Idk what this is but it’s hysterical
It's a paint image of cookie monster eating someone's entire head.Idk what this is but it’s hysterical
Idk what this is but it’s hysterical
Nice post, you, you, bad, hypocritical Illuminati monster, you.1. Just f*cking PM me when you find something. I'll pass word through the secret Illuminati group. We respect the old adage of "finders, keepers," and will not interfere with your attempt to purchase them. No one wants to drive the price up.
2. Get faster. Be Shenzhen, not Silicon Valley. Figure out a way to search more broadly or more often.
3. Use the Craigslist/eBay forum to post tables, singles, knickknacks, or funny shit. If chips are for sale and are a good deal, and you don't want them for yourself (you moral, goody-goody @BarrieJ3) then utilize the PCF Member Map or PM a friend. If you are worried about the Illuminati in the meantime, just PM me.
4. Contrary to popular belief, we are all in this together. I want to help myself first (of course), but I also want to help people here. So if you find something first but aren't sure how to get it for yourself, or how to get it to another PCF member, just PM me. I will be more than willing to help you or someone else, and I have gotten quite good at figuring out obstacles and logistics. A lot gets said about my (and others, by extension) resale of chips, yet I do my very best to make sure that the people who help me with pickups and shipping are rewarded fairly.
5. There will always be more chips. Don't be a c*nt. We're all adults, and poker chips are a completely unnecessary expense for everyone. If someone else finds chips before you it doesn't make them a bad person, and it doesn't mean you'll never get a good deal.
6. Any questions? PM me. I'm really not the monster I've been made out to be.
(I'm sure this will be flooded with posts about my hypocrisy or how I will spend eternity burning in hellfire. But let's try to keep it civil. And let's all remember that while we are fighting about who is taking advantage of who on the forum, no one is arguing that we should be telling sellers that their stuff is worth more than they are selling it for. If you want to be a truly good person, go around searching and letting people know the market value of their chips; otherwise just keep rationalizing your actions and shut the f*ck up.)
I think its cookie monster eating a little kid. That search is going to fuck with my profile lol
The fact that the original post gets thumbs up says more about the community than anything.
We write nothing but positives about everyone and how wonderful the community is, how helpful everyone is. Every sale is “awesome chips, would buy in a heartbeat, GLWS”, yet they don’t sell. Every person is perfect. Then in PMs people are did you see that shit, or do you know that this or that come from so and so?
Hell, I’ll even say that a lot of those that “chastise” those like Kaimat themselves want great deals and a little pocket change, that’s not specifically what I’m against.
At this point, I’ve well learned that it’s all about publicly gladhanding, and then having your subgroups and circles privately. I mean, it’s easy to tell as a newer chipper, when EVERY SINGLE person has 100% rating (Isn’t it kind of pointless?). I’ve had missing and broken chips from vendors, paid a ton for racks from veteran chippers who didn’t notice flea bites, warping, burns, etc., been bait and switched as recently as this week, paid for singles only to find out the other side is burned, and occasionally wait months for chips (waiting for one shipment now, but user hasn’t been on since last month).
Most of this I’m good with, cause it’s kinda normal. I don’t really have an urgent need, so idc how long I wait or having a couple barrels in a rack be a different hotstamp. Not that deep. Kinda annoyed paying $400-$2k for racks and sets that are literally nowhere said description from long term chippers though.
Rant over. I don’t really give a fuck what people think of this post. I’m guessing this is just shit you all learned long ago, and which is why most of you post and interact as selectively as you do nowadays. I wouldn’t be upset if I was an adult and smart enough to realize that every community is not what the happiest and loudest 20 people say it is. if I like your post am I a good guy or a bad guy?
People are going to help and interact with their friends, it's human nature. Public persona being different from what's exchanged in PM's, especially if done behind someone's back isn't cool though. The cliques and who's "in" or "out" is like high school all over again. I try to avoid the drama but will say something when something's not kosher.The fact that the original post gets thumbs up says more about the community than anything.
