Cancelled Majestics, Banks, and Royals (1 Viewer)

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Sitting Out
Feb 8, 2023
Reaction score
Gainesville, VA
Rating - 0%
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Planning on buying a bunch of chips from Apache, but figured I'd ask the community first if anyone is looking to unload some of their CCs.

Blanks are preferred, but labeled are OK too - I'm going to relabel.

Here's what I'm looking for - quantity is likely max quantity I'll buy (may be flexible in case of larger sets):
200 White Majestics (preferred) or Banks
300 Red Banks
300 Green Banks
200 Black Majestics or Banks (no preference)
100 Pink Royals (open to other colors - this will be the $500 chip)
100 Orange Royals ($1k chip, definitely want this color)
Do you realize these chips are different sizes, correct? Some are 39mm and some are 43mm. Looks like you're going 39mm to 43mm to 39mm to 43mm, which I don't think you will like.
Hmm, I don't think that's quite right. Majestic and Bank are both 39 mm, and Royals are 43 mm.

OP's setup looks to be 39 - 39 - 39 - 39 - 43 - 43
Yup, doing 43 for the $500 and $1k chips. Should be fine.
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