Critique my set - open discussion and feedback (5 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Ok so I give up on the HoF thread, it seems that people may get offended if they don't win and many others aren't all that keen.

As an alternative, I thought it might be fun to post my own custom set for critique. Only post things you don't like about it, or things you woild have preferred to have seen. Even a totally different chip that may have been better. No pointlessly complimentary comments please. Preferences for an alternate spot progression or colours might be worth discussing too.

I'll start. I bodged the original $5. Get a colour sample set people, don't be me.

I also think I could have improved the zebra. Perhaps charcoal and black, instead of just black.







PS this is all just for a bit of fun. I think we should all be open to discussing our sets a bit more. No set is perfect, I won't be offended in any way by any comments and will enjoy the back and forth.

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You live too far away which means I won’t be able to play with these. That is my main critique with them.

if I had to nitpick, the quarter feels lopsided with the dark and light edge spot.

Edit (to further clarify): every other chip is symmetrical. The quarter is the only one that isn’t symmetrical due to the two colors.
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You live too far away which means I won’t be able to play with these. That is my main critique with them.

if I had to nitpick, the quarter feels lopsided with the dark and light edge spot.

Edit (to further clarify): every other chip is symmetrical. The quarter is the only one that isn’t symmetrical due to the two colors.
I did ponder a quarter pie or 312. Tri-moon wasn't available, but might have been a cool option
The theme of your beautiful chips does not fit western New York State, USA.
And the colors you’ve chosen (which fit the theme well) are not ones I personally like. Except the green. And the blue.

That’s about the best I’ve got. I tried to do better but your design isn’t sufficiently crappy.
I know, I’m trying!

This thread sucks!!
Okay, okay, that was weak.

In all seriousness, if I had to be nit picky, the E&C or one of the neutral molds(CSQ, DSQ, etc) would have been my choice.
I'm too impatient for E&C and too stingy to pay for DSQ. So I went for the cheap and quick Africa mold lol
Now we need others to post their sets and I can change the title to critique our sets lol
Quarter isn't asymmetrical, and only two colors on the twenty.

It doesn't deter me from thinking your set is awesome though.

Now we need others to post their sets and I can change the title to critique our sets lol

I don't have one for you to critique.
Where to begin with this train wreck of a set! ;)

The last 3 chips all have 316 spots, get some variety in there!

The $20 only having 2 colors while all the smaller chips all have 3.

A white $20 wtf! It’s a Cali set make that MF the $100 and the charcoal chip the $20.

Should have used a red spot for the $5 to represent the lion getting dinner.

It’s in Australia and my wife barely lets me leave for the day to go to MI to play, trying to explain why I want to go around the world to play poker will never happen. :(

I’ll give you $1 each for them to get rid of them so you can start over and get right this time.
And i was so close to putting blood on the lion $5. I blame @Mr Tree butterscotch and maroon was his suggestion :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Wow, this sucks massive elephant dong...

JK, you know I love it, lemme find something I would’ve don’t differently

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