With my poker obsession at an all time high I have to say I do a weird thing when I purchase my sets. When I buy Tournament sets I based them off of table size (single table, two tables, four table and six tables) and when I purchase my sets I buy two. I feel this need to have a primary and a secondary just for piece of mind and security. Right now I have two sets for a single table game, Pharaohs and Nationals. For my two table games I have my GCR's from paulson and my GCR's from BCC. But I only have one set for my four table game, my World Tophat & Canes. Right now I have been thinking of getting either the Milanos or the Nevada Jack Skulls. I have samples of the chips, I know the feels and looks are very different from one to the other. I guess what I'm getting at is I love both but can only get one. Has anyone here owned a complete set of either or both? So far I have come up with s few pros and cons. Pros for Nevada Jacks is there ceramic and it would be my first set of ceramics. Con its a full face inlay and that's not what I'm usually after. Pros for the Milanos, I love the colours and how simple the inlays are. Cons I hear problems about thickness, and I need to store them in racks to go in my book shelf's I purchased strictly for displaying chips. Help!!! All input would be welcomed.