This was supposed to be four chips, but there was a tie for 2nd in a preliminary round, so I kept both. Vote for your ONE favorite. Results in six days.
Feel free to smack talk and trash or praise chips to keep bumping the thread. I have some thoughts on one of the chips that I will share to bump the thread later this week.
For the life of me I cannot figure how the ACF is so popular compared to something like a classic TRK. The ACF is not leaded or textured or shaped inlay. The inlay art is meh and basically nobody owns them. I guess people like their easter egg colors on unobtainable chips?
It's hard to call anybody a winner here so far. For those who have not voted, right now it is 11-10-9-8-6. You can say the 11 and 10 are beating the 6 and probably the 8, but that's about it.
Almost made it! ACF is going to win the battle of these 5, but the finals should really only have 2 or 3 chips. I'll probably run the top 2 or 3 against each other. Because, more polls!