Wanted Sell Me Ur Murdered/Relabeled Fantasy Chips (Fabalous Las Vegas $1/NCV Blue + $100 denom option) (1 Viewer)

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I still have the rack of CDI $100’s I bought from you. Haven’t touched them since ai bought them. I probably have a lead on a rack of CDII $25’s that sold awhile back that were murdered. I plan on using the CDI $1’s I have. All my other fantasy chips are leaded RHC’s.
I got a murdered/relabeled rack of CdM1 (yellow, 312 purple), but I'm not sure if that's what you're after.
I think I could make that work. As a unique $1.
These are out there in quantity too, someone was selling more CDM 1's too. Maybe @mipevi ? or @KingWithTheAxe

I used this same chip/spot pattern for a relabeled frac.

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