I've run a game for a few years now. It started as a 5c/10c game but eventually we settled on 10c/20c because it was just easier with chips and what not. Our games have been really popular. The closest casino to us is 4.5 hrs away so there's really only home games. We built an awesome player pool where we would get 2 tables almost every week with an occasional 3rd table popping up. The games just started getting bigger and bigger and people weren't "respecting" the stakes which started to push away some of our regs who really enjoy the $20 chill game.
What we decided to do for our game was host a table that is .5/$1 and a table that is .10/.20. It has been wildly popular. I just make people reserve a seat before hand for what they want to play. So far it's worked well. Surprisingly, the .5/$1 game fills up the same day i send the text out. Towards the end of the night it plays bigger probably like a 1/2 or even 1/3 game but that's what they want.
All in all, poker has to sting a little bit. I think for most people, <$50 doesn't quite sting enough for them to really take the stakes seriously. I've found that my small game .10/.20 discourages a large group of people from coming because they don't really wanna play for only $20. For whatever reason, if you call it a 1/2 game people wont show up bc its too big. Even though my .5/1 plays like 1/2, the line is out the door. I think most home games just play bigger than what the stakes are. I cant explain it, but every game i've run plays bigger than what i call it. My experience with tournaments is similar too. <$50 you get a few, >$100 you get a few, but between $50-$100 I run out of seats.