Sit n go starting stack? (2 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Dec 15, 2022
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New to this forum. I'm looking to upgrade my non-labeled chips to some higher quality chips with denominations. We usually play sit n go tournaments around 1,5-2 hours.

My thinking is that everyone would get $1,500 in chips with the following distribution:

$10 x 15
$50 x 11
$100 x 8

The blinds levels would be 10/20, 20/40, 30/60 and so on. Probably with 15 min intervals.

Do you think this is a good amount and distribution?
Welcome fellow Swede! Where in Sweden?

Whatever floats your boat but traditional denoms are what most people do i.e for a tourney: T5/T25/T100/T500/T1000/T5k/T25k etc. I’d say most do either a T25 or a T100 base structure (smallest denomination).

It’s also generally recommended to keep 4-5x between denoms for effeciency. The exception being T500 to T1000 that most still do, probably mostly because a T2000/T2500 is pretty awkward.

The 50 is fairly useless in your structure. I’d go T5/T25/T100 for a T1500. Personally though, I prefer a T25 base with 10k starting stacks of:

25/100/500/1000 - 12/12/5/6

Starting at 25/50 blinds. A 400-chip set is plenty for that structure with 10 players with enough 1k and possibly 5k chips for color-ups and re-buys.
Thanks! The west coast, you?

Sounds good, my concern is that it will take too long to play a game. Playing online a sit n go stack is usually 50 or 75 bb, which is what we've used when playing in person as well.
Outside of Stockholm.

Yeah, it was just an example of a tested and trusted structure. I’m too lazy to rethink it to fit other starting stacks and denoms. Nothing says you can’t start with 3 or 4k instead of 10 though.

If it ain’t broke I guess…but 50-75bb poker doesn’t leave much room to play…poker. And that’s just at the start. 15 minutes in you’ve got 25-35 bbs. Sounds more like a crap shoot.

How long do you want your games to last? How many players?
I think that structure is good in general, so I was looking at something like that without the $25. If I theorectically would add a $2.5 to my stack it would be similar denoms.

We're usually 4-6 players, maybe 8 sometimes. For the 4-6 player games we usually like to play 2 h. So quite quick, people that are knocked out get impaitient haha.
Do you have denominated chips 10/50/100, or what kind chipset do you have?
There are multiple ways of shortening the length of a tournament:

  1. Smaller stacks (fewer big blinds)
  2. Shorter levels
  3. More aggressive blind increases
I ran a 2 hour game with my family over thanksgiving. Everyone started with 60,000 in chips, blinds started at 200/400 (1500 big blinds). I wanted to get lots of high value chips in play, and have big stacks. I even got a couple T25K plaques in play in the last couple levels. We did 12 minute levels, and finished right at 2 hours.

As a rule of thumb, a tourney will end with there are 20bb in play. For instance, in my example, we had 360,000 in play. I know the game will likely end when the big blind is somewhere around 15k-20k. Just make your blind increases as consistent as possible within that framework. It works really well.
There are multiple ways of shortening the length of a tournament:

  1. Smaller stacks (fewer big blinds)
  2. Shorter levels
  3. More aggressive blind increases
I ran a 2 hour game with my family over thanksgiving. Everyone started with 60,000 in chips, blinds started at 200/400 (1500 big blinds). I wanted to get lots of high value chips in play, and have big stacks. I even got a couple T25K plaques in play in the last couple levels. We did 12 minute levels, and finished right at 2 hours.

As a rule of thumb, a tourney will end with there are 20bb in play. For instance, in my example, we had 360,000 in play. I know the game will likely end when the big blind is somewhere around 15k-20k. Just make your blind increases as consistent as possible within that framework. It works really well.
In your example, 8 players x 1500 = 12,000 chips. Divide by 20, and that tells you the game should end when the big blinds are around 600.
2h game would probably be 100BB.

Maybe a T5 base T1k structure of 10/10/7 with 5/10 starting blinds. At 8 players that's only 216 chips. Add some extra T100 to cover a couple rebuys and a colour-up and you're still under 300 chips.
Do you have denominated chips 10/50/100, or what kind chipset do you have?

I have some old budget chips without denominations and I'm looking to buy new ones.

2h game would probably be 100BB.

Maybe a T5 base T1k structure of 10/10/7 with 5/10 starting blinds. At 8 players that's only 216 chips. Add some extra T100 to cover a couple rebuys and a colour-up and you're still under 300 chips.

Sounds good, but I think we would like to have at least 30-35 chips per player. Even though it works to play with less, it feels a bit like it's to few.

I'm starting to think that that the 10K stack could work. But if we would for 100BB, i.e. 50/100 in blinds, it's almost like the 25 is not needed.
You could go for a T100 base and have the first level be 100/100 if you want to skip the 25s. Or use the 25s and start with 5k and 25/50.

What kind of chips are you looking to get?
I have some old budget chips without denominations and I'm looking to buy new ones.

Sounds good, but I think we would like to have at least 30-35 chips per player. Even though it works to play with less, it feels a bit like it's to few.

I'm starting to think that that the 10K stack could work. But if we would for 100BB, i.e. 50/100 in blinds, it's almost like the 25 is not needed.

A T5 base T1K tourney can also be done 15/17/5 for T5/T25/T100, 37 chips per player. At 8 players still just under 300 chips if playing freezeout.
First I was looking at some Monte Carlo 13.5 g but after getting some samples I feel they will probably be too heavy. So now I'm looking at either Majestic or Banks from
I haven’t tried Monte Carlos, but obv they are cheaper slugged (I guess) chips. Would agree that 13.5 is too heavy. I have owned a set of B&G plastics which are even heavier. Sold them because of it.

I have owned a set of Royals which are basically the same as Majestics and Banks, except they’re 43mm.

Very nice chips for their price point. calls them clay, but they are NOT compression molded clays like Paulson, CPC, BCC, TRK. We call them china clay. I think they handle very nicely but they do come with a very special chemical smell. Hard to describe and difficult to get rid of. Not a deal breaker for me, but some can’t stand it at all. Probably order a few samples first. That advice goes for any chip purchase. The options available are very different and it’s impossible to predict how you will like them.

Another option in a similar price point is ceramics from Comes with the added benefit of customization, if you’d like. US based though so you’d have to factor in shipping costs and potential custom fees.

Also a lot chips trade hands through the classifieds here. Might seem scary at first but 99.99% of users and transactions are legit. Just use good judgement and the feedback system. Happy to guide further should you choose that option.
I have some old budget chips without denominations and I'm looking to buy new ones.

I think we would like to have at least 30-35 chips per player. Even though it works to play with less, it feels a bit like it's to few.
Go with a 400-chip T500-base set, using 10/10/7/4 stacks (31 chips = 150k, or 75 bb with 1000/2000 starting blinds). The extra T5000s color-up the T500 and T1000 chips, so one rack each of the 500, 1000, 5000, and 25000 denoms covers 10 players.

Easy to create a decent 75bb structure that lasts roughly 2 hours, and you'd have enough extra T25k chips to bump it up to a 300k deep-stack event when desired.
Here is what we use on our online SNG tournaments. 5,000 starting stack. 5 min levels.

Thanks for all suggestions :) We played yesterday with a 10K starting stack and it worked well. The only complaint from my friends was that it was too few chips. We ended up starting with 12/12/17. So I'm thinking to maybe order chips for a 16/16/16 starting stack and have 1000 and 5000 chips for rebuys and potentially color ups if we'll do that.

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