't eat or drink outside when they're active.

FWIW, yellow jackets are wasps.
A friend of mine is allergic to bees, and recently had a run-in with a wasp nest. He was stung eleven times - fortunately no allergic reaction to wasps but there was a lot of panic (and pain) at first. It sounds like your experience was a lot worse than his.

Rest, get better, and KILL THEM WITH FIRE.
I found a nest in our wooded back yard last year. Was brought to my attention by one of the dogs freaking out who had about a half-dozen of 'em clinging to his fur. Went to investigate (after dealing with the poor dog), and sure enough, they had dug a huge hole under a fallen branch. Saturated that sucker with this:


Haven't seen one since.
Glad to hear u are felling better buddy.

Please take it east today......but I need you at your top level tomorrow on the golf course....and the card table after!!!
I've had a couple nests in my yard. I like the gasoline and match method. Lol more satisfying after they sting you to burn those fuckers.

I also had an apple tree in my yard. It seemed to attract tons of yellow jackets when the apples started falling. We didnt eat the apples so I cut it down. Havent seen many yellow jackets since.
Sounds like a gallon of gas and a match are in order. After dark course.
Hope you feel better @mike32 !!

I used gas once. It worked great, but it was a bit too exciting. :) I use kerosene now (less explosive). If you're close to a wooded area and are worried about burning crap down, you don't even need to light the kerosene to kill the bastards.
Made it through the night feeling a bit better. I have been stung by lots of things in my life, just never that many times. I don’t think I am allergic but was just overdosed with venom and adrenaline. My blood pressure was something like 62 over 36 and the nurse said this can’t be right. That’s when shit started to get real. I felt like my life was in their hands and God bless ‘em they told me they knew what to do and I was going to be fine. I fought for probably about 15 minutes to not pass out (I didn’t). Sounds a little overly dramatic I suppose but it’s the truth! Now I hope I don’t pull a Peter Parker and transform into Yellow Jacket Man, I’m a little past my prime for all the world saving responsibilities!
Thanks for reading and caring guys!
Damn, anaphylactic reaction/shock is a dangerous thing, you were lucky to get to urgent care immediately. It can do some really bad things to you. I've had anaphylatic reactions to medicines that trigger it and my ex brother in-law was deathly allergic to bee/wasp stings and carried an epipen with him at all times. If he didn't get help within a few minutes of being stung it was real bad, airways swell shut and you can't breath.

Glad you got in when you did, it will take a couple of days to recover for sure.

My best friend's dad passed away about 8 years ago from a couple bee stings. He was in his mid 40's when he developed the allergy. He made it to the house from his back yard and hit himself with his EpiPen but it was too late.

If you think in the slightest that you may have an allergy I'd definitely look into an EpiPen.
After you've fully recovered, you might consider asking your doctor to do a skin test for wasp venom allergy. Then you'll know for sure whether you do have an allergy or your reaction was due to the number of stings.

Again, I'm so glad you're OK.
We have paper wasps and they're no joke. I got stung 5 times when I encountered a nest they had built in the middle of the garden hose coil. I bought this from Amazon before I went nuclear on them. Modeled by my daughter (a few years ago)

I stepped in a nest of these bastards at a campground when I was young. Hurt like hell. While I didn't suffer any lasting effects, It took me years to wear shorts in the summer again (jeans at all times, regardless of the heat), and I still react strongly to seeing them.

I like the C4 option.

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