PCF Group Chip Buys & Advice (1 Viewer)


Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
So I know that when the Aurora Star group buy went down it was a very exclusive group (for obvious reasons). I also know that there was a lot of...animosity from those who were not included.
I also know that with the pandemic a lot of people have taken up poker and that there are a good number of PCF newbs, and people looking for sets.

After all that happened with the AS buy do you think there will ever be another Paulson group buy like this? I'm a relatively new PCFer. What are some ways to engage more in the community and to prevent myself from being left out of more exclusive opportunities like this? How would you recommend that newbs get their first or second set of Paulson chips?

Thanks for the advice and wisdom.
Staying out of the boat chips discussion (happened before I joined), but I’d say your best bet at a nice Paulson set would be through one of the PCF vendors - hard to beat mint Paulsons at ~$1.50 each like have been offered by ChipRoom, ChipExchange, others recently.

There are obviously lots of sets that are sold in the classifieds too, but it’s important to do your research - some prices are...not so great.

Lots of cool chips turn up on eBay, Craigslist, etc. as well, but I don’t know how to beat some PCFers to these deals, so can’t help you there.
Privately-funded business venture, similar to the large purchases of PNY, Wynn charity set, Horseshoe Cleveland/Cincinnati, Harrah's Cherokee, and Jack-Detroit chips -- none of which were group buys, either.
Key legal distinction ... those other examples all involved operating casinos that either intended to or did use the chips in their business operations.
So I know that when the Aurora Star group buy went down it was a very exclusive group (for obvious reasons). I also know that there was a lot of...animosity from those who were not included.
I also know that with the pandemic a lot of people have taken up poker and that there are a good number of PCF newbs, and people looking for sets.

After all that happened with the AS buy do you think there will ever be another Paulson group buy like this? I'm a relatively new PCFer. What are some ways to engage more in the community and to prevent myself from being left out of more exclusive opportunities like this? How would you recommend that newbs get their first or second set of Paulson chips?

Thanks for the advice and wisdom.
To get a set of Paulsons? You need to have a grand or two ready to burn, watch the classifieds, and pull the trigger when something you want comes up.
Or wait for the chip room to come up with another sale - it seems to happen once or twice a year.
Or be aware of it (by reading everything that’s posted here) when somebody else comes across an old casino’s worth of Paulsons, and be ready to throw your money at them.
There’s no magical formula; just get engaged in the community.
Or if you want a set TODAY, go check out Apache Poker chips. He’s always got a few sets to sell.
I have to say I cracked up when you said “relatively new” and then I checked your date. I consider myself relatively new, and I’ve been kicking around for a few years.
Don’t focus on the Star chips and getting into the secret club in case that ever happens again. The vast majority of Paulsons sold on this site are sold right out in public. And don’t forget about BCCs and TRKs - clay chips just as good as Paulsons. Not to mention CPCs which are arguably as good and available for purchase, custom or otherwise, right now.
Key legal distinction ... those other examples all involved operating casinos that either intended to or did use the chips in their business operations.
Aside of your statement being false, you're also missing the point. All of the examples cited were large chip purchases by private parties, and were not group buys in the sense that the term is used here.

The makeup of the selling parties, the buying parties, and the products involved varied significantly across those private transactions.
Aside of your statement being false, you're also missing the point. All of the examples cited were large chip purchases by private parties, and were not group buys in the sense that the term is used here.

The makeup of the selling parties, the buying parties, and the products involved varied significantly across those private transactions.
Correct! (legally, at least).
But the poor OP was asking if he can be friends with you anytime soon, and the answer is a huge NO. :)
It's not a universally defined term and is clearly interpreted differently by each member. Not sure anyone has a monopoly on the term.
I think it's reasonably-defined here on PCF and by what's considered allowable and acceptable in the PCF Group Buy forum.

None of the referenced purchases were listed in that forum (nor were the purchases of BTP or SB chips), because they were not group buys.
Aside of your statement being false, you're also missing the point. All of the examples cited were large chip purchases by private parties, and were not group buys in the sense that the term is used here.

The makeup of the selling parties, the buying parties, and the products involved varied significantly across those private transactions.
Ok, let me frame it a little differently to make my point.

I’m not familiar with the particulars of the buy that resulted in the boat chips. It was before my time. No feelings one way or the other on my part.

So let’s just say, hypothetically, the participants in this boat chip “business venture” that received the chips agreed in a contract that, if they resold the chips from the “group buy,” they would have to pay a 10% commission to you. Everyone would know what that contract meant, and if people went to court to argue no commission was owed because the chips weren’t purchased through a group buy, their case would likely be considered frivolous.
Ok, let me frame it a little differently to make my point.

I’m not familiar with the particulars of the buy that resulted in the boat chips. It was before my time. No feelings one way or the other on my part.

So let’s just say, hypothetically, the participants in this boat chip “business venture” that received the chips agreed in a contract that, if they resold the chips from the “group buy,” they would have to pay a 10% commission to you. Everyone would know what that contract meant, and if people went to court to argue no commission was owed because the chips weren’t purchased through a group buy, their case would likely be considered frivolous.

Its much simpler than this, or any of your arguments (which are all correct). A private group of people bought a product. Key word is "group". Hence, fucking group buy!
Ok, let me frame it a little differently to make my point.

So let’s just say, hypothetically, the participants in this boat chip “business venture” that received the chips agreed in a contract that, if they resold the chips from the “group buy,” they would have to pay a 10% commission to you. Everyone would know what that contract meant, and if people went to court to argue no commission was owed because the chips weren’t purchased through a group buy, their case would likely be considered frivolous.
I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make. If not a group buy, why would any ancillary contract involving it include that wordage?

This sums it up pretty well:
I’m not familiar with the particulars of the buy that resulted in the boat chips.
A private group of people bought a product. Key word is "group". Hence, fucking group buy!
So you consider the purchase of the Harrah's Cherokee chips to be a group buy? How about the purchase of the Starlite chips?
I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make. If not a group buy, why would any ancillary contract involving it include that wordage?

This sums it up pretty well:
I forgot for a second that you know everything, including the commonly accepted interpretation of the term “group buy.” All I can say is I’d love for you to have to make your arguments in front of a judge. When the judge disagreed with you, you would say the judge doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.

“You Sir are in contempt!”
Privately-funded business venture, similar to the large purchases of PNY, Wynn charity set, Horseshoe Cleveland/Cincinnati, Harrah's Cherokee, and Jack-Detroit chips -- none of which were group buys, either.

When NOBODY else agrees with you or supports your argument maybe your argument is flawed?

This shit NEVER gets old.

I don't think those type of buys are likely to happen again. Just find you a good set from a vendor or in the classifieds and be happy. There are a lot of behind the scenes sales but plenty in the classifieds. Hell if you figure out how to crack the behind the scenes market let me know because it's lost to me as well. Pick me up some Binions while you're there.

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