Dramaha (1 Viewer)


Full House
Nov 16, 2014
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It's about that time again …

Dramaha Full Cover.jpg
dramaha was very friendly to me last week. I'm sure it will be a fickle bitch tonight.
When's the estimated release date? Before the Sucide Queen Meetup perhaps? :coffee:
When's the estimated release date? Before the Sucide Queen Meetup perhaps? :coffee:

Yes. Barring some kind of insanity happening between now and then, the book should be available to order within the next few weeks (possibly next week or two, if I'm being optimistic). Everything is written and laid out, and I'm just making some relatively minor tweaks before ordering a printed proof. Once that arrives, if it all looks good, I flip the switch and it goes live.

Kindle version will take a little longer. I'll try to get it done quickly, but I can't promise it will be out before late February.
Yes. Barring some kind of insanity happening between now and then, the book should be available to order within the next few weeks (possibly next week or two, if I'm being optimistic). Everything is written and laid out, and I'm just making some relatively minor tweaks before ordering a printed proof. Once that arrives, if it all looks good, I flip the switch and it goes live.

Kindle version will take a little longer. I'll try to get it done quickly, but I can't promise it will be out before late February.
In for paperback (y) :thumbsup:

Any chance you’ll do a Scrotum book?
In for paperback (y) :thumbsup:

Any chance you’ll do a Scrotum book?


Scrotum probably won't get its own book anytime soon—not least because the title of the book would be decidedly weird. I'm actually still thinking about whether the next book will be for a single game or a compendium of games.

A lot of the circus games are very close to poker variants that are already covered thoroughly in existing literature, so it would be hard to develop enough content for a whole book for each (e.g., consider Double Board Omaha, ImPLOcean, or even Pineapple). However, they do have their own unique strategy points that are worth addressing, and may be better addressed alongside a suite of related games.
Well, congratulations! I caught your sig quite a while ago, and thought you were just countering the SOHE World Champion title that has made its way around. :oops:
I was just thinking about this...shouldn't this be named Drawmaha instead of Dramaha? I know Marsha's game cards have Dramaha and Draw2maha, but just I'm just asking...
I was just thinking about this...shouldn't this be named Drawmaha instead of Dramaha? I know Marsha's game cards have Dramaha and Draw2maha, but just I'm just asking...

Before I made the Dramaha card, I did a Google search and found that Dramaha was by far the more common spelling. This game card came first.

At a later date, when I added a card for Draw2maha, I chose that spelling because Dra2maha just doesn't look right.

When I say the names aloud, it's Drah-mah-hah and Draw-two-mah-hah.
I was just thinking about this...shouldn't this be named Drawmaha instead of Dramaha? I know Marsha's game cards have Dramaha and Draw2maha, but just I'm just asking...

I went back and forth on this and settled on Dramaha, based mostly on which one brings up more search hits. It was a pretty close decision, though.
It also happens to embrace nit only the draw aspect of the game, but also the drama aspect... 'cuz it has plenty. :)
Proof en route. ETA January 19, and I'll probably complete my review over the weekend. I'll update this thread when the book is live.
Proof just arrived! Sadly, I found exactly one error in need of fixing, in the table of contents of all places. Just resubmitted my files. If nothing unusual goes wrong, I should have this ready for sale sometime tomorrow.

@Jimulacrum I purchased the book and just finished. It's really insightful and definitely going to help me light less money on fire in my home game! Thanks so much for writing it.

Question for you: I noticed that the Bellagio started spreading dramaha in their mixed game, but the draw side is played 2-7. Any thoughts on how that would impact strategy?
I was just thinking about this...shouldn't this be named Drawmaha instead of Dramaha? I know Marsha's game cards have Dramaha and Draw2maha, but just I'm just asking...

You can't play dramaha without drama. Hence that is the correct spelling.
You can't play dramaha without drama. Hence that is the correct spelling.
Not to be argumentative, but I think you can’t play dramaha without drawing ... seems more central. Not my hill to die on. Don’t care, you could call it moosemaha, because it sucks to play dramaha without moose!
But draw and Omaha are represented.

By that thinking it should be drawomaha.

Now there almost is woman in there - and dramaha can leave you crying like a little girl.
Some guy wrote the definitive book on the game and called it Dramaha. If it's in print, it must be correct, right? :ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

I just finished a search on the two spellings to see whether the distribution of hits has changed. It's still well divided.

During my search I found that PokerStars has introduced a new game, Quadruple FLOP Drawmaha. With four complete 5-card boards, I think they should call it Quadruple Board Drawmaha, but then again I'm somewhat of a nit. How does the pot get split, you might ask. Check out the article -- my head exploded. BTW, I will not be making a card for this. I need to draw the line somewhere.

@Jeff and others: Feel free to change the spelling on your cards. I won't be offended.
During my search I found that PokerStars has introduced a new game, Quadruple FLOP Drawmaha.

So that game seemed interesting at first. Then it started getting a little ridiculous. Then I noticed all the other articles on the site were satire. Then it started to make sense, but the fact that I believed it at first says something about the state of online poker.

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