Hello from Germany (1 Viewer)


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Jan 7, 2024
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Can you help me find good poker chips? I've had cheaper plastic sticker chips so far. I would finally like to upgrade to real premium chips.
I have seen in many YouTube videos that many people use clay chips. Aren't ceramic chips better?
I have my eye on these:

What are the advantages/disadvantages of clay or ceramic chips?

Thank you in advance
Hey there,

I would recommend to gather a few samples of chips before. Clay has its charme and i do prefer them by a lot, especially older real casino chips do it for me. It is probably worth noting that most of the chips advertised as clay or even weirder "clay filled", are not what we refer to as clay. In the big world of chip manufacturers there is only two companies left that are making clay chips. Paulson, who only caters to Casinos and CPC who is taking orders from normal customers as well and they are also one of our forum vendors.

Regarding advantages/disadvantages the number one advantages for ceramics are much lower cost compared to clay and the larger canvas for customisation as you can virtually print anything on them. For clay it is the feel and the sound and the history of many of those chips together with the actual craftmanship to make them, that let me prefer clay over ceramic.

What kind of set (cash/tourney) and what size/budget are you looking for?
Welcome from California!!

According to the internet ceramic chips ARE better! The chips you are looking at in the link I believe are plastic though. To each their own/it's all personal preference...
Hey there,

I would recommend to gather a few samples of chips before. Clay has its charme and i do prefer them by a lot, especially older real casino chips do it for me. It is probably worth noting that most of the chips advertised as clay or even weirder "clay filled", are not what we refer to as clay. In the big world of chip manufacturers there is only two companies left that are making clay chips. Paulson, who only caters to Casinos and CPC who is taking orders from normal customers as well and they are also one of our forum vendors.

Regarding advantages/disadvantages the number one advantages for ceramics are much lower cost compared to clay and the larger canvas for customisation as you can virtually print anything on them. For clay it is the feel and the sound and the history of many of those chips together with the actual craftmanship to make them, that let me prefer clay over ceramic.

What kind of set (cash/tourney) and what size/budget are you looking for?

Ich hoffe es ist ok diese Nachricht auf deutsch zu schreiben?

In YouTube Videos sieht man das viele z.B. die Majestic Clay chips haben:

Wieso bevorzugt man Clay Chips?
Ich habe auch gelesen dass man Clay Chips ölen muss das ist auch ein Nachteil oder?

Ich kenne weder die Haptik von Clay Chips noch von ceramic chips. Was für mich für ceramic chips spricht ist dass sie keine Sticker haben sondern komplett bedruckt sind.

Wieso greifen dennoch so viele lieber zu Clay Chips anstatt zu ceramic chips?

Bei der Chipmenge und der Chip Verteilung habe ich mich nach diesem Video gerichtet:

500 Chip Koffer für 10 Personen + extra Chips

Aufteilung pro Person:
20K starting stack

8x -T25
8x -T100
6x -T500
6x -T1.000
2x -T5.000

Vielleicht mit RE-Entry & Bounty

Alternativ vielleicht so:

12x -T25
12x -T100
5x -T500
6x -T1.000
2x -T5.000

Ich bin bereit etwas mehr Geld auszugeben für gute chips. Ich möchte weg von einfachen Plastik Chips.

Ich bin nur verunsichert da es allgemein heißt ceramic chips seien besser aber dennoch haben die meisten Clay Chips (so kommt es mir durch YouTube Videos vor)
Welcome from California!!
View attachment 1252469
According to the internet ceramic chips ARE better! The chips you are looking at in the link I believe are plastic though. To each their own/it's all personal preference...

Yes! The internet is the source of 100% truth, especially poker chip and political stuff! Even the contradictory things!
Since the forum is international i will answer in english, hope that is fine for you.

Actually both clay (even the good ones) and ceramic are more or less plastic in their actual material composition. They do still have their very own distinct feel and sound and there is a huge difference between those chips. Hence my advise to get samples if you want to commit for a larger purchase.

"Clay" chips and "ceramic" chips wear differently over time, with ceramics its the printing that wears off over time, with clay chips it's the chip material that wears off. Both will likely not affect your homegame too much though, since in casinos the amount of wear and handling is substantially larger than in a homegame.

