A special Remembrance Day for me this year, though I did not know it until watching the Service of Remembrance from Ottawa. Every year, the government selects a "Silver Cross Mother" to represent all Mothers who have lost a child in military service. This year's SCM is a resident of my City. Apparently, she moved here to be closer to her daughter and grandchildren, one of whom is a Master Warrant Officer in the Lorne Scots Army Cadet Corps. The Corps is affiliated with my Reserve Regiment, and is for boys interested in the military, but not yet of age to enlist. The young man in question was allowed to escort his grandmother in Ottawa, and represented the Corps and Regiment quite well. He did not look out of place for a moment on the Vice-Regal dais. He was truly a credit to his family, his Corps, the Regiment and his heritage. And I, as a former member of the Regiment, was filled with pride for him.