MLP Seating deals exclusively business-to-business, and provides professional-quality chairs to the casino industry. We were recently able to put an order through with them, and we now have access to purchase MLP's high-end stock.
This is an interest only thread to see if it's possible to do a group buy of these chairs.
The chair shown in the photo above is an MLP Model 1754E stackable flex-back poker chair. It retails for $569.79 per chair, plus shipping. The full vinyl version that Tommy recently got for his poker room retails for $587.42, plus shipping.
Click to see Tommy's Poker Chairs in all black vinyl:
As a group, we can get these for MLP's casino price, as if we were buying more than 100 chairs. That's about half the retail price.
Group Buyers would be able to select the seat and back fabrics from a list at MLP. Here's the materials list for Group 6:
How it would work:
1. Right now, it's "interest only." Post if you're serious about getting some really nice, true casino-quality chairs for your game room and want to get them at "casino pricing." Post what you'd be interested in so we can get the best possible price from MLP.
2. If there is enough interest to go forward, I'll get a quote from MLP on the specific chairs everyone wants. (I will need your city / state to get the shipping part of the quote.)
I understand that group buyers may pick different material / color for their chairs.
3. I'll provide the quotes and ask each participant to confirm their order by a specific day and time. There will be a "payment date" set about a week later to allow people to move funds to paypal.
4. After payments are made, the order will be placed with MLP. They'll take about three weeks to make the chairs. Chairs will be drop-shipped from MLP to your shipping address.
5. You have to be a registered Poker Chip Forum member to get in on this.
I'd like to shoot for chairs arriving at your house by Christmas. To do that, we'll need to "go live" and collect orders by October, and collect payment from the group in early November.
2 chairs -- They ship in cartons of two.
Group buyers will pay shipping from MLP to your delivery address. Chairs will be shipped directly from MLP to you.
I'll reserve the first "reply" box (below) to update everyone of where we are throughout the process.
Manufacturer Info
MLP Seating of Illinois sells directly to business. Their chairs are designed for use in a public setting -- casinos, business training facilities, hospitals, etc. They're made to last a long time in a high-traffic environment. All the materials and workmanship are top quality.
I spoke with Laura at MLP today. She said this model of poker chair is designed for exceptional comfort, and you really have to sit in it to believe it. All the materials are top-quality, and the chair is sturdy. The flex hinge provides just the right amount of "give" to make the chair comfortable for a long session at the table -- exactly what the casinos are looking for when they order.
Visit MLP's company's website at:
Here's a link to their casino seating brochure:
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