Group Buy - SunFly 100% Plastic Cards - Interest Thread (1 Viewer)

How many set-ups would you be interested in?

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  • 2-3 set-ups

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I was considering doing the same actually, doing a big purchase from Sunfly for their cards after I received their samples and got some forum member to review them. The reviews were encouraging if the price was right, but if @Geremie is going to do it instead, then I'll let the GB do it's thing. I was considering doing the 1000 bridge size order though with the same dragon backs but different pips.
I am unclear about one thing. @SUN-FLY Poker Chips is a vendor here. If they are the catalog offered backs, would they just sell them here, or does it need to be a Group Buy? I guess, which part of this is semi-custom?

For something custom like PNY/PCA/etc, I get the reason for a GB.
Shipping is going to be a deterrent for someone ordering a low number of set-ups (at least that’s what I think)

I’m also looking to do something semi-custom since we have that opportunity.

Maybe we do a PCF back set-up (@Tommy) plus one other semi custom ... maybe see if we can get 300 total set ups as the minimum and split 200 PCF and 100 other.
Shipping is going to be a deterrent for someone ordering a low number of set-ups (at least that’s what I think)

I’m also looking to do something semi-custom since we have that opportunity.

Maybe we do a PCF back set-up (@Tommy) plus one other semi custom ... maybe see if we can get 300 total set ups as the minimum and split 200 PCF and 100 other.
We could always do a PCF main theme on the back of the cards and throw a few logos or chip faces from the heavy hitters i.e. PCA PNY EMPRESS AS ES BTP SB etc (obviously only pick a few the cards are small) and have them mingled in?
I was considering doing the same actually, doing a big purchase from Sunfly for their cards after I received their samples and got some forum member to review them. The reviews were encouraging if the price was right, but if @Geremie is going to do it instead, then I'll let the GB do it's thing. I was considering doing the 1000 bridge size order though with the same dragon backs but different pips.

Any bridge sized group buy would have to involve you, because there are not nearly enough people in this thread to order 1000. Were you thinking of doing a group buy with your logo on it? What would you be doing with them? Would people be able to buy them from you?

I'm confused about the semi-custom vs. stock. How much does customization add to the cost? I would think that would be significant? Given the marginal amount of interest overall, I think if we go with any chip theme, that would knock too many people out. I think anything else but a PCF theme would not get enough interest?

I guess I'm hoping that whatever is agreed upon, it would be easy to add on some stock decks? I would like the standard Valentino setup, I love the PIPS and the backs. I'm just confused about it all I guess.
No, wasn't going to put my logo on them, just the same dragon back as the purple deck, a second contrasting color for the 2nd deck and generic pips as opposed to the swirly ones.

I was going to purchase them for resale. I currently only carry Desjgn cards so I wanted to have a second brand available for sale for a bit more variety.

I believe that you can purchase directly from Sunfly, but only the stuff that they have in stock. So if you want to buy 4 packs of the purple dragon cards in poker size, you can do that but shipping may be cost prohibitive. Bridge size cards wouldn't be do-able unless you buy the minimum quantity of 1000.
No, wasn't going to put my logo on them, just the same dragon back as the purple deck, a second contrasting color for the 2nd deck and generic pips as opposed to the swirly ones.

I was going to purchase them for resale. I currently only carry Desjgn cards so I wanted to have a second brand available for sale for a bit more variety.

I believe that you can purchase directly from Sunfly, but only the stuff that they have in stock. So if you want to buy 4 packs of the purple dragon cards in poker size, you can do that but shipping may be cost prohibitive. Bridge size cards wouldn't be do-able unless you buy the minimum quantity of 1000.
Okay, thanks, I understand now. Well, it sounds like you would have the market cornered on Sunfly bridge cards then!
Looks like there was a misunderstanding.

Minimum quantity for standard designs with standard backs is 144 (poker) and 1000 (bridge).

Minimum quantity for customs will be 500-1000...hasn’t really been finalized yet.

I’m going to end this here...not interested in running something for 500 decks because there will be tons of excess.
That's disappointing. I would still be up for a couple setups of the stardard Valentino decks, but there certainly is not enough interest for 144 of them. I love that PIP size. If anyone knows of any others with that PIP size (other than the Ace brand), let me know.
Oh, Lord.
please give me the strength to resist buying more stuff, the credit card to buy it when I cave and the run-good to pay it all off a few weeks later...

Interested! :banghead:
Only sample I got was the dragons. That was their first deck launch. Sunfly said that it’s just the design that different between the decks...card stock is the same.

Anyone that has a deck of Fournier or Bike Prestige already has a sample deck of Sun-Fly. :D

Scroll down to the "Who Owns Who" section in that link.

& since I already opened my big mouth about it.... I'd be in for a couple sets if poker size & jumbo index.
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