Tourney Blue screen wsop league with moneymaker (1 Viewer)


Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Is anyone from PCF going to play in the WSOP league on CT? I'm thinking about it but it runs on my normal poker night at Club Courage. I guess I can take my ipad and multitask lol. Firsts game is this Thursday if anyone is interested. It's $150 and runs 17 weeks. I know some of you don't visit that place anymore but just wanted to let you know. If I play I'd prefer beating you donkeys so I can't trash talk on a site I'm more active on.

oh and Chris Moneymaker is a player supposedly. If that stuff matters to you.
Cool BGinGA it will be fun felting you. Lol.
Maybe if I win a seat my wife will let me go with the Club Courage gang to the wsop this year lol.
I'm playing. The level of poker expertise in the series just went down two standard deviations. :)
I am also playing, I have played in it the last two years. I won the first year, playing in WSOP satellite was awesome.
Oh man, looks like this starts soon. Gotta talk with the warden and see if I can get clearance. This might not be a good year for me to do it though, boss is planning to relocate me from CT to FL in about three months, so life might get in the way.

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Just looked at the 1K and 1500 buyins for the WSOP and the structures seem pretty thin (3k to 4500 starting chips) so think I'll skip this one. Gotta get my butt into the ME one of these days.
Oh man, looks like this starts soon. Gotta talk with the warden and see if I can get clearance. This might not be a good year for me to do it though, boss is planning to relocate me from CT to FL in about three months, so life might get in the way.

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Just looked at the 1K and 1500 buyins for the WSOP and the structures seem pretty thin (3k to 4500 starting chips) so think I'll skip this one. Gotta get my butt into the ME one of these days.

Keep in mind the levels last for one hour in WSOP events, so while you'll only start with 3,000 or 4,500 chips, you'll play at 25-25 for an hour, and won't reach the point where a starting stack is 30 BB until hour 4 (at least in the $1500 events), and you won't reach the point where a starting stack is less than 10 BB until the ninth hour. It's not a monster stack to start, but it's still great value, with one-hour levels.

There there's also the $1500 Monster Stack, where players start with 15k in chips.
I think they will hit 40 players, so four WSOP seats up for grabs.
Knocked out in 42nd...ace high flush beat by a straight week here I come!!!
That's so sick.

i finished 5th. Had some ipad issues but happy with 5th. I say we end the league after one game, who's with me lol

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Oh and 5 seats is awesome...... Can't find full event list for 2015 WSOP but found a list with a few event dates. Had several 1k events last year I see.
4 hours 53 minutes. Congrats to wine4leisure!

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