Game of Thrones (HBO Series - NO BOOK SPOILERS) (3 Viewers)

Wasn't Martell's son on the boat heading to King's Landing at the end of last season?

How did he end up in a room in Dorne where those girls could kill him?
Was a bit choppy for me, but could be the crappy laptop we had hooked up to the tv.

Just re-watched the Brienne scene since it had been bugging me all night. Her and Podrick take on six soldiers. Two of those soldiers each had a hunting dog with them. Somehow the two dogs just magically disappear, and the soldiers fall prey to the old "let's fight one at a time and allow ourselves to be cut down instead of using our numerical advantage"

Aside from that little quirk the episode was pretty good. I really can't wait to see how they play out Cersei's conflict with the Sparrow and how it causes her to butt heads with Tommen as well.

I was wondering what happened to the hounds as well. There seemed to be a lot more in the Bolton party and then half of them plus the hounds disappeared.

I found the opening episode a bit pedestrian. No doubt everything's kick off soon enough...
They usually are pedestrian. I wasn't blown away, and annoyingly I'd forgotten season 4 so a few things happened that I couldn't remember from the previous one. Annoyingly it looks like Daenerys Targaryen won't be moving on to Kings Landing for another season.
1st episode is always about the build up - fairly blah compared to what we expect from GoT. All hell will break loose post episode 3/4 I reckon.
That happened below decks in the ship.

I thought this as well at first, but then I remembered something. In the last episode, after the scene with Jamie and Myrcella on the boat, they show Ellaria and all three Sand Snakes standing on the pier. Remember, she starts bleeding from the nose, then wipes off her lipstick using a cloth one of the girls hands her. Then drinks a small vial of liquid.

Maybe he comes back after Myrcella dies, but it's certainly unclear.
I may be mis-remembering, and don't have time to queue it up, but the way I recall it -

1. The establishing shot that opens the scene shows the ship sailing into an inlet, so it's by land.
2. The scene takes place in a small room with wooden walls; royalty are typical shot within masonry.
3. The lighting design suggest light coming from all windows, something that usually happens when out in the open - like on a ship.

This all suggested to me that the scene was on the ship. I didn't read into how the girls got there - or, for that matter, where the ship really sailed to.
Pedestrian episode? You guys are craze. Rather fast paced and over-the-top for GoT standards I felt. The past three seasons would have never showed so many storylines in a single ep. I liked the fast pace but no way will that be kept up for a full season.
I may be mis-remembering, and don't have time to queue it up, but the way I recall it -

1. The establishing shot that opens the scene shows the ship sailing into an inlet, so it's by land.
2. The scene takes place in a small room with wooden walls; royalty are typical shot within masonry.
3. The lighting design suggest light coming from all windows, something that usually happens when out in the open - like on a ship.

This all suggested to me that the scene was on the ship. I didn't read into how the girls got there - or, for that matter, where the ship really sailed to.

All true, but we CLEARLY see all four of them standing on a pier with the ship already in the distance. Look here:

There's a screencap there that shows the three girls standing on the pier. That's the scene where Ellaria's nose starts bleeding. The girl closest to us, looking in our direction, is actually looking at Ellaria, before she hands her the cloth to wipe her nose. Might be over analyzing it, but it seems like a continuity error...
There's a screencap there that shows the three girls standing on the pier. That's the scene where Ellaria's nose starts bleeding. The girl closest to us, looking in our direction, is actually looking at Ellaria, before she hands her the cloth to wipe her nose. Might be over analyzing it, but it seems like a continuity error...

Okay, so the scene you describe shows the girls on the pier in Dorne as the ships depart at the end of season 5.

And in the first episode of season 6, we see the ships arrive at King's Landing. Jaime reunites with Cersei, but Trystane stays on the ships, painting funeral stones for his dead fiance.

The girls then board the ship to attack him.

You're right, they don't show how the girls got from Dorne to King's Landing... but I don't see this as a continuity error. It hasn't introduced something impossible or unexplainable... they simply don't explain every detail. It's possible that the girls set out on another ship immediately following. It's also possible that they sped overland to reach King's Landing at roughly the same time -depending on the trade winds, going be sea between King's Landing and Dorne would probably take different amounts of time in each direction, and winds are very variable. But travel by sea is much more comfortable for nobility than travel by land (storms not withstanding), and often safer for a small party of nobility than going overland. So it's entirely possible, to me, that the girls traveled rough and traded many horses to go quickly overland to King's Landing.

I think the question of the dogs in Brienne's fight scene is a bigger hole, affecting continuity within a single scene, and requiring greater speculative leaps to explain it away.
I lay 3:2 (my $60 to your $40) that Kit Harington does not appear on the show in season 6 as part of the ongoing storyline (appearance in flashback sequences, dreams, or as a corpse, or any CGI or other effects/constructs that may resemble but are not in fact the actual actor don't count.)

Paypal email inbound, if I can't win your money at the tables at least I can claim side bet victory
The new season is super HBOized and so far I like it. My criticism of past seasons was that you had to wait awfully long for things to happen that you knew would happen. Hell, it took four and a half seasons for winter to come! But now it's bang bang bang. I'm glad cause thats kind of what I want from the show. Good two eps. Plus a baby got eaten by a dog. Now thats what I call payoff! Oh yeah and Balon sleeps with the fishes! Love it, the guy was a scumbag his whole life. I'll smoke the best cigar I can find when all the iron born scum are washed off of westeros.
Hell, it took four and a half seasons for winter to come! But now it's bang bang bang.

Actually I was thinking, what the hell? Kings Landing still looks more like Dorne than winter. In the north, HBO's budget only allowed for an inch of snow?
Okay, so the scene you describe shows the girls on the pier in Dorne as the ships depart at the end of season 5.

And in the first episode of season 6, we see the ships arrive at King's Landing. Jaime reunites with Cersei, but Trystane stays on the ships, painting funeral stones for his dead fiance.

The girls then board the ship to attack him.

You're right, they don't show how the girls got from Dorne to King's Landing... but I don't see this as a continuity error. It hasn't introduced something impossible or unexplainable... they simply don't explain every detail. It's possible that the girls set out on another ship immediately following. It's also possible that they sped overland to reach King's Landing at roughly the same time -depending on the trade winds, going be sea between King's Landing and Dorne would probably take different amounts of time in each direction, and winds are very variable. But travel by sea is much more comfortable for nobility than travel by land (storms not withstanding), and often safer for a small party of nobility than going overland. So it's entirely possible, to me, that the girls traveled rough and traded many horses to go quickly overland to King's Landing.

I'm glad I avoided all spoilers until I watched it.

Long live Jon Snow, to a lot this will confirm their theories that he is Azor reborn.

Cersei appears to be regaining control over Tommen which will likely lead to her fucking up more stuff.

Balor dies, yeah like three books ago. Good to see the iron born back in it again though.

Hodor is still cool.
Also pissed the completely changed the three eyed raven. Can't they remember what he looked like two seasons ago? Really?

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