I built a website to help organize cash games (1 Viewer)


High Hand
Jan 27, 2024
Reaction score
Back when players used to show up with cash, managing cash games was way easier. But these days, me and my friends handle all money transfers through Venmo. Its always a 15 min hassle at the end of every game to figure out who needs to pay who.

So I created a website to handle all of this:


No login required, supposed to be a very quick and lightweight tool that you can pull out on your phone.

Simply create a room, and start adding players. You can edit buy in amounts by clicking on a player's row in the list of players.

Once players start to leave, or when the game ends, click on the players, and enter their cash out amount. Once all cash outs are entered, the reimbursements are calculated, and displayed for the least amount of transactions necessary.

All rooms created can be accessed in the list of rooms on https://www.tarnib.live/poker, in case you accidentally closed your tab. If you don't want strangers seeing your home game results, you can set an optional password. You can also give your room an optional name to easily find it in the list of rooms. Rooms in the list will be deleted 1 week from creation to reduce clutter.

If you want to save your results, you can click the save icon on the top right, which will print the results in PDF format, and save it on your device (if colors don't work in the PDF, make sure to enable background graphics in the advanced settings).

My friends and I have been using this for our cash games for a few months now, and usually send a screenshot of the results in our group chat at the end of every game. Now that I'm a part of PCF, I wanted to share it here.

I strongly recommend that only 1 person be in charge of handling changes in your room, as changes made on one device will not show on other devices unless the page is refreshed.

Hopefully the website is self explanatory, and you shouldn't have any issued navigating it, but if you do feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism on this thread.
Cool, thanks for sharing! Is there anyway to record buy-in history in addition to updating the total? That way if somebody thinks they're in for 250 instead of 300 for example, you can pull up a history showing 50+50+100+100?
Cool, thanks for sharing! Is there anyway to record buy-in history in addition to updating the total? That way if somebody thinks they're in for 250 instead of 300 for example, you can pull up a history showing 50+50+100+100?
not at the moment, I'll make a running list of suggestions like this one and eventually add them in whenever I have the time. For now I recommend just having the person in charge of keeping track being careful about the amounts, maybe have another person you trust keep track of the buy ins in their notes on their phone for redundancy
Back when players used to show up with cash, managing cash games was way easier. But these days, me and my friends handle all money transfers through Venmo. Its always a 15 min hassle at the end of every game to figure out who needs to pay who.

So I created a website to handle all of this:


No login required, supposed to be a very quick and lightweight tool that you can pull out on your phone.

Simply create a room, and start adding players. You can edit buy in amounts by clicking on a player's row in the list of players.

Once players start to leave, or when the game ends, click on the players, and enter their cash out amount. Once all cash outs are entered, the reimbursements are calculated, and displayed for the least amount of transactions necessary.

All rooms created can be accessed in the list of rooms on https://www.tarnib.live/poker, in case you accidentally closed your tab. If you don't want strangers seeing your home game results, you can set an optional password. You can also give your room an optional name to easily find it in the list of rooms. Rooms in the list will be deleted 1 week from creation to reduce clutter.

If you want to save your results, you can click the save icon on the top right, which will print the results in PDF format, and save it on your device (if colors don't work in the PDF, make sure to enable background graphics in the advanced settings).

My friends and I have been using this for our cash games for a few months now, and usually send a screenshot of the results in our group chat at the end of every game. Now that I'm a part of PCF, I wanted to share it here.

I strongly recommend that only 1 person be in charge of handling changes in your room, as changes made on one device will not show on other devices unless the page is refreshed.

Hopefully the website is self explanatory, and you shouldn't have any issued navigating it, but if you do feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism on this thread.

This is awesome thank you! Deposit history per player would be useful
This is very cool, thanks. I was looking on github for things others have done to help manage my games so this helps!
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

I feel like this can also be added to the resource section on PCF :whistle: :whistling:
Am I the one who should be posting to the resource section or is that something a website admin would do?
Cool, thanks for sharing! Is there anyway to record buy-in history in addition to updating the total? That way if somebody thinks they're in for 250 instead of 300 for example, you can pull up a history showing 50+50+100+100?

This is awesome thank you! Deposit history per player would be useful

Actions history has been added to the latest build. Simply click on the top right icon, and then click on the history icon to get a list of all events that have been recorded in this room along with your local time at which the action took place. History is sorted from most recent action to oldest action.

Rooms created before today will not have their actions history available, but every room created from now on will.

Let me know if you guys want anymore features.
Crashed almost instantly. Ur tempting me to build my own...
Some feedback would be helpful, id be happy to solve the issue if theres a bug im not aware of. Just let me know the steps to reproduce the error you are encountering
As a host who only deals in cash, I’m probably the wrong guy to comment. But probably someday I’ll be forced to accept Venmo/PPFF etc.

My concern would be instructing players to pay each other after the game is over. I don’t have any players I would worry about welshing (sorry if that term is un-PC now). But strange things happen in poker.*

Plus it just seems overly complicated. I like to have everything settled by the time the last player leaves.

* Example: I was playing in a private game run by an experienced host, whose players are all trusted regs and friends. A very odd situation came up (really kind of a one in a million thing) and now one of the host’s longest-standing regs is furious and boycotting the game. Someone who the host has helped in countless ways over the years, including financially. The reg is plainly in the wrong, but won’t back down… I wouldn’t want some blowup like that to occur when there are electronic debts to settle.
As a host who only deals in cash, I’m probably the wrong guy to comment. But probably someday I’ll be forced to accept Venmo/PPFF etc.

My concern would be instructing players to pay each other after the game is over. I don’t have any players I would worry about welshing (sorry if that term is un-PC now). But strange things happen in poker.*

Plus it just seems overly complicated. I like to have everything settled by the time the last player leaves.

* Example: I was playing in a private game run by an experienced host, whose players are all trusted regs and friends. A very odd situation came up (really kind of a one in a million thing) and now one of the host’s longest-standing regs is furious and boycotting the game. Someone who the host has helped in countless ways over the years, including financially. The reg is plainly in the wrong, but won’t back down… I wouldn’t want some blowup like that to occur when there are electronic debts to settle.
I understand where you’re coming from. I used to be a cash only guy as well (and still am lol), but when my players never have cash on them and insist on using electronic methods, the best I can do is facilitate this method so that were not struggling at the end of the night for 20 minutes.

After we cashout, the people who are owed usually are responsible for making sure that they get their money (usually they receive money from 1-2 people). So I let the winners of the night bear that burden. If we ever encounter a situation where 1 person doesnt cough up, hes simply blacklisted. Nothing to do about these kinds of people
I keep extra cash on hand and accept bank transfers from those who are somehow unable to attend a bank machine before coming. I highly discourage this and suggest everyone use cash to not facilitate the digital machine and planned paperless currency.

Maybe I am too old fashioned.
Sometimes cash is just not possible, this software is to help hosts when thats the case. Otherwise use cash

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