New Group Game (1 Viewer)


Two Pair
Oct 10, 2018
Reaction score
So I have finally convinced a group of people I work with to come and play tonight. One person is wanting to buy in for twice the amount as what everyone agreed to. I first thought, sure that's fine, but am now wondering if that would be a bad idea for people that have hardly ever played and should limit them to the rest of the buy ins. Thoughts?
Limit your game: min. 40 Big Blinds, max. 200 is a classic one, but do what feels right for you :)
We are planning a 20 dollar buy in with 0.25/0.25 blinds. This person is wanting to buy in for 50. I feel if I allow that, then that person could cause the other newbies to have a poor experience.
$20 is a little too shallow for .25/25 imo, that's 80 bbs, which becomes 30-40bbs once you lose a medium sized pot here or there. You should offer the same range to everyon though at the outset. For a .25/.25 game, that range should prob be $20-$50.

But either way, be very clear about buy-in rules. One person should not buy in for significantly more than others unless it's stated in the rules that they can.
I normally do have a range for the buy ins but with 8 people who have never played before wanted everyone to have the exact same stack. It went great and everyone enjoyed themselves. They are already wanting to play again. After they get more comfortable can start inviting the regulars with this group.
We are planning a 20 dollar buy in with 0.25/0.25 blinds. This person is wanting to buy in for 50. I feel if I allow that, then that person could cause the other newbies to have a poor experience.
I’ve hosted a .25/.25 game with $20-$60 buy in and seems the newbies like to buy for $20 at a time. No one ever buys for $60 and bullies anyone though, I think that would be more player dependent.

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