Traded Harrahs Casino T25, 100, 500, 1000 for same - GOAL HIT! Still trading to help others. (1 Viewer)

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Jul 21, 2022
Reaction score
Santa Clarita, CA
This trade thread is for the nitpicking OCD folks out there. I didn't think I was one of them, but I am making this post so there's that...

I bought 2 sets (now 3) of the Harrahs Casino T25 chips to make a 600 chip 2 table tourney set. As others have noticed, there were at least 2 runs of these chips with slightly different hot stamps on the 25s through 1000s (my 5000s all look the same).

My goal is to make all my hot stamps in my set match, and while doing that, helping others do the same by doing straight up 1 for 1 trades.

Since starting this thread, I have made a number of trades and am now committed towards the thicker hot stamps of the 100s, 500s, and 1000s, and the smaller (flat 5) style of the 25s. I will send you the thinner versions (and bigger 25), and you send me the thicker versions and smaller (flat 5) 25s.

Here are the 2 different hot stamps of each...

First are the 25s. One stamp is noticeably bigger than the other but the easy difference to spot is the curl up at the bottom of the 5 on the left chip while the right 5 ends flat. I am seeking the version on the right.

For the 100s, one hot stamp is thicker than the other. In my photo, the left is the thick version and the right is thinner. I have completed my hunt for the version on the left.

The 500 chip also has a thicker and thinner hot stamp. In my photo, the thin is left and thick is right. I am seeking the version on the right.

Lastly, the 1000s also have a thick and thin font. My photo has thick on the left and thin on the right. I am no longer seeking these chips as the thicks appear to be too rare for the numbers I need.

Let me know if you want to do some trades to help make the sets uniform. I have helped several people make their sets uniform with the thinner version while making mine mostly thick. I still have a ways to go though.

My current needs are posted down towards the end of the thread. But I am pretty much trading all denoms in any quantity for the thicks.
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@calfdemon - I also bought 2 of the T25 sets...and while the differences don't tilt me I certainly wouldn't mind improving the consistency in my set. I'll PM you a bit later tonight after I'm able to get counts on how many of which version of each denom I received.
@calfdemon - I also bought 2 of the T25 sets...and while the differences don't tilt me I certainly wouldn't mind improving the consistency in my set. I'll PM you a bit later tonight after I'm able to get counts on how many of which version of each denom I received.
Sounds great!
Thanks to @Greykin , some of my goal is met and now I am committed one direction.

Still looking to trade for the following-

47 more of the smaller 25s
23 more of the thicker 500s
And (don't laugh...)
128 of the thicker 1000s.

Trading 1 for 1 and I will pay for the postage as an incentive. Let me know please! Also, my chips have not been cleaned yet, but they should be going through the ultrasonic as soon as I can (recovering from shoulder surgery).
Big fan of all the thicker denoms also - mine are all mixed so not likely I can be of much help.
If you don't get any assistance on the 25s I can sort out 2 barrels for you
With the acquisition of another set, the needed numbers will change and probably for all denoms. I will have updated numbers of my needs next week when I receive the new chips. But in the meantime, trading my thins for your thicks (and my larger 25s for your smaller 25s) in ANY quantity.
My 3rd set is scheduled to arrive Wednesday per USPS tracking. So I will have updated numbers on my needs then. But in the meantime, I am trading the thinner version of the 100s, 500s, and 1000s for your thicker versions, and I am trading the larger (curved) 25s for you smaller (flat) versions. Happy to trade any number of what I have left of each!
My 3rd set is delayed a day and is now supposed to be here tomorrow. I will post my current needs tomorrow once I see how that set breaks down. In the meantime, I am trading all 4 denoms in any quantity, my thins for your thicks...
So here are my current needs....

I need 23 more of the "flat 5" T25 chips

I need 10 more of the thicker 500s

I am good with 100s and have given up the hunt for the thick 1000s as they appear to be too rare and I would have needed 160 more of them. I've decided to keep 200 of the thinner version of those.

On a side note, I need 10 more of the 5000 chips and am offering $20 per chip for those.
After posting my needs, I realized that I have a number of chips incoming and doing the math, it looks like I have hit all of my goals (minus the 1000s and 5000s).

Here is the set I ended up with thanks to the help of many of you!

"Flat 5" T25s - 240
Thick T100s - 240
Thick T500s - 100
Thin T1000s - 200
T5000s - 60

If I can locate 10 more 5000s, then I can cut 50 of those T1000s out of the set for an even 800 chip set.

I still have extras that I can trade people to help them with their sets if they like. Just let me know in PM.

Next week, I hope to wash them all and maybe I'll post a couple photos. In the meantime this thread is open as long as I have extras to trade and help others with.
Somehow, without placing a single for sale ad, I have sold almost all of my extras to people I have traded with. Nothing much else to trade at this point other than 500s. So closing this thread.

Thank you again to all those that helped make my set uniform. Appreciate it!
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