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I am sure this is user error on my part somehow, but for some reason I could not see this thread when I clicked on the "What's New" lightening bolt. However, when I came to the site as a guest (not logged in) and clicked "What's New", this thread was the at the top. Is this thread potentially being intentionally hidden from accounts somehow? Again, guessing user error but thought I'd mention.
Posted this in a different thread, but it's important and worth repeating here.

If multiple PCF members have been hacked, it's quite possible that the PCF password database has been compromised, meaning that it's quite possible someone with criminal intent and active fraud attempts now knows your PCF password.

The most important thing to do now is to make sure that you are not using your PCF password anywhere else, such as eBay or paypal. If you have been, I encourage you to change your password on those other sites ASAP.


Also - bumping this thread to keep it near the top is less helpful than keeping the thread free of crap so that people can easily find relevant and helpful information about what's happened. MUCH less helpful.
Use a passphrase, either a short phrase that makes sense or 3-4 random words. I like using spaces as well so it just feels like I'm writing a short message.

"Hackers suck butt 45!" Damn, now I have to change my new password. :-(

Easy way to come up with random words:

This is also a good place to start:

Also involves rolling dice which is also fun. :)

And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for us meddling kids!


I gotta say, Hacked Justin's post had some legit wording in there. Someone did a little homework here before putting it up.
I think with unlimited palns. you might be covered in sending texts internationally. However, senders from other countries might not.
I still dont use any apps to communicate other than PM here on PCF or texting. Guess I'm not in the international cool kids club. Lol
anyone notice it shows he's logged from Singapore?
I noticed this myself the other day. Some people had other country flags not where they were supposed to be from. I felt it kind weird that some PCFers where traveling overseas when things were locked down in some places. However, I didn't think to bring it up.
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And then a guy logged in for the first time in several months to repost his ads tonight. Still waiting on my capital of Texas question.
He was logged on yesterday and also responded to a PM of mine asking if he had some Aces $3s, which he didn’t. He also isn’t speaking in broken english or insulting anyone, so I think it’s safe to say he hasn’t been hacked.
Oh okay. He offered to sell me some chips two days ago. Just wondering if that was legit or not
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