Basically you have 2 real options: Follow us in the rabbit hole of hunting for chips that cost us thousands to ten-thousands depending on our wallets and taste. If you want to go down that route, look for a grab bag of samples and decide which route to take for your next set afterwards. Or, and this is definitively your best bet money-wise, buy the ceramics you linked on the original post and leave this forum immediately without ever looking back :cool
Willkommen und Grüße aus Nürnberg!

I have the same problem as you. Can't decide what chips to get.

I bought a few samples on pokershop.de with clay and ceramics. Everyone's taste is different.

I do not like clay chips. The samples of clay chips I got (majestic, casino and slowplay-clays) felt to lightweighted or heavyweighed and "empty" dont know how to say it.

the ceramic sets I bought (brpropoker, angry mallard, skyline, slowplay) felt better for me. There are more differnces like the surface on the ceramics, textured and smooth. I like smooth more, textured is "scratchy". It depends.

Get samples.

But even if you buy samples it gets even harder to decide.
Willkommen und Grüße aus Nürnberg!

I have the same problem as you. Can't decide what chips to get.

I bought a few samples on pokershop.de with clay and ceramics. Everyone's taste is different.

I do not like clay chips. The samples of clay chips I got (majestic, casino and slowplay-clays) felt to lightweighted or heavyweighed and "empty" dont know how to say it.

the ceramic sets I bought (brpropoker, angry mallard, skyline, slowplay) felt better for me. There are more differnces like the surface on the ceramics, textured and smooth. I like smooth more, textured is "scratchy". It depends.

Get samples.

But even if you buy samples it gets even harder to decide.
Pokershop does not sell real clay chips. Majestics and co are „china clays“.
Best would be to ask for samples, many German members here, somebody can send you a few chips to check them out for sure.
Ok lads, so here’s question. I’ve
sample set of Dunes from Apache and set of “casinos” - they’re obviously based on Dunes design; from pokershop. How different are they in your opinion? For me they having more saturated colours and slightly darker inlays but feel wise very similar. When i will back home I’ll take some pictures for comparison.
Ok lads, so here’s question. I’ve
sample set of Dunes from Apache and set of “casinos” - they’re obviously based on Dunes design; from pokershop. How different are they in your opinion? For me they having more saturated colours and slightly darker inlays but feel wise very similar. When i will back home I’ll take some pictures for comparison.

They are depending on the version of the Apache Dunes more or less the same or a bit more plasticky.

Both of them are however not what we mean when we say "clay".

Chips like the ones made by Paulson or CPC are actually made very different from these, both in material and manufacturing method including manual labor, inserting other material and compressing the entire chip to its final form, together with its inlay. If you want to see which chips you would like best, i'd really recommend getting a few samples of those as well. Either as dedicated sample sets or just hit Kleinanzeigen with the terms Paulson Poker and avoid those that say "no Paulsons". For Example there is a barrel (20 chips) of used Majestic Star $100 listed there.

Chances are, however, that you will find ceramic completely sufficient or even better for your needs... And at a much lower cost.
Welcome and hello from south east of Germany!

Ceramic chips are more slippery than clay chips. The colors are brighter on clay chips. You can customize clay chips with a overlabel or inlay removement and a new label. The taste (and the wallet) is different but for me clay would be the first option.
If you have any questions you can PM me (allowed if you have more than 10 messages posted).
Do apologise for another message, I didn’t know I have only 5 min to edit post.

Anyhow; here’s picture


  • IMG_4356.jpeg
    236.5 KB · Views: 57
Welcome and enjoy the ride!

Ceramics are easier to clean while china clays have a way different feel which some people really like over the slippery ceramics.
Do apologise for another message, I didn’t know I have only 5 min to edit post.

Anyhow; here’s picture
Both are injection molded plastic chips. Probably very close to each other. I bought a set of "Casino" but I wasnt too happy regarding haptic/ feel. Too slippery for me.
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Why do you prefer clay chips? I also read that you have to oil clay chips, that's also a disadvantage, right?

I don't know the feel of clay chips or ceramic chips. What speaks for me in favor of ceramic chips is that they have no stickers but are completely printed.

Why do so many people prefer clay chips instead of ceramic chips?

I'm willing to spend a little more money for good chips. I want to get away from simple plastic chips. I'm just confused because it's generally said that ceramic chips are better but most people still have clay chips (that's how it seems to me from YouTube videos)
Since the forum is international i will answer in english, hope that is fine for you.

