Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (1 Viewer)


Dec 24, 2013
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Thought I'd drop in and say hi and wish all a somewhat belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I'm still relatively new to chip set collecting, but have a few sets of Paulson fantasy chips, several casino sets including a small set of nice uncirc'd Dunes, some of Cheese's "leftover" uncirc'd Terribles, a beautiful set of Key Wests from Dennis, and a few Aztar roulettes from Mr. Shaffer.

I also collect another kind of chips, plus other circuitry and mechanicals contained in various keyboard and related musical instruments, but that's a whole 'nuther story and web site!

Perhaps I should have just opened with "Hi, I'm Ski and I have Obsessive Chip Disorder." :cool:

Hi Ski...Welcome to PCF. Happy Holidays to you too. You have some really nice chip sets there. :)
Welcome Ski! Glad to see you over here :). 100% agree about the non commercially focused. It's nice that this site is about the chips and not about making a profit :)
Welcome Ski! Glad to see you over here :). 100% agree about the non commercially focused. It's nice that this site is about the chips and not about making a profit :)

Don't get me wrong... I'm a firm believer in capitalism, and an individual's right to use his or her smarts and/or hard work to earn a buck. That said, I've hosted a music synthesizer web site and forum since 2001. I've had a LOT of help from a bunch of great people. I've paid all the bills, though, because I can, and frankly, it's just not very expensive once you've found a great web host (we use SiteWorks, who have been simply awesome for 12 years & counting). I've encouraged folks on our forums to contribute what they can in terms of helpful advice, sounds that they've programmed, tutorials, etc. and we've had a good time together, and I think we have a great online community. We try to keep things organized and civil, but we don't have many rules, and we've only had to ban one person in 12 years.

I wish Tommy the same kind of luck here at PCF!


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