hello , og of old pokerchip forum (1 Viewer)


Jul 23, 2018
Reaction score
hey guys been ages since ive been on. i was an original member of the poker forum before everyone transferred and moved here. nice to see you all again. off course my collection went from tons of stuff to a set of
BCC turf club chips

hope you all are doing good and staying safe! cheers
Welcome to PCF! Hoping you find yourself at home here! Ps- yay another BCC member, loving this!!
yup . thanks, something about the bcc!!! its a shame they sold i always thought there stuff was top notch .
I would have loved to have been around when they were still manufacturing, to have been able to build a set would have been fantastic
Everybody is stuck inside and online thanks to Corona 2020, and it seems like we are getting lots of old school blue wall new members lately. Welcome!
Definitely been an influx lately and it's awesome to see years of chipping experience coming back to the hobby, maybe a breath of fresh air, or discussions that many newer chippers like myself havent seen before! Welcome @facinfears217, @FordPickup92 is my better half and we are both BCC fans! Never seen the Turf Clubs, if you wouldn't mind possibly posting a picture if you get a chance! So many guys talk about hitting the chipping wall. Or as far as they can go! But always seems like they come back, I'm not totally convinced it is a hobby that you can simply walk away from forever!!

Fellow Chipper Ben
some of my chips i still have and some i sold along time ago. some of the riverfront roulettes i still have, the colorado vistors buerao i still have, argosy 1s notched/drilled i still have 1300+. rest were pawned off LOL.


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