Paris flipping. (2 Viewers)

IANAL either, but the way I understand it, the casino may not care that you're removing chips from the property since they're turning a profit, but NGC cares. Racks, however, are casino property, and removing racks from the casino premise is technically theft. Enforcement, LDO, varies.
Whereas if I give you a dollar bill, I own it before and you own it after.

Interesting. In the most esoteric interpretation, the physical dollar bill is nit your property at all. It's just a token that represents value. You might be free to destroy any piece of physical property you own, but you are not free to destroy physical currency, because it is issued (and belongs to) the government.

Casino cash chips/cheques are a form of corporate currency. A legal liability against them on their property, but (supposedly) worthless outside in the rest of the world.

Anybody who traffics in live chips outside of casino jurisdictions is technically doing something illegal. Not necessarily a felony or anything, but lack of enforcement is the issue.

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