We write nothing but positives about everyone and how wonderful the community is, how helpful everyone is. Every sale is “awesome chips, would buy in a heartbeat, GLWS”, yet they don’t sell. Every person is perfect. Then in PMs people are did you see that shit, or do you know that this or that come from so and so?
Hell, I’ll even say that a lot of those that “chastise” those like Kaimat themselves want great deals and a little pocket change, that’s not specifically what I’m against.
At this point, I’ve well learned that it’s all about publicly gladhanding, and then having your subgroups and circles privately. I mean, it’s easy to tell as a newer chipper, when EVERY SINGLE person has 100% rating (Isn’t it kind of pointless?). I’ve had missing and broken chips from vendors, paid a ton for racks from veteran chippers who didn’t notice flea bites, warping, burns, etc., been bait and switched as recently as this week, paid for singles only to find out the other side is burned, and occasionally wait months for chips (waiting for one shipment now, but user hasn’t been on since last month).
Most of this I’m good with, cause it’s kinda normal. I don’t really have an urgent need, so idc how long I wait or having a couple barrels in a rack be a different hotstamp. Not that deep. Kinda annoyed paying $400-$2k for racks and sets that are literally nowhere said description from long term chippers though.
Rant over. I don’t really give a fuck what people think of this post. I’m guessing this is just shit you all learned long ago, and which is why most of you post and interact as selectively as you do nowadays. I wouldn’t be upset if I was an adult and smart enough to realize that every community is not what the happiest and loudest 20 people say it is.
Jfc not everything is about you. Move. The. Fuck. On.In reply to @BarrieJ3:
I feel like you're airing different grievances from what I was attempting to address. It sounds like maybe you should leave some negative feedback for sellers who make claims about their chips that don't match reality. I can only speak for myself, but when I have had complaints on ships I've sold I've always asked the buyer what would be fair compensation, including a full refund including shipping.
I do think that it is a bit childish for people to secretly bad mouth other members in PMs. And I would argue it says even more about the community that people have secret gossip sessions within PMs.
Perhaps you ought to demonstrate all of those virtuous characteristics your profess to possess and tell those people PM'ing you all the latest gossip that if they have a problem with so-and-so then they should contact so-and-so and talk about it. I have tried to reach out to you personally several times in order to salvage or repair our relationship (in whatever form it may take). My hope was to get beyond this dyadic view of right and wrong and reach a fuller and nuanced understanding of each other in order to create the kind of community that seems to be lacking.
In response to my PMs, I believe your replies were along the lines of my being a waste of oxygen and that you thanked the Lord Almighty that I was unwelcome at any of the meetups. Is that the kind of community you're hoping to create here Barrie?
Edit: Just gonna add, Barrie, if you PM'd me with chips for sale in the US that you wanted I would move Heaven and Earth to figure out a way to get them to you. And I would fight the urge to breathe any precious oxygen while I did it. My inbox is always open to you.
My post has literally naught to do with kaimat despite his attempts. Just a reaction to the overall post and recent community experiences. My posts in neither the previous thread nor this condemn his actions, I’m speaking to the communities apathy and what I’ve experienced not nearly totaling the picture put forth by most. Completely subjective.I like you both so......
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In all seriousness, I think we should all be allowed to chip the way we want and no one should get mad about it. There should definitely be a code of conduct or some moral standards that we all abide by, but at the end of the day and its just money and clay. We won't be taking it 6 feet under with us... (at least I won't)Hope you both get it resolved because I believe you both are valuable members of the chipping community.
Understood brotha. Hope all is wellMy post has literally naught to do with kaimat despite his attempts. Just a reaction to the overall post and recent community experiences. My posts in neither the previous thread nor this condemn his actions, I’m speaking to the communities apathy and what I’ve experienced not nearly totaling the picture put forth by most. Completely subjective.
Murderous Sesame Street characters? In.Getting around the copyright issues my be tricky, but I think we found our inspiration for the next ridiculous group![]()
My post has literally naught to do with kaimat despite his attempts.
Looks like a solid $5 chip to me