Bomb pot action! Let play (2 Viewers)


Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
So we are early in the morning, playing 100/200 (1/2$) Game is quite deep, we have 7 players.

Bomb pot is played 1000 from every player,

Pot is 7000 we are MP


SB-BB checks
UTG is short stack 35.000 bets 2000
(This is an older drunk player down a lot and trying to recoup, has been calling wild and betting hard)
UTG +1 Fold
Im with around 240.000 stack, one player that is bigger than me at the table, that is a Pro live cash player (he plays omaha, NLH, mixed games)
My cards

What are we doing here?
I've gathered some valuable info at the stockholm meetup concerning bomb pots.

In this particular (and every other case for that matter) you should fold and wait for PLO to return. Nothing good ever happens in a bomb pot. ;)


For the Poker Gods, bomb pots are the nectar of life. Scooping a bomb pot is to know what it feels like to be an immortal.
Pot is 7000 we are MP


SB-BB checks
UTG is short stack 35.000 bets 2000
(This is an older drunk player down a lot and trying to recoup, has been calling wild and betting hard)
UTG +1 Fold
Im with around 240.000 stack, one player that is bigger than me at the table, that is a Pro live cash player (he plays omaha, NLH, mixed games)
My cards

I call,
The pro player calls.

Pot is 13000

:2d::7d::8h: :8d:
:ks::kc::qc: :7h:

Short stacks pots it for 13000 and has now 19.000 behind and action on us.
Pot is 7000 we are MP


SB-BB checks
UTG is short stack 35.000 bets 2000
(This is an older drunk player down a lot and trying to recoup, has been calling wild and betting hard)
UTG +1 Fold
Im with around 240.000 stack, one player that is bigger than me at the table, that is a Pro live cash player (he plays omaha, NLH, mixed games)
My cards

I call,
The pro player calls.

Pot is 13000

:2d::7d::8h: :8d:
:ks::kc::qc: :7h:

Short stacks pots it for 13000 and has now 19.000 behind and action on us.
Bomb pots are horrible.

Shove all in and -sigh-lose- to KQ82.
Pot until you can't pot no more.

(Someone's got KK or QQ or KQ, don't they?)

Pile in Money.

Really are we potting here? if there is KQ, KK, QQ means we have no hopes of getting one half and 88 or 82. If we pot it and the pro player calls we are most likely only playing for half of the side pot and maybe none of the main?
I guess my perspective is skewed to NLHE double board bomb pots, but I'm assuming we have a lock on at least one board, so I'm shoveling in money lol
I guess my perspective is skewed to NLHE double board bomb pots, but I'm assuming we have a lock on at least one board, so I'm shoveling in money lol
And maybe Im skewed after getting burned in double board Omaha in a Meetup on some Island in Florida where sometimes having the nuts on one board only gives you 1/4 of the pot and bad taste in your mouth. I at least really had to think there about whether to call or pot it.
If you're heads up and convinced you've got one board covered, then the worst that can happen us you chop the dead money.
You've got 2 full houses, surely one of them can hold up if there aren't multiple callers to showdown.
Pot is 7000 we are MP


SB-BB checks
UTG is short stack 35.000 bets 2000
(This is an older drunk player down a lot and trying to recoup, has been calling wild and betting hard)
UTG +1 Fold
Im with around 240.000 stack, one player that is bigger than me at the table, that is a Pro live cash player (he plays omaha, NLH, mixed games)
My cards

I call,
The pro player calls.

Pot is 13000

:2d::7d::8h: :8d:
:ks::kc::qc: :7h:

Short stacks pots it for 13000 and has now 19.000 behind and action on us.
We call, the pro player also just calls.

Short stacks shoves the rest of the money as soon as the rivers land.
:2d::7d::8h: :8d: :jd:
:ks::kc::qc: :7h: :ac:

My cards

Pot is 46000
Short stack shoves for 19000
I call 19000
Pro player pots it for 103000
I have around 204000 left and the pro covers me...

I would really love some feedback on the thought progress here.

I think that the Pro could easily have a Kx that locks up bottom board. If he has 8J, JJ. 82, then he is scooping me. Some might think that he is betting the diamond flush on the top board but I think of it as the opposite, I think he is trying to extract value from the flush, not betting on the turn for him I think shows strength rather than weakness. Im deep in the tank here.

Main pot is 103000
Side pot is 103000

103000 for me to call...
Lol, T9 of diamonds, goddamnit.

Lotta people go broke with 2nd/3rd/8th nuts here. We've got bottom or middle full house on both boards, but now are losing to overplayed AK or AA on the bottom board.

I hate this decision because I hate being dragged to this river. Short stack shoves soon as the cards land so Im convinced hes got top board locked up; more likely to be scared and think about the bottom Ace, and he knows people arent folding to his short stack. Bottom board looks more like pro range but they could also be making a play, sure.

