How late is too late to respond to a PM? Finish a transaction? (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Nov 22, 2018
Reaction score
129 West 81st Street, Apartment 5B
So long story short, I've been cleaning up messages. Going through and either deleting them or trying to get them to the appropriate folder type.


I've found some outstanding questions, convos, etc.

1. Is it weird if someone follows up with you months later? Seems like most people have been receptive-ish, just curious as I generally almost never send a pm.
2. Is it uncouth to try and finish a transaction months later? I have quite a few transactions where payment is still due or I didn't send my pp account for them to pay, is it okay to reach out or should I just consider it a wash? Nothing huge per se, but I have some sales going back to January of around $400 that I'm still owed. I wouldn't expect payment immediately or even soon, would it be okay to reach out and touch base?
This is just a ploy to mass PM everyone into sending you $350, isn't it?
That's brilliant. Lol no, and it's not a ton. There's a $400, and a couple smaller $100 or $200s. Just curious how open someone would be to a PM convo coming back to the top for payment of chips you got 6 months ago :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Ask them nicely for what they owe you. If they ignore or don't pay, call 'em out and advise others not to sell to them, especially if you sent out goods in good faith with no financial compensation for payment later.
I’m thinking that nowadays it’s rude to remind anyone that they owe you anything. It’s not that kind of society where people have personal obligations or any need for someone to remind them of obligations.

Nobody owes anybody anything anymore, except society and the government owe everybody everything.
If you need it, take it. If you don’t need it, don’t take it.
It’s as simple as that. Somebody will replace it or reimburse for it, that’s what insurance/charity is for.
So don’t worry, nobody’s losing out. Don’t be greedy when other people have needs.
I’m thinking that nowadays it’s rude to remind anyone that they owe you anything. It’s not that kind of society where people have personal obligations or any need for someone to remind them of obligations.

Nobody owes anybody anything anymore, except society and the government owe everybody everything.
If you need it, take it. If you don’t need it, don’t take it.
It’s as simple as that. Somebody will replace it or reimburse for it, that’s what insurance/charity is for.
So don’t worry, nobody’s losing out. Don’t be greedy when other people have needs.
Found the guy that owes @BarrieJ3 $400
I appreciated it when you responded to a PM of mine like 1-2 months later (of course you were banned for half that time :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: ). I think others may appreciate a follow-up too, whether you're on the buyer or seller side, just to check in, rather than just be in limbo. Even if one side or the other may (reasonably) not be able to complete the pending transaction, at least everyone knows where they stand.
Jeez, no ones worried about hurt feelings or people being in a difficult place and getting a surprise "bill".

It was a legit question, I honestly wasn't sure what the responses would be. But that might also just be me and being super concerned about bugging folks via pm.
I appreciated it when you responded to a PM of mine like 1-2 months later (of course you were banned for half that time :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: ). I think others may appreciate a follow-up, whether you're on the buyer or seller side, just to check in, rather than be in limbo.
Lol there's probably like 30 people reading this right now going ohhhhhh that's why he finally responded. Sorry

The banning and the 30 people PMing offers on things instead of posting and all that just pushed everything back, it's like catching up on work emails after a 2 month vacation.
But that might also just be me and being super concerned about bugging folks via pm.
Everyone's different so I wouldn't stress about it. Some people are quick/casual with PMs (like myself), some take mutiple days to a week to respond, if ever. That said, if there is an active transaction taking place, there's no reason not to get on that if you are owed something after holding up your end of the bargain.

i wish there was a search button for PMs
There is a search function for PMs, unless that's for supporting members only.
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i wish there was a search button for PMs

(As @Rieguy poiinted out, you won't see it if you're not a supporting member.)

What's annoying is if you leave the search option set to the default "Conversation titles" and then search just by the member name (nothing in keyword), it sometimes does not pull up any results.

If you want to search just by member name, you have change the search option to "Message content" to make sure you get all results.


There is a search function for PMs, unless that's for supporting members only.
Yes I believe that is correct, for supporting members only.
If you are owed money for chips already sold that had partial payment with the rest coming later, you 100% have every right to reply and ask for your funds. There's no way that is a wash just because it's been a few month and those folks didnt settle up. You shouldn't even have to ask, those funds should have came when they were promised, which I assume is mostly pre-determined to the sale.
This entire thing confuses me.

The answer is, immediately.

If you have a deal with someone, you pay, immediately.

Once you pay, immediately, they begin the packing & shipping process, immediately.

Communication on both sides is paramount as well. Both parties are, in my opinion, on the hook for outstanding communication and dialogue.

Anything not inline with the above is wrong, and your punishment should be stubbed pinky toes and head bumps on cupboard corners - for life.
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I literally just resigned up as a supporting member again. Was going through PMs and swore there was a search function, then found out why.

If you're even remotely active, it's all but necessary. Not sure how folks operate without it!

Oh's never too late, in that case! Any decent human would want to know if they owed you money for chips received. If I'm on that list, please send that PM. Send the others as well!!
Lol you are not. I think you were one of the early ones I followed up with weeks ago and that was just ensuring you got your barrel!
This entire thing confuses me.

The answer is, immediately.

If you have a deal with someone, you pay, immediately.

Once you pay, immediately, they begin the packing & shipping process, immediately.

Communication on both sides is paramount as well. Both parties are, in my opinion, on the hook for outstanding communication and dialogue.

Anything not inline with the above is wrong, and your punishment should be stubbed pinky toes and head bumps on cupboard corners - for life.
Seems like @BarrieJ3 may have been more of a ship first ask questions later (at least for small things) and he’s more concerned about people being upset if he tries to collect on money owed so much later. Is this the softer/gentler side or @BarrieJ3?
I've probably paid for chips I've never received. But I've definitely never received chips that I haven't paid for. I'd be embarassed as hell and I'd be glad that you realized it and messaged me.
In each one it's been 100% my fault. Messages pretty go

Buyer: Hey thanks what I owe ya?
Me: I'll just cover shipping whats your addy?
Buyer: Address here, what's your PP?
Me: Awesome sent!

Oops. Generally in my history any time I sell it's seemingly 30 ads at once, and since I finally listened and use PirateShip I like to get everything in the system, printed, and tracking sent over instantly. Then boom, message is on page 5 and dies out.

I'd bet that if anyone who doesn't have either organized folders or an external spreadsheet went through everything, they'd find some outstanding stuff too. I've already found and pinged like 5 folks that had stuff ready to ship to me but either didn't have my addy or just never sent it.
Money owed doesn't expire. Send them all a PM immediately. If I owed you $$$ & forgot (I wouldn't) then recieved a message from you I would feel extremely embarrassed then drive over and hand deliver you your monies! Er, pedal over whatever.

A similar but far less serious question I've always had that I'll ask you is this: How long should a "if split" on someones For Sale ad be valid for? A month? 2 months? 6? A year? Asking for a friend...

Btw I'm still in awe re:
it's like catching up on work emails after a 2 month vacation.
I'm super jelly...
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