Full House
Looking to get some thought from the community about this hand.
Playing 7-handed $1/$2 NL Hollywood Hold’em (hi only) with the normal crew. Essentially the same as hold’em except there is a third card in everyone’s hand face up and you can use all three from your hand.
This hand happened to be fairly early into the night. Most have bought in for $200 and there has been one reload so far.
Note: last card is the face up card
UTG $250ish — XX (low diamond)
UTG+1 $350ish — XX
Hijack $200ish —XX
Cutoff $200ish —XX
Dealer $400ish —XX (low heart)
SB (Hero) $275 —

BB $225ish — XX
UTG folds, +1 makes it $7 (this person has a fairly high VPIP and can be sticky), hijack/cutoff/dealer fold and action on Hero.
Playing 7-handed $1/$2 NL Hollywood Hold’em (hi only) with the normal crew. Essentially the same as hold’em except there is a third card in everyone’s hand face up and you can use all three from your hand.
This hand happened to be fairly early into the night. Most have bought in for $200 and there has been one reload so far.
Note: last card is the face up card
UTG $250ish — XX (low diamond)
UTG+1 $350ish — XX

Hijack $200ish —XX

Cutoff $200ish —XX

Dealer $400ish —XX (low heart)
SB (Hero) $275 —

BB $225ish — XX

UTG folds, +1 makes it $7 (this person has a fairly high VPIP and can be sticky), hijack/cutoff/dealer fold and action on Hero.