Just ordered a perfect padded rail from casino supply https://www.casinosupply.com/products/perfect-padded-rail-per-ft-no-returns-cut-material-1
Couldn't find a guide with pictures or anything for helping with installation. Anyone who has used this for their table, can you send pictures of the underside of the table so I can see how it was stapled under? I plan to use a 1/2 inch plywood with 1/4 casino foam. Also what size staples should I use?
Couldn't find a guide with pictures or anything for helping with installation. Anyone who has used this for their table, can you send pictures of the underside of the table so I can see how it was stapled under? I plan to use a 1/2 inch plywood with 1/4 casino foam. Also what size staples should I use?