When I joined PCF, JACK Detroit was my first love. Chip for chip, it's my favorite complete set on this site - and still is, despite a pile of RPCs and Tigers lurking over my shoulder. It was also my first major chip interest on PCF. I combed through every classified and chip pr0n post dating back to the original Chip Room release and marveled at these damn chips. But even then, I couldn't pull the trigger on a single JD purchase. I had only bought dice chips and Apache Casino Royale's up to that point, and the thought of paying $5/chip gave me a panic attack.
But the guy who made it all possible for me was @TheJestyr. I saw he had bought and sold JD chips in the past, so I DM'ed him out of the blue. I asked him so many dumb beginner questions, my favorite of which (in hindsight) was: "Will I need to buy sets that include chips I don't want? I thought I could just wait and buy only the chips I wanted." But George was incredibly patient and generous with his time. He educated me on the wide world of chips, PCF, and JACK Detroits - and even proactively sent me his analysis on a few listings (that were not his own) to help point me in the right direction.
And ultimately it got to a point that I knew I wanted to buy some of these chips. And as all of PCF knows by now, @TheJestyr has (or rather, had) one of the most incredible JD sets contained under one roof. At that point, George easily could have taken advantage and price gouged me. He surely knew that I was a chipping novice - as evidenced by the fact that I eventually offered him way, way too much for the JDs that I wanted.
And instead of taking my money and running, George graciously said, "You're offering too much. Pay less. It's still a fair deal."
I've since bought thousands of chips from dozens of sellers, and lemme tell you: I've never heard that sentence from anyone else. @TheJestyr is something special on this site. So point #1 is: Thank you, George. George is awesome; we should all be more like George. (On a related note: people should buy his stuff. He has some of the best sets listed in volume on this site right now - at very reasonable prices. Jack Detroits and Cincy's, Horseshoe Indianas and Cincinnatis. Buy some great chips and pay it forward to a good dude.)
Anyways, Point #2 is: After several months of saving and stockpiling, the JACK set that I started with George is now complete(-ish). Fully proofed as both a multi-table cash and tournament set, and functional for all different stakes - as well as 3/2 Blackjack, which we play frequently. And now that the set is done: man, do I love every chip in this lineup. I'm not normally an advocate for vanity chips, but just look at those tri moon Cincy $2s! This set is one of the GOATs for me.
Thanks for reading (assuming you made it this far). Concluding thought: don't sleep on JACKs. Maybe it's because everyone here already knows that these chips are great, but I find far more of today's discussion is focused on NAGBs and ultra rare historical chips. If you just joined and want to spend a couple thousand on a set, you could get a sweet playable set of JACKs (and then leave this place forever with your wallet mostly unscathed).
But the guy who made it all possible for me was @TheJestyr. I saw he had bought and sold JD chips in the past, so I DM'ed him out of the blue. I asked him so many dumb beginner questions, my favorite of which (in hindsight) was: "Will I need to buy sets that include chips I don't want? I thought I could just wait and buy only the chips I wanted." But George was incredibly patient and generous with his time. He educated me on the wide world of chips, PCF, and JACK Detroits - and even proactively sent me his analysis on a few listings (that were not his own) to help point me in the right direction.
And ultimately it got to a point that I knew I wanted to buy some of these chips. And as all of PCF knows by now, @TheJestyr has (or rather, had) one of the most incredible JD sets contained under one roof. At that point, George easily could have taken advantage and price gouged me. He surely knew that I was a chipping novice - as evidenced by the fact that I eventually offered him way, way too much for the JDs that I wanted.
And instead of taking my money and running, George graciously said, "You're offering too much. Pay less. It's still a fair deal."
I've since bought thousands of chips from dozens of sellers, and lemme tell you: I've never heard that sentence from anyone else. @TheJestyr is something special on this site. So point #1 is: Thank you, George. George is awesome; we should all be more like George. (On a related note: people should buy his stuff. He has some of the best sets listed in volume on this site right now - at very reasonable prices. Jack Detroits and Cincy's, Horseshoe Indianas and Cincinnatis. Buy some great chips and pay it forward to a good dude.)
Anyways, Point #2 is: After several months of saving and stockpiling, the JACK set that I started with George is now complete(-ish). Fully proofed as both a multi-table cash and tournament set, and functional for all different stakes - as well as 3/2 Blackjack, which we play frequently. And now that the set is done: man, do I love every chip in this lineup. I'm not normally an advocate for vanity chips, but just look at those tri moon Cincy $2s! This set is one of the GOATs for me.
Thanks for reading (assuming you made it this far). Concluding thought: don't sleep on JACKs. Maybe it's because everyone here already knows that these chips are great, but I find far more of today's discussion is focused on NAGBs and ultra rare historical chips. If you just joined and want to spend a couple thousand on a set, you could get a sweet playable set of JACKs (and then leave this place forever with your wallet mostly unscathed).