I've been playing with him for over a year now in the 2/5 and 5/T streets. When he started, he was absolutely terrible. He's improved quite a bit. He's definitely at or above the skill range of a solid reg. His success hinges more so on game selection than anything, and I think he game selects VERY well. You don't have to be a world class player to be profitable in the game of poker. You just have to be better than most others at the table you're sitting at.
I've always viewed him as VERY exploitable, particularly with how loose and splashy he gets after some time at the table. He's going to beat a lot of the 2/5 player pool just because he is competent, but I think when he started playing in the bigger games with me and a lot of other solid players, he lost a LOT and as such, we have not been playing a ton with him. My assumption is that he learned that game selection lesson and stopped playing the more difficult games in town.
To summarize, he is a profitable player, contrary to what people seem to think. His game selection is why he is profitable, but his play skill is coming up as well. I would honestly suggest that in a year, he'll probably be able to profitably play 5/T games locally without getting crushed like he did after he won his bracelet.