Chipco/ceramic color transfer/bleeding (1 Viewer)


May 13, 2015
Reaction score
New York
I've had some issues with Chipco's RED color bleeding in the past and wonder if anyone has any storage solutions.

I stored them in a standard aluminum covered chip case with desiccant inside, and after a couple of years the red colors of some of the chips transferred onto the adjoining chip. This is a really, really annoying look and one of the reasons why I dislike Chipco chips. When I first saw it, I swore I'd never get Chipco chips again.

But I just broke my own rule and have another set coming to me. The price was irresistible. Sigh.

Are there any suggestions on proper storage to prevent color bleeding?
Were they exposed to heat? Ceramics are made via dye-sub.... The dye sublimates when heated to transfer from the printed paper to the chip (and as a gas, it can penetrate into the surface of the chip.) If they got hot, the dye might transfer again...
Well, they were in a aluminum chip case with faux felt. In the summers maybe the temp goes up to the 90s? But the case was always in a closet. I wouldn't say that's exposed to any extreme heat in my opinion.

Maybe moisture? But I had desiccant packs in the case, so I dunno.

There were a number of diff kinds of ceramics I had. WSOP replicas, Grand Havanas, chipco sports, etc. All of them that had red color faced this issue.
Yeah, my MGQ $5 bleed, it is a thing with red that has been discussed before. I supposed you could invest in chip spacers if it really bothers you.

I should look at my brother's crystal oysters, see if they bleed too.

I dunno, maybe the bleeding is an accepted thing with Chipco chips. Not good for long-term storage. Chip spacers are a good idea, at least to keep the red from transfering onto the whites and greens. They will just bleed onto each other.

Aren't chips supposed to last at least your lifetime so you can pass down to your children? o_O

Reminds me of cheap plastic. Once I had a pair of crappy binoculars in storage for 20 years and when I opened the box, the plastic on the lens hood was a melted sticky mess. Seriously?
Chip spacers would take almost as much space as the chips! Maybe separating them with paper (wax paper?) would be a better call. Still, crappy to hear that about the red dye used by Chipco.
Chip spacers would take almost as much space as the chips! Maybe separating them with paper (wax paper?) would be a better call. Still, crappy to hear that about the red dye used by Chipco.

I think the idea is to put spacers between the denominations, so that at least the red $5s won't transfer ink onto white $1 and green $25 chips. The $5 will just have to bleed onto themselves. To put a spacer in between each individual $5 chip is a bit too much IMHO. That would be very annoying.

The issue was most pronounced on my Chipco World Championship Poker chips (WSOP replicas), where the denomination and the word "Tournament" were in red ink in the center. All the adjoining chips got a transfer of those center letterings like a bad fuzzy stamp. Too bad I sold them all before I got a chance to take pictures. I just hated the color transfer so much I couldn't wait to get rid of them.
The issue was most pronounced on my Chipco World Championship Poker chips (WSOP replicas), where the denomination and the word "Tournament" were in red ink in the center. All the adjoining chips got a transfer of those center letterings like a bad fuzzy stamp. Too bad I sold them all before I got a chance to take pictures. I just hated the color transfer so much I couldn't wait to get rid of them.

Mine had this exact problem, and drove me totally bonkers. The chips would even bleed onto the table felt, cards, even your hands. Horrid. Almost turned me off to ceramic chips entirely, although I've never bought a ceramic set since that contained any red chips (or red colors).
I bought my Chipcos (Grand Central Lakewoods) in 2008, but never noticed any bleeding ...

Does anyone know if this happens with their Vinyards as well? Was thinking of looking around for a set, but now having second thoughts!
2 cents grain of salt stuff here, but I've seen chips here with the ceramic chip bleed, and they represent a pretty small percentage of the ceramic chips I've seen here. So I suspect this isn't an issue with all chipco's or all ceramics.
I've had these for many years and never had a problem. However, I have seen them bleed in the casino (I deal Chipco everyday)
EDIT: It usually shows coming off on the white chips, turning them a pale pink. Not often, but its often enough to notice

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