Actually both clay (even the good ones) and ceramic are more or less plastic in their actual material composition. They do still have their very own distinct feel and sound and there is a huge difference between those chips. Hence my advise to get samples if you want to commit for a larger purchase.

"Clay" chips and "ceramic" chips wear differently over time, with ceramics its the printing that wears off over time, with clay chips it's the chip material that wears off. Both will likely not affect your homegame too much though, since in casinos the amount of wear and handling is substantially larger than in a homegame.

Basically you have 2 real options: Follow us in the rabbit hole of hunting for chips that cost us thousands to ten-thousands depending on our wallets and taste. If you want to go down that route, look for a grab bag of samples and decide which route to take for your next set afterwards. Or, and this is definitively your best bet money-wise, buy the ceramics you linked on the original post and leave this forum immediately without ever looking back :cool
haha I can see that it's a very complex topic where you can invest a lot of money. I just want good poker chips

Willkommen und Grüße aus Nürnberg!

I have the same problem as you. Can't decide what chips to get.

I bought a few samples on pokershop.de with clay and ceramics. Everyone's taste is different.

I do not like clay chips. The samples of clay chips I got (majestic, casino and slowplay-clays) felt to lightweighted or heavyweighed and "empty" dont know how to say it.

the ceramic sets I bought (brpropoker, angry mallard, skyline, slowplay) felt better for me. There are more differnces like the surface on the ceramics, textured and smooth. I like smooth more, textured is "scratchy". It depends.

Get samples.

But even if you buy samples it gets even harder to decide.
So you already have chips from poker shop? I also find the skyline chips interesting. Do you happen to have the WSOP Ace High too? https://pokershop.de/Pokerset-Ceramics-WSOP-Ace-High-500-MIX-IT
Are you not so satisfied with the clay chips from poker shop?

Pokershop does not sell real clay chips. Majestics and co are „china clays“.
Best would be to ask for samples, many German members here, somebody can send you a few chips to check them out for sure.
Do they sell real ceramic chips?

Welcome and hello from south east of Germany!

Ceramic chips are more slippery than clay chips. The colors are brighter on clay chips. You can customize clay chips with a overlabel or inlay removement and a new label. The taste (and the wallet) is different but for me clay would be the first option.
If you have any questions you can PM me (allowed if you have more than 10 messages posted).
I will do it, thank you very much
So you already have chips from poker shop? I also find the skyline chips interesting. Do you happen to have the WSOP Ace High too? https://pokershop.de/Pokerset-Ceramics-WSOP-Ace-High-500-MIX-IT
Are you not so satisfied with the clay chips from poker shop?

From pokershop.de I have: Majestic and Casino for "clay", Angry Mallard and Skyline as ceramic.

The "clays" felt cheap and the ceramics scratchy IMO. But everyone likes different stuff. A lot of people love the Majestics.

I also have the sample set of "slowplay". I liked these more. The "clays" and ceramics were smoother.

But you need to feel them by yourself before you buy a set of any chips. Otherwise you could be disappointed.
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Why do you prefer clay chips? I also read that you have to oil clay chips, that's also a disadvantage, right?

Why do so many people prefer clay chips instead of ceramic chips?
There is no major advantage of clay vs ceramic from a usefulness perspective. Ceramics do the job and they offer more customization. But for me they have less "soul" and history. It is something that everyone can get printed cheap from china any time they desire.

I love having chips that have history and were made in a manual process, sometimes with cups lost long ago. Maybe partially it is kind of snobism, maybe it is just a personal preference.

But while i don't mind playing with ceramic chips, they never really make me want to have them. It is just that they don't trigger the lizard parts of my brain in the way that old casino clay chips do.
Do they sell real ceramic chips?

I will do it, thank you very much
When it comes to ceramics there is no „real“ like with clays. All ceramics are made from very hard plastic. Lots of different varieties (smooth, structured, hybrids etc)
They sell Chinese ceramics which are fine. There are better manufacturers such as BR Pro - again getting samples is key.
I also read that you have to oil clay chips, that's also a disadvantage, right?
I don't have to oil the chips but I can oil them. In my opinion, this is not a disadvantage, but rather makes the colors appear even brighter/better after oiling.


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