Had a funny dream about a Meetup (1 Viewer)


Straight Flush
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
Centreville, VA
For some reason lately I’ve been having very vivid dreams and my dream tonight made me wake up laughing. Funny enough to post so I’m writing now in case I forget after I go back to sleep

So my dream starts off with me super excited to attend a meetup. The meetup is in MA but I’m amped that I get to play some poker and chill out for a few days. So I load up my car and drive the 9 hours to get there. It’s a dream so all of a sudden I’m there. When I arrived there’s like 30-40 people already there just chillin and talking. Everyones really cool and joking around. Someone decides to watch a movie so I’m making my rounds and getting to know people and start noticing everyone is Asian. That’s strange but I’m Asian so it’s cool. Everyone’s really nice and I’m meeting some cool ass people. Most everyone is in college and live in that local area. They’re talking about mutual friends and school and restaurants etc. Movie ends abruptly and some ones like “let’s get a game going!” I’m like “yeah let’s go!” One guy says he’s gonna start grilling some steaks so we can get a game going outside. “I’m like cool! Mind if we smoke some cigars outside while we play?” He’s like “yeah man no probs.” So people are setting up and getting ready. I don’t know where to go so I start talking to the host.

Me: “hey thanks man for putting all this together. I’m really excited for the next few days!”
Host: “yeah man. Glad you could come. What do you usually play?”
Me: “I usually play holdem but I’m down to play whatever. I haven’t played in so long I’m just itching to play”.
Host: “No I mean who do you usually play?”
Me: “I don’t know. I just play whoever.”
Host: “are you good with everybody?”
Me: “nah man, I don’t play enough. I’m not that good”
Host: “it’s all good. We’re just here to have a good time”
Me: “sounds good. Where should I sit?”
Host: “you can sit anywhere. Just find some place and wait your turn”
Me: “I have to wait?, I thought everyone’s playing now”
Host: “yeah but you gotta wait your turn like eveyone one else”
Me: “okay I’ll just go over to those guys”

So I join a group of them and notice no one is sitting at a table.

Me: “ummm. Did anyone bring chips or cards?!”
(Blank faces stare back at me)
Random guy: “uhhh we’re playing street fighter”
(I look around and everyone’s sitting at couches in front of TVs)
Me: “what is going on?”
Random dude: “This is a street fighter 2 meetup”
Me: “ huh? What? I thought it was a poker meetiup. I pull out my phone and show him a PCF meetup thread”
Some guy: “Yeah look at the thread title. Says,’Let’s meet up and play Street Fighter 2!”
Me: “Awww man! I just drove forever to get here and it’s for street fighter 2? I haven’t played that since the 90s”
Guy: “Sorry man. You can still play and chill if you want”
Me: “Nah man, I’m good. I’m gonna go home”

I get in my car and head back home thinking “maybe I should stop by Foxwoods to play at least a little”

Then I woke up.

That dream was so real that I woke up laughing at myself. Wtf man!
That movie was on last night as I drifted off to sleep lol

Round 2: FIGHT!!

Another wild and hilarious dream last night

Tiger chips were in a bunch of rooms. Only they weren’t chips but people dressed as superheroes representing Tiger chip colors. They were stacked high like chips but were fighting elaborately choreographed kungfu to see which chip was the best, very much like a Jackie Chan film. There were thousands of chips/people dressed as chips fighting. The chip/person that made it to the top was Pri $1s. It was a wild dream and highly entertaining.
Another wild and hilarious dream last night

Tiger chips were in a bunch of rooms. Only they weren’t chips but people dressed as superheroes representing Tiger chip colors. They were stacked high like chips but were fighting elaborately choreographed kungfu to see which chip was the best, very much like a Jackie Chan film. There were thousands of chips/people dressed as chips fighting. The chip/person that made it to the top was Pri $1s. It was a wild dream and highly entertaining.
Seek therapy.

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