So my girlfriend moved in and things happened (1 Viewer)


3 of a Kind
Mar 11, 2021
Reaction score
Bay Area California
First and foremost I would like to say that I feel safe at home and this has not affected poker in any way. This post is about a solution I found for storing poker tables with limited space after the girlfriend redecorates.

So the girlfriend moved in a few months ago and as many of you know, this leads to some very nice things but also comes with challenges. For example, my house is decently sized for my monthly poker tournaments but space is limited. Normally I have my two poker tables setup permanently downstairs. What’s nice about these BBO tables are the folding legs so if needed, I can move the tables and use the room for something else.


The girlfriend came with some very nice living room furniture which could only go in the poker room. I bent the knee and began looking for poker table storage options. There were two videos I found on YouTube which I basically combined into one and both of these videos used some sort of electric hoist.

I wanted to avoid having the tables lie on their side railings and I did not want them stacked on top of each other. This was the end result, and yes I have very limited experience in construction.


The platform and tables are approximately 450 lbs combined. The table on bottom is about half the weight as the one on top. The hoist is mounted sideways above the garage door which seems to be working fine. There is about 6.5 feet of clearance under the tables.

Overall I’m pretty happy with the result and it’s fairly easy switching the room out for poker. If you are considering a similar design please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any suggestions on how to make this better, that would be greatly appreciated.
@Sneakygreek congrats you found love in your life. However...

What @Moxie Mike kindly is trying to say, be careful what you give up on. Not to say she takes over, but being in a 24 year relation and having 2 kids, there is no room left for spontaneous game nights. I can't even put a decent game together with the old group. They all went for the change.

It is so important to protect what defined you before you fell in love. That is what attracted her in the first place. Keep that internal flame lit.

On the hoist. Nice! However, I would have made a cart from plywood on heavy duty castors where both tables you be leaning against. With their folded legs on a ridge. /\

This way you can quickly move them and they take up not so much headspace.
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What in the actual fuck did you go and do that for?

What in the actual fuck did you go and do that for?

Who gives a shit!

It's your fucking house. She doesn't own it... you do. Why are you rearranging your lifestyle to accommodate her shit? FFS dude...
How to tell everybody you're single without saying you're single. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Werent you just saying your wife threatened divroce in front of those kids though? Not a good example!
Yeah... true. And it is weird. The poker table and room predated her though. Seems they aren't a problem because they haven't "cost" her anything. She's odd. But... $60 of singles... omg. Still have both the chips and the wife.
First and foremost I would like to say that I feel safe at home and this has not affected poker in any way. This post is about a solution I found for storing poker tables with limited space after the girlfriend redecorates.

So the girlfriend moved in a few months ago and as many of you know, this leads to some very nice things but also comes with challenges. For example, my house is decently sized for my monthly poker tournaments but space is limited. Normally I have my two poker tables setup permanently downstairs. What’s nice about these BBO tables are the folding legs so if needed, I can move the tables and use the room for something else.

View attachment 1303085

The girlfriend came with some very nice living room furniture which could only go in the poker room. I bent the knee and began looking for poker table storage options. There were two videos I found on YouTube which I basically combined into one and both of these videos used some sort of electric hoist.

I wanted to avoid having the tables lie on their side railings and I did not want them stacked on top of each other. This was the end result, and yes I have very limited experience in construction.

View attachment 1303089View attachment 1303090View attachment 1303091

The platform and tables are approximately 450 lbs combined. The table on bottom is about half the weight as the one on top. The hoist is mounted sideways above the garage door which seems to be working fine. There is about 6.5 feet of clearance under the tables.

Overall I’m pretty happy with the result and it’s fairly easy switching the room out for poker. If you are considering a similar design please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any suggestions on how to make this better, that would be greatly appreciated.
How far to move and re setup? Tables light enough for one person to move, or you use a trolly?
I like the setup and have long been thinking of the same type of setup. I'm single, will probably never have another woman living with me, but, still like the idea of multi use rooms instead of an 8 ft table, and chairs, taking up all the floor space. I can use that space to put up another one of my sound systems.

Have contemplated how to draw it up to the ceiling and have the underside look decorative, like an architectural feature similar to a coffered ceiling. Perhaps an ovoid shape with some LED lighting artfully incorporated.

I admire your resourcefulness to share your home (things are 50/50 now) yet keep what's so important to you. Great job, you keep doing you!
My wife is about 1% as interested in poker chip and poker chip related accessories as I am, but one of our favorite things to do when alone (other than making the beast with two backs) is playing heads up.

Maybe try that…it’s one on one time…eye to eye…no tv or other static…pure conversation.

All the sudden you have a dedicated space for poker…then she tells her friends about it…all the sudden your couple friends come over to play.

You’re welcome.
LOL - Mrs. Moxie and I have been together for 20 years this year.

But my remarks were about frame. A man who can't hold frame in his own relationship is in for a disappointing life of endless concessions.
Demanding your poker table be in the living room is a poor “frame.”

Gotta pick your battles.
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He had said something about her living room furniture, so I used it as an example.
My wife is about 1% as interested in poker chip and poker chip related accessories as I am, but one of our favorite things to do when alone (other than making the beast with two backs) is playing heads up.

Maybe try that…it’s one on one time…eye to eye…no tv or other static…pure conversation.

All the sudden you have a dedicated space for poker…then she tells her friends about it…all the sudden your couple friends come over to play.

You’re welcome.
You Alabama folks are wise.

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