Call and throw up? Fold and throw up? Either way grab a bucket. I might find a fold.
That's a pretty terrible runout on both boards. I think my thoughts are usually piling in money early on double board bomb pots trying to isolate to one player and at least lock up half with a chance at the other. Getting to these rivers 3 ways, I expect the drunk short stack to have something like 82, 88, (9Tdd? lol) maybe J8 as part of something like a JT98 rundown, and the pro to have KK, AK, KQ (JTcc?). Best case scenario short stack has 22, on the top, or an overplayed KQ on the bottom with the pro having only KK or AK and you miraculously take the top board. Getting 2:1 here and expecting to lose both boards a good amount of the time I think a fold is probably justified, if a little nitty. Calling isn't awful, but feels like torching money most of the time.
So we are early in the morning, playing 100/200 (1/2$) Game is quite deep, we have 7 players.

Bomb pot is played 1000 from every player,

Pot is 7000 we are MP


SB-BB checks
UTG is short stack 35.000 bets 2000
(This is an older drunk player down a lot and trying to recoup, has been calling wild and betting hard)
UTG +1 Fold
Im with around 240.000 stack, one player that is bigger than me at the table, that is a Pro live cash player (he plays omaha, NLH, mixed games)
My cards

What are we doing here?
So this is Omaha? Is it each board gets half the pot or best hand takes all?
Short stacks shoves the rest of the money as soon as the rivers land.
:2d::7d::8h: :8d: :jd:
:ks::kc::qc: :7h: :ac:

My cards

Pot is 46000
Short stack shoves for 19000
I call 19000
Pro player pots it for 103000
I have around 204000 left and the pro covers me...

I would really love some feedback on the thought progress here.
Well you caught a very fortunate to turn on the bottom board, but I would much rather have caught that in the top board :).

You also partially block the queens, reducing the likelihood of KQ. But now AK beats you in the bottom board.

Not to mention both boards have a straight flush combo that we don't block at all, nor do we block any of the 8s full or better on the top board.

So that turn completely changed the hand for me. I assumed ks full will be the eventual winner on the bottom board, but we do block the boats rather heavily on the bottom board except ak. The top board turned bad with the 8 pairing.

I am torn between a call and a fold, and I am only thinking about a call to win half on the bottom board. Which kinda sucks.
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How gross is it if someone has exactly :jc::tc::td::9d: on this and rivered perfect-perfect for the super-duper nuts?
tbh I might fold on the flop. On the top board we have middle set and a middling flush draw. On the bottom board we're drawing incredibly thin against anyone with a K or club draw. We'll never have the nuts on the bottom board, and there's exactly one card that gives us the nuts on top.

By the river you're really hoping both opponents are playing the same board, or heavily overvaluing a flush/worse full house (and the only one of those is pocket 2s). Probably fold unless I have good reason to believe one or both players are willing to go nuts in bomb pots without having the goods.
after some thought I folded, best case I’m getting half a pot and many cases I’m getting none.

Pro has AKQ10
Short KQ22

I would have had the top board but I still think it would have been a risky call.

Pro talked a lot about this hand with me, he was hoping to show strength by not raising on the turn, he felt that he would give away that he was only playing one board by betting big there. I’m not sure I agree with that
after some thought I folded, best case I’m getting half a pot and many cases I’m getting none.

Pro has AKQ10
Short KQ22

I would have had the top board but I still think it would have been a risky call.

Pro talked a lot about this hand with me, he was hoping to show strength by not raising on the turn, he felt that he would give away that he was only playing one board by betting big there. I’m not sure I agree with that
Short stack won top, and chopped bottom.

Ah well, there's a saying, if you don't lay down the best hand once in a while you are probably calling too much.
Way late to the party but this is a fold on every street.

The flop, its a fold even for such a 30% pot bet with players left to act behind. You are effectively dead on the bottom and only really want to see quads or the bottom card pair on the top - even the flush is likely to run into K high or Q high.

If you don't have solid pieces of both boards and don't have nutty redraws you'll generally get yourself in a lot of trouble.

A king and combo draw on the top has you beyond crushed for instance.

Turn is harder, but it's still a fold. This small flop big turn betting is likely top boat on bottom board or quads as played. You look alot better on top board as 82 is pretty unlikely unless they also have a king. But still, even if they just have a naked 8 on top, you are dodging bullets for only half the pot, and going to have to call a huge river bet.

River, I know results would have seen you get half, but you're much more likely to get stacked than get half on a 3 way showdown when you have two underfulls. And that jack is definitely a scary over for you with hands floating with a naked 8.
So that turn completely changed the hand for me. I assumed ks full will be the eventual winner on the bottom board, but we do block the boats rather heavily on the bottom board except ak. The top board turned bad with the 8 pairing.

I am torn between a call and a fold, and I am only thinking about a call to win half on the bottom board. Which kinda sucks.
So just to call myself out a bit, my assumptions here absolutely wrong. Fundamentally I still think this is a flop fold we have next to nothing going for us on the KKQ board and middle set on the upper board that will likely be third set at best by the river.

That said, as the runnout happened, even though we don't block 8s full at all, all the 8s full except 8-2 are runner-runner and it did get down to 3 handed on the flop, so perhaps I overestimated that possibility, admittedly saying this with the benefit of knowing the showdown.. But the fact we caught a 7 on the bottom board gave us the luxury of knowing where all the 7s were, but it still underscores we were never in the running for that half of the pot, therefore the flop fold was the play.

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